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Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - Thursday, 19th September, 2024 7.00 pm
September 19, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was the first of the 2024-25 municipal year. The meeting received reports on the Corporate Performance Framework, the draft Scrutiny Annual Report, and the forward plans for the Coordinating Committee and all of the other Scrutiny Committees.
Corporate Performance Framework
The committee was scheduled to review the newly implemented Corporate Performance Framework, which was designed to improve monitoring, reporting and assurance of the council's performance. The new framework contained 82 core Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 1 with around 50 being updated monthly and the rest on a quarterly or annual basis. The committee was scheduled to discuss the findings of the report, make recommendations as required, and request further deep dives into KPIs of interest at relevant scrutiny meetings. The report highlighted two areas of particular strategic risk: the number of Adult Social Care service users whose care packages had been reviewed in the last year, and the rate of households in temporary accommodation. The report pack explains that:
Under Section 27 of the Care Act 2014, local authorities must keep Care and Support plans under periodic reviews. When residents have a package of care and support in place, it needs to be checked and reviewed regularly to confirm that this is still meeting their needs while helping develop independence wherever possible.
The report also states that:
Since March 2023, there has been a continuing upward trend in the rate of households in temporary accommodation.
The report notes that commentary on 44 KPIs was expected in this reporting period, with commentary being provided for 40 of them. The report pack identifies that:
The main reasons for missing commentary are delayed provision of data, or annual leave.
The report pack says that the next round of the Corporate Performance Report will come to the Coordinating Scrutiny Committee in November.
Draft Scrutiny Annual Report
The draft Scrutiny Annual Report 2023-24 was scheduled to be discussed by the committee. The committee was scheduled to be asked to review the report and make comments on it, recommending changes as required. The report pack explains that:
The co-ordination of the annual report will be a key annual responsibility of the new Scrutiny Coordinating Committee, outlining the work of all the scrutiny work done by the committees sitting below it, as well as themed reviews and collaborative working.
Scrutiny Coordinating Committee Forward Plan
The draft forward plan for the remainder of the municipal year was scheduled to be reviewed. The report pack explains that:
The Forward Plan is a working document. If members would like to add items to the work programme, they can nominate items during a committee meeting under this item. Alternatively, they can email the Chair or a member of the Scrutiny team at any point in the year.
Cabinet Forward Plan
The committee was scheduled to review the Cabinet forward plan and to recommend items for scrutiny to individual committees where they were not already included in the work plans.
A Key Performance Indicator is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. ↩

- 1a - Appendix A - Commentary
- 2 - Scrutiny Annual Report 23-24 draft other
- 2a - Draft Scrutiny Annual Report 23-24 other
- 3 - The Scrutiny Report
- Agenda frontsheet 19th-Sep-2024 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 19th-Sep-2024 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee reports pack
- 1 - Corporate Performance Framework
- 3a - Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - Draft Fwd Plan 24-25 other
- 3b - Cabinet Forward Plan October other
- 3b - Coordinating Committee Action Log
- 3c - ASC and Health - Draft Fwd Plan_V1
- 3d - Budget - Draft Fwd Plan 2024-25 V1