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Council - Wednesday, 15 May 2024 10.30 am

May 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with civic prayers led by Father Jeremy Chi of Saint Peter's Church, Swinton, followed by a minute of silence for the victims of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The main business of the meeting included the election of the ceremonial mayor and deputy ceremonial mayor for the municipal year 2024-25, announcements, apologies, declarations of interest, and the results of the local elections.

The most significant topic discussed was the election of the ceremonial mayor and deputy ceremonial mayor. Councillor Tanya Birch was elected as the ceremonial mayor, and Councillor Heather Fletcher was elected as the deputy ceremonial mayor for the municipal year 2024-25. The formal installation of both will take place in a separate meeting in the afternoon.

The meeting also covered the results of the local elections. The Chief Executive, as the returning officer, presented the report, congratulating all newly elected and re-elected members. Councillor Dickman and Councillor Robin Garrido expressed their thanks to the election staff and welcomed the new and returning councillors.

Another important topic was the notification of the appointment of the Cabinet for 2024-25. The City Mayor, Paul Dennett, stated that he was not yet in a position to disclose the exact members of the mayoral team but assured that an update would be provided soon.

The membership of committees and panels, including the appointments of chairs and deputy chairs, was discussed. Councillor Walters proposed an amendment to include the unwipped group in various committees, but this amendment was rejected with 48 votes against and only 3 in favor.

The appointment of representatives to outside bodies was also discussed. Amendments were made to the list, including changes to the Homes of Skills and Technology hosts.

The meeting concluded with the City Mayor's statement, where he outlined his vision for a greener, fairer, and more prosperous Salford. He highlighted key achievements and future plans, including building 600 more council homes, taking control of social care, and implementing a rugby strategy for the city. He also addressed the recent fire at Clarendon Leisure Centre, expressing sadness and outlining the steps being taken to assess the damage and plan for the future.

Several councillors, including Councillor Robin Garrido, Councillor Murray, Councillor Keeley, and Councillor Saunders, responded to the City Mayor's statement, raising various issues and congratulating the newly elected officials. The meeting ended with a note of thanks to the ceremonial mayor, Councillor Gina Reynolds, for her service and the significant amount of money raised for charity during her term.


Muna Abdel Aziz
Sam Betts
Profile image for Stuart Dickman
Stuart Dickman  Chair of Community and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Panel •  Labour •  Swinton Park
Sarah Dixon
Profile image for Adam Kealey
Adam Kealey  Chair of the Audit and Accounts Committee •  Conservative •  Worsley and Westwood Park
Profile image for Tracy Kelly
Tracy Kelly  Statutory Deputy City Mayor and Lead Member for Housing and Anti-Poverty •  Labour •  Higher Irlam and Peel Green
Michelle Lindsay
Catherine Partington
Profile image for Michael Thomas Pevitt
Michael Thomas Pevitt  Vice Chair of Growth and Prosperity Panel •  Labour •  Claremont
Profile image for Nathaniel Tetteh
Nathaniel Tetteh  Vice Chair of Audit and Accounts •  Labour •  Eccles
Profile image for John David Walsh
John David Walsh  Vice Chair of Children's Scrutiny Panel •  Labour •  Higher Irlam and Peel Green
Profile image for Darren Ward
Darren Ward  Conservative •  Boothstown and Ellenbrook