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Council - Wednesday, 15 May 2024 2.00 pm

May 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting was primarily focused on the installation of Councillor Tanya Birch as the ceremonial mayor of Salford for the municipal year 2024/25. Several councillors spoke in support of her appointment, highlighting her qualities and past contributions. The meeting also included a vote of thanks to the retiring ceremonial mayor and consort, and the installation of Councillor Heather Fletcher as the Deputy Ceremonial Mayor for the upcoming year.

  1. Installation of Councillor Tanya Birch as Ceremonial Mayor:

    • Councillor Heather Fletcher proposed the motion to install Councillor Tanya Birch as the ceremonial mayor. She shared personal stories to illustrate Councillor Birch's qualities, such as her warm and welcoming personality and her interest in learning about different cultures.
    • Councillor Hilaria Asumu seconded the motion, praising Councillor Birch's commitment to public service and her recent re-election success.
    • Councillor Robin Greedo also supported the motion, highlighting Councillor Birch's efforts to help Ukrainian families and her active involvement in the local community and church.
    • The motion was put to a vote and agreed upon by the council members. Councillor Birch then signed the statutory declaration of acceptance of office and gave a speech expressing her gratitude and outlining her plans for the year, including support for two charities: Saint Anne's Hospice and the Royal Naval Association.
  2. Vote of Thanks to Retiring Ceremonial Mayor and Consort:

    • Councillor John Womisham gave a vote of thanks to the retiring ceremonial mayor, Councillor Gina Reynolds, and her consort, Councillor Neil Reynolds, highlighting their achievements over the past year, including raising over £44,000 for charity.
    • Councillor Robin Greedo also expressed his gratitude, emphasizing the significant amount of money raised for charity and their dedication to their roles.
    • Councillor Gina Reynolds gave a valedictory address, reflecting on her year as ceremonial mayor and thanking those who supported her. She mentioned various memorable events and her pride in promoting Salford as an inclusive and caring city.
  3. Installation of Councillor Heather Fletcher as Deputy Ceremonial Mayor:

    • Councillor Maria Brabener proposed the motion to install Councillor Heather Fletcher as the Deputy Ceremonial Mayor for the municipal year 2024/25.
    • Councillor Jan Womisham seconded the motion, expressing his pleasure in supporting his colleague.
    • Councillor Analucondas supported the motion, highlighting Councillor Fletcher's popularity and her role in the local Jewish community and the Muslim Jewish Forum.
    • The motion was put to a vote and confirmed by the council members.

The meeting concluded with expressions of gratitude and best wishes for the new ceremonial mayor and deputy ceremonial mayor.


Muna Abdel Aziz
Sam Betts
Profile image for Stuart Dickman
Stuart Dickman  Chair of Community and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Panel •  Labour •  Swinton Park
Sarah Dixon
Profile image for Adam Kealey
Adam Kealey  Chair of the Audit and Accounts Committee •  Conservative •  Worsley and Westwood Park
Profile image for Tracy Kelly
Tracy Kelly  Statutory Deputy City Mayor and Lead Member for Housing and Anti-Poverty •  Labour •  Higher Irlam and Peel Green
Michelle Lindsay
Catherine Partington
Profile image for Michael Thomas Pevitt
Michael Thomas Pevitt  Vice Chair of Growth and Prosperity Panel •  Labour •  Claremont
Profile image for Nathaniel Tetteh
Nathaniel Tetteh  Vice Chair of Audit and Accounts •  Labour •  Eccles
Profile image for John David Walsh
John David Walsh  Vice Chair of Children's Scrutiny Panel •  Labour •  Higher Irlam and Peel Green
Profile image for Darren Ward
Darren Ward  Conservative •  Boothstown and Ellenbrook