Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 12 September 2024 10.00 am

September 12, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to consider two applications for new premises licences. One for a cinema and bar at 10 Bermondsey Square, and the second for a nightclub in a railway arch at 30 Manor Place.

The Arzner, 10 Bermondsey Square, SE1 3UN

This application was made by Revolting on Screen Ltd.

The application proposed the following:

  • The screening of films and plays
  • The provision of live and recorded music
  • The performance of dance
  • The sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises
  • Late night refreshment
  • Opening hours from 10:00 to 23:00 Sunday to Wednesday, and from 10:00 to 00:00 Thursday to Saturday.

This report was provided to the attendees for the meeting after representations made by Southwark Council's Trading Standards and Licensing teams were withdrawn because the applicant agreed to their proposed conditions.

The report pack details representations from three other persons. One from the Bermondsey Square Recognised Tenants Association and two from residents of the area. The representations were made on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance. In particular they expressed concern about music pollution, litter and light pollution from the venue and patrons. They asked that the application be rejected, or if that was not possible, that the council impose additional conditions to protect residents' amenity.

The report pack contains a list of the conditions that the applicant had already agreed to.

Barrio Latino, Arch 183, 30 Manor Place, London SE17 3BB.

This application was made by Barrio Latino Management Limited. It requested permission for the venue to be used as a nightclub, with the following hours:

  • The sale by retail of alcohol (on sales only):
    • Sunday and Thursday: 16:00 to 02:30
    • Friday and Saturday: 16:00 to 03:30
  • The provision of late night refreshment (indoors):
    • Sunday and Thursday from 23:30 to 02:30
    • Friday and Saturday from 23:30 to 03:30
  • The provision of regulated entertainment in the form of recorded music (indoors) and anything similar:
    • Sunday and Thursday from 23:30 to 02:30
    • Friday and Saturday from 23:30 to 03:30
  • Opening Hours:
    • Sunday and Thursday from 16:00 to 03:00
    • Friday and Saturday from 16:00 to 04:00.

This report was provided to the attendees of the meeting after an initial application for a licence for a venue named 'Level High' in the same arch was rejected because it was incomplete.

The report pack contains details of all of the representations that were made on this application:

  • The Metropolitan Police Service Licensing Division said that because the venue is in a densely residential area it is not suitable to operate as a nightclub. They went on to say that the proposed conditions were insufficient to address their concerns, and that the granting of the licence with these hours would have a detrimental impact on the community.
  • Southwark Council's Environmental Protection team said they were concerned that granting the licence would cause significant public nuisance from noise. They asked for a noise impact assessment, which at the time of the meeting had not been provided. They also asked for the applicant to prepare a people management plan to manage the flow of patrons to and from the venue.
  • Southwark Council's Trading Standards team said that the conditions offered in the application are insufficient to meet the licensing objective of the protection of children from harm. They proposed four additional conditions to require the venue to implement a 'Challenge 25' age verification policy and keep records of staff training and refused sales.
  • Southwark Council's Licensing team said that they object to the application because the hours requested were significantly outside those recommended in the council's Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-2026.
  • Ten residents also submitted representations about this application. Their representations made similar points to those made by the Metropolitan Police, and also expressed concern that the venue had already been operating without a licence.

The report pack provides details of the Temporary Event Notices that were granted for the premises over the past year, including 11 that were granted to Mr Jose Manuel Perez De La Cruz, and three to Mr Sergio Esteban Perez De La Cruz. Mr Sergio Esteban Perez De La Cruz is the proposed Designated Premises Supervisor for the venue.

The report also includes a statement from a council enforcement officer that he visited the venue at 02:30 on 13 July 2024 and found it operating as a nightclub, despite not having a premises licence. The officer spoke to Mr Sergio Esteban Perez De La Cruz, who was in charge of the venue at the time, and issued a notice requiring the venue to stop trading. The report includes details of a warning letter that was later sent to Barrio Latino Management Limited.


  • Andrew Heron
  • Andrew Weir
  • Charlie Jerrom
  • Charlotte Precious
  • David Franklin
  • Debra Allday
  • Ken Andrews
  • PC Mark Lynch
  • Toyin Calfos
  • Wesley McArthur