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Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 12 September 2024 10.00 am
September 12, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This Licensing Sub-Committee meeting was scheduled to discuss two applications for new premises licences, one for The Arzner, a new cinema and bar at 10 Bermondsey Square and one for Barrio Latino, a nightclub at Arch 183, 30 Manor Place. It is important to note that this summary is based only on the documents provided to attendees in advance of the meeting and we do not know what was actually discussed or decided.
The Arzner, 10 Bermondsey Square
The application for The Arzner was made by Revolting on Screen Ltd and requested permission for the following activities:
- Plays, films, live music, recorded music, and performance of dance – indoors, Sunday to Wednesday 10:00 to 00:00, Thursday to Saturday 10:00 to 02:00.
- Late night refreshment – indoors, Thursday to Saturday 23:00 to 00:00.
- The sale by retail of alcohol (on and off the premises) – Sunday to Wednesday 10:00 to 00:00, Thursday to Saturday 10:00 to 01:00.
- Opening Hours – Sunday to Wednesday 10:00 to 00:00, Thursday to Saturday 10:00 to 02:00.
The report pack notes that the premises is in the Borough and Bankside and London Bridge strategic cultural area. Southwark Council's Statement of Licensing Policy1 recommends closing times for venues of this kind of 02:00 for cinemas and theatres, Sunday to Thursday 23:00 and Friday and Saturday 00:00 for public houses and wine bars, and Sunday to Thursday 00:00 and Friday and Saturday 01:00 for restaurants and cafes.
Representations about the application were received from Southwark Council's Trading Standards and Licensing teams, as well as from the Bermondsey Square Recognised Tenants Association and two residents. The Trading Standards and Licensing representations were withdrawn after the applicant agreed to additional conditions, but the other representations remained in place at the time of the meeting. The Bermondsey Square Recognised Tenants Association raised concerns about music pollution, litter, and light pollution, stating that families with young children live above the premises. The residents expressed similar concerns about public nuisance, as well as concerns about crime and disorder and antisocial behaviour.
The report pack notes that The premises licence application form provides the applicant’s operating schedule. Parts I, J, K, L, and M of the operating schedule set out the proposed licensable activities, operating hours and operating control measures in full, with reference to the four licensing objectives as stated in the Licensing Act 2003. Should a premises licence be issued in respect of the application the information provided in part M of the operating schedule will form the basis of conditions that will be attached to any licence granted subsequent to the application.
A copy of the application form (Appendix A Application) is included in the report pack. It states that Mercedes Ashford, who holds a personal licence issued by Southwark Council, would be the designated premises supervisor. The operating schedule describes the premises as a Cinema and bar
, and states that Challenge 25 posters will be displayed and acted upon. A register of incidents will be maintained and available for inspection. All staff will be trained on recognising and protecting vulnerable customers.
Barrio Latino, Arch 183, 30 Manor Place
Barrio Latino Management Limited applied for a new premises licence for their premises at Arch 183, 30 Manor Place. The application sought permission for the sale of alcohol, the provision of late night refreshment and the provision of regulated entertainment in the form of recorded music and anything similar.
The requested hours are as follows:
- Sale of alcohol (on sales only):
- Sunday & Thursday: 16:00 to 02:30
- Friday & Saturday: 16:00 to 03:30
- Late night refreshment (indoors):
- Sunday & Thursday: 23:30 to 02:30
- Friday & Saturday: 23:30 to 03:30
- Regulated Entertainment - Recorded Music (indoors) and anything similar:
- Sunday & Thursday: 23:30 to 02:30
- Friday & Saturday: 23:30 to 03:30
- Opening hours:
- Sunday & Thursday: 16:00 to 03:00
- Friday & Saturday: 16:00 to 04:00
The report pack describes the premises as being situated in the Elephant and Castle Major Town Centre, but notes that the area is populated by residential buildings some less than 30 metres away.
It goes on to state that [t]he recommended closing hours for public houses under the statement of licensing policy for that location is Sunday to Thursday until 23:00, Friday and Saturday until 00:00
and [t]he recommended closing hours for restaurants under the statement of licensing policy for that location is Sunday to Thursday until 00:00, Friday and Saturday until 01:00.
There are no recommended hours for nightclubs at this location.
The application attracted representations from the Metropolitan Police Service's Licensing Division, Southwark Council's Environmental Protection Team and Trading Standards team, and the Council's Licensing team. It also attracted representations from ten local residents. None of these representations were withdrawn at the time of the meeting.
The Metropolitan Police Service stated that The location is clearly not suitable for a Night Club or any other late night opening venue
. The Environmental Protection Team expressed significant concerns about potential public nuisance
and noted that it had already received two noise complaints. The Council's Licensing team objected on the grounds of all four licensing objectives and noted that the premises had been found to be operating as a nightclub without a licence in place during a visit by enforcement officers on Saturday 13 July 2024. The residents' objections included concerns about the premises already being open despite not having a licence, the potential for noise from the premises and patrons, and the management of the premises.
The application form states that the premises is an Arch for events
and, later, a Night Club
. Sergio Esteban Perez De La Cruz, who holds a personal licence from the London Borough of Islington, is named as the proposed designated premises supervisor. The application proposed numerous steps to promote the four licensing objectives, including the use of CCTV, an incident log, risk assessments for door supervisors, a dispersal policy, a Challenge 25 policy, staff training, the provision of first aid equipment, and participation in the Ask for Angela scheme.
The Statement of Licensing Policy is a document that sets out the council's approach to licensing decisions. It includes guidance on the four licensing objectives: the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm. ↩