Chief Officer Appointment - Director of Communications, Staffing Committee - Thursday, 12th September, 2024 1.00 pm

September 12, 2024 View on council website
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The Staffing Committee of Waltham Forest Council met to discuss the appointment of a new Corporate Director of Communications & Campaigns.

Chief Officer Appointment: Director of Communications

The Committee was scheduled to interview candidates for the role of Corporate Director of Communications & Campaigns.

Three candidates had been shortlisted following a national recruitment campaign. The seven candidates on the longlist had previously been interviewed by a recruitment agency and Debbie Porter, the Strategic Director of Neighbourhoods & Environment at Waltham Forest Council.

The report noted that Financial provision for this post exist[ed] within the Council’s budget. The report also stated that The Staffing Committee has delegated authority from full Council to make these appointments to chief officer posts.