General Exception Notices - Thursday 12 September 2024 10.00 am

September 12, 2024 View on council website
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The General Exception Notices committee was scheduled to consider a report on the council entering into an agreement to receive funding from the third round of the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF3).

Authority to enter into Memorandum of Understanding - Local Authority Housing Fund Round 3

The committee was asked to consider a report on the council entering into an agreement to receive money from the government's Local Authority Housing Fund Round 3 (LAHF3).

This report was brought to the committee as a matter of urgency under a General Exception Notice. A General Exception Notice allows councils to make decisions without giving the usual 28 days notice.

This is because at least 28 clear days notice was not given of the intention to take the key decision listed below.

- Hackney Council, General Exception Notice - LAHF3 Funding 04 September 2024

The report proposed that the council enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to receive money from the LAHF3. In return for the money the council would have to commit to building new council homes. The report argued that entering into this agreement was time-sensitive and that failing to do so would risk delaying the delivery of new council homes.

Urgent decision in order to receive government funding under a Memorandum of Understanding and avoid a delay to the acquisition programme.

- Hackney Council, General Exception Notice - LAHF3 Funding 04 September 2024

The report was to be presented by Nathan Keats, an officer in the Climate, Homes and Economy directorate. Rickardo Hyatt, Group Director for Climate, Homes and Economy, was scheduled to make a decision on whether to approve the report. The lead members for this decision were Cllr Chapman and Cllr Etti.