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Pensions Committee - Thursday, 6th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 6, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting covered several key topics, including the responsible investment update report, climate-related financial disclosures, and the role of defence companies in the council's investment portfolio. The committee also discussed the importance of governance and transparency in their decision-making processes.

Responsible Investment Update Report

The committee reviewed the responsible investment update report presented by Claire. The report detailed the fund's investment activities during the final quarter of 2023/24 and included recommendations for the committee to consider. Key points discussed were:

  • The committee should work towards publishing their first climate-related disclosure report for the year ending March 2025.
  • Engagement and voting activities from LAPFF1, Border to Coast, Robeco, Legal & General, and Morgan Stanley were included in the report.
  • The committee was encouraged to continue training on climate-related risks and reporting requirements, with a half-day training session proposed for September 19, 2024.

Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

The committee discussed the importance of climate-related financial disclosures and the need for ongoing training. The goal is to publish the first climate-related disclosures for the financial year 2024/25 by the first half of 2025. The training will cover key areas such as strategy, climate scenario analysis, and climate-related risks and opportunities.

Defence Companies and Investment Policies

A significant portion of the meeting focused on the role of defence companies like BAE Systems in the council's investment portfolio. Concerns were raised about the impact of ESG2 policies on these companies, especially in light of recent de-banking issues faced by BAE Systems with Barclays. Key points included:

  • The importance of supporting defence companies that contribute to national security.
  • The need for a balanced approach to ESG policies that does not compromise the operational capabilities of defence firms.
  • The committee's role in providing feedback to LAPFF and other action groups to ensure that investment policies align with national security interests.

Governance and Transparency

The committee emphasized the importance of governance and transparency in their decision-making processes. It was suggested that representatives from LAPFF be invited to future meetings to provide more detailed information and answer questions directly from the committee members.

Other Business

  • Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bunny and Ashley Morris.
  • Declarations of interest were made by several members, including interests in the Veterans Fund and investments in companies mentioned in the meeting papers.
  • The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed, and members were reminded to complete any outstanding training.

  1. LAPFF - Local Authority Pension Fund Forum 

  2. ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance