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Corporate Parenting Panel - Thursday, 9th May, 2024 10.00 am

May 9, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting
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The council meeting focused on reviewing and updating various services and strategies related to children in care and care leavers. Key topics included the restructuring of the Corporate Parenting Panel, updates from the Voices for Choices initiative, the Children in Care Sufficiency Strategy, and the work program for future meetings.

  1. Restructuring of the Corporate Parenting Panel: The panel discussed making the meetings more thematic and less formal to better engage young people directly. The decision aims to make the panel's work more relevant and impactful by focusing on specific themes that matter to the youth. This change is expected to enhance participation and ensure that the feedback from young people is effectively incorporated into service improvements. The implications include potentially richer discussions and more targeted actions that directly address the needs and suggestions of children in care.

  2. Updates from Voices for Choices: The update highlighted fluctuating attendance at events designed to engage children in care, with better attendance at events that included enjoyable activities. The decision to continue these events, despite varying attendance, underscores the commitment to hearing from children in care, recognizing the importance of their feedback in shaping services. The implication is a continued effort to refine and improve engagement strategies to maximize participation and impact.

  3. Children in Care Sufficiency Strategy: The council reviewed the annual update to the action plan, which focuses on improving in-house and independent placement options, enhancing support for care leavers, and addressing the needs of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. The strategy aims to ensure sufficient, high-quality care options are available. The decision to continue developing this strategy has significant implications for the welfare and support structures available to children in care, aiming to improve outcomes across the board.

  4. Work Program Review: The panel agreed to revise the work program to align with the new thematic approach of the meetings. This decision ensures that future meetings are structured to effectively address the chosen themes, making the best use of the panel's time and resources. The implication is a more organized and focused approach to tackling issues that affect children in care and care leavers.

Interesting Note: The meeting also included a proposal for a report on marketing strategies related to fostering and care services, highlighting the importance of effective communication and outreach in these areas. This reflects a growing recognition of the role of marketing in enhancing the reach and impact of care services.