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Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission - Thursday 26 September 2024 7.00 pm
September 26, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting covered two main topics: the council’s plans to create and support business networks across Southwark, and its plans to support residents with finding employment and developing the skills they need.
Town Centre Action Plans
The commission was scheduled to receive a report on the Town Centre Action Plans that have been created for Peckham, Camberwell, Elephant & Castle/Walworth Road, Canada Water, and Bermondsey.
The report explained that:
The council delivery plan includes the commitment to deliver thriving high streets, investing in our town centres and delivering major improvements.
(Report Draft Town Centre Action Plan: Page 1 Paragraph 4)
The report explained that the plans themselves contain a summary of all the activities the council is undertaking in each town centre, including street cleaning, planning, and cultural activities, and that each town centre now has a dedicated council officer to coordinate the various activities that are planned.
The report also explained that versions of the plan are being made public, that the council will use them to encourage business engagement, and that they will be updated to take into account the emerging Neighbourhood Plans.
Finally, the report provided details of the work the council has been doing to encourage businesses in the different town centres to form business networks. The report explained that the council has been working with the SE5 Forum in Camberwell, Tree Shepherd and Mountview in Peckham, and the Elephant and Castle Business Forum.
The report also provided details of the Thriving High Streets Fund that the council has been running. The fund, which is financed by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, has distributed a total of £484,703 to 21 businesses and organisations in Southwark. A breakdown of the awards was included in Appendix 1 of the report.
Local Economy Programmes
The commission was scheduled to receive a report from Councillor John Batteson, the Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Jobs and Business, on the work his team has been doing to deliver the various commitments in the Southwark 2030 plan and the Southwark Economic Strategy 2023-30.
The report explained the council's plans for supporting residents into employment through the Southwark Works programme, its plans to create 2,000 new apprenticeships and 250 paid internships for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds by 2026, and its plans to promote the take up of the London Living Wage.
The report also described the work the council has been undertaking to deliver a range of skills programmes, including its plans to support residents in finding Green Jobs, to help residents find work in the hospitality sector, to support people to develop the skills they need to work in the life sciences sector, and to help residents find work in the creative and cultural industries.
Finally, the report described the work the council has been doing to support local businesses through the Southwark Pioneers Fund. This includes programmes to support entrepreneurs, help existing businesses grow, help businesses become more environmentally friendly and to support social enterprises.
Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission Work Programme 2024-25
The commission was scheduled to review its work programme for the 2024-25 year. The report explained that the commission would be discussing the following:
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, including hearing from representatives of the Southwark Parent Carer Forum.
- Early intervention for people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- The backlog in Education and Health Care Plans
- Town Centre Action Plans
- The local economy, including apprenticeships, supporting residents into employment and the Southwark Pioneers Fund.
The work programme itself lists the topics that the commission was scheduled to discuss at future meetings. This included:
- Hearing from a retired headteacher about their work with SEND pupils.
- The council's Inclusion Charter and the demographics of school exclusions and persistent absences.
- Hearing from representatives from charities working on SEND issues, including the Council for Disabled Children, Mencap, and Scope
- The work of the Southwark Safeguarding Children Partnership

- Video Link YouTube Thursday 26-Sep-2024 19.00 Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 26-Sep-2024 19.00 Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission agenda
- Public reports pack Thursday 26-Sep-2024 19.00 Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission reports pack