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Education Children and Young People Scrutiny Commission - Thursday 26th September 2024 7.00 p.m.
September 26, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting or read trancriptSummary
The Education, Children and Young People Scrutiny Commission noted the contents of the Youth Justice and Youth Empowerment reports and asked for more detailed data on school attendance to be provided to them at a future meeting. The meeting was the first of the 2024-2025 municipal year.
School Attendance
The commission discussed school attendance in the borough, particularly amongst specific ethnic groups and children with special educational needs. The interim Director for Education, Inclusion and Achievement explained that the council had developed a universal support strategy in partnership with schools and the Department for Education, and was sharing the lessons learned from this with other local authorities. The commission asked for more detailed data on school attendance to be provided to them at a future meeting, broken down by Key Stage.
The Written Statement of Action
The progress made on Newham Council's Written Statement of Action (WSoA) was discussed. The WSoA sets out the actions that the council has agreed to undertake to improve its provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The commission heard that there had been improvements in some areas, such as a reduction in waiting times for speech and language therapy and occupational therapy. However, there had also been an increase in the overall waiting time for a diagnosis. The commission asked for a report on the progress that has been made and the areas where further improvement is needed.
Keeping Children Safe
The commission reviewed the annual report of the Newham Safeguarding Children’s Board. The report highlighted the increase in referrals to children’s services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the cost of living crisis, and exploitation concerns related to knife crime. The commission discussed the work that is being done to keep children safe in Newham, including the council’s transformation programme, which is looking at opportunities for early intervention and early help for families.
The meeting concluded with thanks to the members of the commission for their work during the previous municipal year.

- Supplementary Agenda 26th-Sep-2024 19.00 Education Children and Young People Scrutiny Commission agenda
- KPI Dashboard_v2 002 other
- Public reports pack 26th-Sep-2024 19.00 Education Children and Young People Scrutiny Commission reports pack
- draft 1.0 Unconfirmed minutes other
- Agenda frontsheet 26th-Sep-2024 19.00 Education Children and Young People Scrutiny Commission agenda
- ECYP COVER REPORT ECYP Annual Work Programme 2024_2025 170924
- ECYP Annual Work Programme 2024 2025
- Officer report template to scrutiny committee - Youth Empowerment Service
- Scrutiny report YES 18.9.24 other
- Officer report template to scrutiny committee - SCRUTINY CYPS YOUTH JUSTICE
- London Borough of Newham_Youth Justic Service Plan_2425 for Scrutiny other