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Licensing Sub Committee C - Wednesday 25 September 2024 7.00 pm
September 25, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting considered applications for one new premises licence and one variation of an existing licence. The Sub-Committee was also scheduled to consider any temporary event notices, but these were withdrawn before the meeting.
Application for a Premises Licence: Dalston Superstore, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB
The owners of Dalston Superstore, a nightclub at 117 Kingsland High Street in Dalston, E8 applied to vary their premises licence.
The application was made to remove several outdated conditions that referred to the venue operating as a theatre, to update other conditions, and to extend the hours of operation. The applicant requested permission for the following:
- Sales of alcohol for consumption on the premises from 10:00 to 01:30 Sundays to Wednesdays and 10:00 to 03:30 Thursdays to Saturdays.
- Provision of late night refreshment from 23:00 to 02:00 Sundays to Wednesdays and 23:00 to 04:00 Thursdays to Saturdays
- The performance of plays, exhibition of films, performance of live music, playing of recorded music, and performance of dance from 10:00 to 02:00 Sundays to Wednesdays and 10:00 to 04:00 Thursdays to Saturdays.
- Anything of a similar description to that falling within live music, recorded music or dance, including karaoke, from 10:00 to 02:00 Sundays to Wednesdays and 10:00 to 04:00 Thursdays to Saturdays.
- For the hours of operation to be extended to 04:00 the following morning for each of the above on Easter Sunday, the Sundays immediately following the early May bank holiday, Spring bank holiday and Summer Bank Holiday, Boxing Day, and New Years Eve.
The application received letters of support from Positive East1 and 'We are Superstore', which represents users of the venue The application also received representations objecting to the granting of the licence from the Metropolitan Police and the Licensing Authority.
The Metropolitan Police raised concerns about the prevention of crime and disorder, but withdrew these after the applicant agreed to a condition requiring them to employ one Security Industry Authority door supervisor per 100 customers from 22:00.
Hackney Council Licensing Authority objected to the application on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm. They were particularly concerned about the application to extend the hours for the sale of alcohol beyond those set out for the area in Hackney Council's Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2028, saying:
Later hours may be considered where the applicant has identified any risk that may undermine the promotion of the licensing objectives and has put in place robust measures to mitigate those risks. It should be noted that this policy does not apply to those who are making an application within a special policy area... unless they have been able to demonstrate that the proposed activity or operation of the premises will not add to the cumulative impact that is already being experienced.
The Licensing Authority also argued that the premises should not be permitted to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises after 23:00.
Variation to a Premises Licence: Copper Cats, 574-576 Kingsland Road, E8 4AP
The applicant, Awot Tesfai requested permission to vary the licence for Copper Cats, a restaurant at 574-576 Kingsland Road in Dalston, E8.
The applicant sought to remove several conditions, to change the hours when Security Industry Authority door supervisors were required, to change a condition limiting the consumption of alcohol in the rear garden to 15 smokers at any one time, and to extend the hours for the sale of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment, and the hours the venue was open to the public.
The applicant argued that:
The application is to remove outdated and ambiguous conditions referring to 'theatre' activities.
Hackney Council Licensing Authority objected to the application on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm.
The Metropolitan Police made no representations on the application.
Positive East is a charity supporting people living with HIV in East London. ↩

- Supplementary papers Agenda Item 6 Dalston Superstore Positive East letter and additional submiss agenda
- Supplementary papers Agenda Item 6 Positive East letter and additional submission of support 2 We agenda
- Positive East letter.docx
- additional support 1 and 2-attachment_Redacted
- 2 additional support 1 and 2-attachment_Redacted 1
- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 25-Sep-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub Committee C agenda
- 25 Sep 2024 -Report - 547-276 Kingsland Road_Redacted
- LSC 25 Sep 2024- Dalston Superstore-117 Kingsland High Street
- Public reports pack Wednesday 25-Sep-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub Committee C reports pack
- Draft 5.08.24 LSC D meeting minutes v1 other
- Supplementary Agenda item 6 Dalston Superstore - Witness statement Wednesday 25-Sep-2024 19.00 Li agenda
- Statement 34-36 SNR STORM F2 _Redacted