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East Area Committee - Monday 23rd September, 2024 7.00 pm

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The East Area Committee approved funding for the Church Lane Community Garden. The Committee deferred decisions on funding applications for pavement renewal works at Hayes Crescent and the development of an inclusive playground at New Southgate Recreation Ground.

Church Lane Community Garden

The Committee approved a grant of £57,282 to fund the development of a community garden in Church Lane, East Finchley.

The Committee heard from Councillor Arjun Mittra who described the current state of the area as **really quite appalling and dilapidated**. He said the project would **reinvigorate** the area and **encourage biodiversity**.

Councillor Alison Moore said that new planters would **incorporate those into an enhanced scheme** and **make a real difference to that stretch of Church Lane, making it feel much more vibrant**. She also expressed hope that **some really serious thought about planting that would support butterflies** would be put into the scheme.

The Committee heard from Judith Salomon, a local resident who was involved in the project. She said:

To your questions on the maintenance, we will undertake that. So the same as what's happening at Leopold Road. So if you do give us the funding, we're going to get a group of people together and commit between us to maintain the two areas.

She told the Committee that local people would maintain the garden, and that the scheme would involve replacing dilapidated benches and cycle stands. She said the aim was to provide space for cycle parking **in a nicer way and also enable another bench to go there.**

Councillor Pauline Coakley-Webb asked whether the benches would be made of metal to prevent vandalism, and whether the new cycle stands would leave space on the pavement for buggies and wheelchairs to get by. Ms Salomon said they would follow the Council's advice on what kind of bench to install, and that the new cycle stands would provide space for buggies and wheelchairs to pass by.

Councillor Jennifer Grocock raised a question about the proposal to reinstate cobbles, as there was no funding allocation listed in the proposal. Councillor Mittra said that this was an aspiration, and that they would be **guided by the highways team and the council as to what's feasible.**

Hayes Crescent Road Renewal

The Committee deferred a decision on an application by Councillor Dean Cohen to allocate £138,767.48 to fund pavement renewal works at Hayes Crescent in Golders Green.

Councillor Cohen described Hayes Crescent as a **busy road in terms of the footway**. He said the works would be a **straightforward scheme** and that there was **not much to explain other than the footway relay**.

Councillor Coakley-Webb asked officers for information on the priority of the works. She asked: **Do we know where this is on the list or has this got to be reassessed to give us an idea as to where it would compare with other areas of the borough?**

Councillor Moore raised concerns that the project might set a **precedent** and that it would be unfair to fund a scheme that was not on the Council's existing list of priority works. She said: **I am slightly concerned that we've got something coming up which has or hasn't got a place on that priority list that's coming to ask for money from the area committee.**

She added: **lots of us have challenging roads in our wards and we argue their case within that set of objective criteria. But it just feels to me like we're setting an awkward precedent for things that we are each particularly passionate about.**

Councillor Moore concluded: **What I would really like to know for this from officers for the priority list is to where is this in comparison with other needs within the borough?**

Councillor Anne Hutton proposed that the decision be deferred: **Is there any merit on deferring this to the next meeting so that we can clarify the parameters for which we're looking at this one?**

Councillor Cohen responded that there was a precedent for allocating Area Committee funds to fund pavement renewal works, and that there was no reason why this project should not be funded. He said: **just the same things happen, you know, why can't when we have a play scheme for playground in a park, why can't that come out of the budget for green spaces? It's the same thing.**

The Committee agreed to defer the decision so they could find out where the project would fit on the Council's priority list.

New Southgate Recreation Ground Inclusive Playground

The Committee also deferred a decision on an application for £129,901.77 of funding for an inclusive playground at New Southgate Recreation Ground. The application was made by Councillor Paul Lemon, who was absent from the meeting.

Councillor Moore told the Committee that Councillor Lemon **lays out a good case for this playground**, and said the scheme would be **a great public health benefit**.

However, members of the Committee expressed concerns that the application contained insufficient information about the proposed playground. Councillor Michael Mire said: **Typically we get given a plan.** We're being asked to invest from his budget £129,901.77p. I would expect all of us, if we were doing building work in our own homes, we would know where we're putting the light fittings and the screws. I would seek to get that clarity before voting on this.

Councillor Grocock asked for more details about the play equipment and plans for the cafe. She said: **But all we've got is an aerial shot.**

Councillor Mittra then adjourned the meeting for five minutes to see if the missing information could be located. When the meeting resumed he told members: **we've just gotten a copy of the designs sent by the officer, so those are going to be circulated to members now.**

Councillor Mire then proposed that the decision be deferred until the next meeting: **I would propose a motion in my name to defer, to give us time to look at and review properly, this is taxpayers' money we're dealing with, and bring it back to the next meeting.**

The Committee voted to defer the decision.