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This Licensing Panel was scheduled to determine an application made by Motor Fuel Limited 1 to vary a premises licence in respect of Isleworth Service Station.
Isleworth Service Station
The applicant proposed to extend the existing hours for off-sales of alcohol at the premises to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They also proposed to add late night refreshment to the licence between the hours of 23:00 and 05:00. There were three representations from members of the public objecting to the application. These included several concerns.
The current hours the premises are open for the sale of petrol including the shop, namely are open to the public as standard days and times, are 06.00-23.00 Monday to Sunday; and not as stated in the application Mon-Sunday 00.00-24.00.
The representation made the point that the applicant had previously stated that they sought to match their licensing hours to their trading hours.
Logical conclusion of the application is an intention to increase the trading hours of all aspects of trade, including petrol/car wash etc., to 00.00-24.00 but even if it is not the intention to include petrol/car wash, cars will either be parking in Lynton Close and/or entering the service station premises thus disturbing residents’ sleep during the sensitive hours at night and early morning
It was also noted that the premises were adjacent to Redlees Park, which had suffered anti-social behaviour, including traveller incursions, drug dealing, and crime against women and girls.
Likewise the disturbance from the noisy car wash facilities would also cause disturbance during sensitive hours, particularly as there are many occasions when it ceases to function correctly through the rear shutter malfunctioning and thus not closing as it should to mitigate the noise albeit that noise is never completely eradicated.
Concern was raised about a previous incident involving the Police that took place at the premises.
During the last year, an incident within the garage premises spread over into Lynton Close necessitating arrival of some six Police cars and a van, with two arrests resulting; the disturbance caused continued until well past 1 a.m.
The report pack contained Hounslow's Licensing Policy 2020-25. It stated:
Hours for the supply of alcohol will generally be restricted to between 09:00 and 23:00.
The report pack also contained guidance from the Monitoring Officer on declaring interests. This guidance stated:
Members are reminded to consider the categories of interests in the Members’ Code of Conduct to determine whether they have an interest in any agenda item and any action they should take.
The report pack provided the Licensing Panel's procedure. It stated that:
The panel may take into account documentary or other evidence produced by a party either before the hearing or with consent of all the other parties at the hearing.
The meeting report included the minutes from a previous Licensing Panel held on Monday 7 September 2020. At that meeting a previous application from Motor Fuel Limited for Isleworth Service Station had been approved. The minutes noted that:
The Applicant stated they were asking for a one hour variation to match their licensing hours to their trading hours, which were 06:00 to 23:00.
Motor Fuel Limited is a company that operates petrol stations. It's registered address is in St. Albans and it's company number is 5206547. ↩
Decisions to be made in this meeting

- Decisions Monday 23-Sep-2024 19.30 Licensing Panel other
- Agenda frontsheet Monday 23-Sep-2024 19.30 Licensing Panel agenda
- Public reports pack Monday 23-Sep-2024 19.30 Licensing Panel reports pack
- OrderofBusiness
- MO Guidance on Declaring Interests - May 2022 other
- Licensing Panel Procedure
- Isleworth Service Station - Report for 23rd Sept
- Isleworth Service Station- Appendix A
- Isleworth Service Station - Appendix B
- licensing_policy_2020_2025_oct20 6 other
- Isleworth Service Station - Appendix C