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Hounslow South, Isleworth and Osterley & Spring Grove Area Forum - Thursday, 26 September 2024 7:30 pm
September 26, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Hounslow South, Isleworth and Osterley & Spring Grove Area Forum meeting included an informal networking event and an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions. The meeting also included scheduled discussions on the delivery of elderly care, an update on transport issues in the area, and a presentation about Community Hubs in the area.
Delivery of elderly care
A discussion led by Jaz Gill was scheduled about collaborative working between the council and the Borough Based Partnership in the delivery of primary care services. This was due to include general practice, dental services, health screening and social prescribing. The Borough Based Partnership is the name given to the local integrated care system for Hounslow. Integrated care systems were introduced in the Health and Care Act 2022, which said that they [bring] together partners across health and care to improve population health and care
Transport Update
Paul Robinson, Rob Heslop and Finn Campbell were scheduled to give a presentation about the impact of transport issues on the 3 wards in the area: Hounslow South, Isleworth, and Osterley & Spring Grove. The presentation was also scheduled to cover traffic updates and road updates on the A316, A4 and the roads between them. Documents associated with the meeting show that a presentation was given about three schemes on the A316 and A4:
A316 Safety and Congestion Study
A4 Corridor Improvements
A316/A4/M4 Junction Improvements
The A316 and A4 are both major roads in West London, with the A316 running from Chiswick to Sunbury-on-Thames, and the A4 running from Central London to Avonmouth near Bristol.
Community Hubs
Mamta Khanna, Matthew Maher and Clare Parker were scheduled to give a presentation about Community Hubs in Osterley Library, Isleworth.
See section 4 of The Health and Care Act (2022) ↩

- Transport Update Presentation Thursday 26-Sep-2024 19.30 Hounslow South Isleworth and Osterley
- Health Services Delivery in the Area Thursday 26-Sep-2024 19.30 Hounslow South Isleworth and Ost
- Area Forum
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 26-Sep-2024 19.30 Hounslow South Isleworth and Osterley Spring Grov agenda
- Public reports pack Thursday 26-Sep-2024 19.30 Hounslow South Isleworth and Osterley Spring Gr reports pack
- ToR AF
- MO Guidance on Declaring Interests - May 2022 other
- Minutes Public Pack 20032024 Hounslow South Isleworth and Osterley Spring Grove Area Forum other
- HIOAF - Open Forum proforma - updated June 2023 other