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Corporate Parenting Forum - Thursday 13 June 2024 5.30 pm

June 13, 2024 View on council website
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The Corporate Parenting Forum received an update on the performance of its virtual school, and on the mental health needs of children leaving care. The meeting also discussed the work the council is doing with care leavers to help them into employment, education or training.

Virtual School

The meeting received a report on the performance of the Virtual School. The Virtual School is a statutory requirement for all local authorities in England and Wales. Its purpose is to promote the educational achievement of children and young people who are looked after by the local authority.

Councillor David Hilton, Lead Member for Children's Services, introduced the report, highlighting some positive indicators including:

An increase in the number of Year 11 children achieving a Grade 9-4 in English and Maths.

The report states that the progress of children in care in their education remains stable. It also shows that the attainment gap between children in care and their peers remains significant. For example, in 2023 only 22% of children in care achieved a Grade 9-4 in English and Maths at GCSE, compared to 60% of their peers nationally.

Mental Health Needs

The meeting discussed the mental health needs of children leaving care. A report presented to the forum suggested that the number of children in care experiencing mental health difficulties is increasing. The report also suggested that care leavers are more likely to experience mental health difficulties than their peers.

The forum discussed the importance of early intervention and prevention, and the need for better support for care leavers experiencing mental health difficulties.

Employment, Education and Training

The Forum heard a presentation about the work the council is doing to support care leavers into employment, education or training. The presentation highlighted the importance of providing care leavers with the skills and support they need to make a successful transition into adulthood.

Councillor Samantha Rayner, Lead Member for Culture and Communities, spoke about the importance of this work:

It is vital that we do everything we can to support our care leavers into employment, education or training. This is essential to help them achieve their full potential and to live happy and fulfilling lives.

The presentation highlighted the work of the Leaving Care Team. This team provides support to care leavers aged 16-25. The presentation also highlighted the work of the council's Employment and Skills Team, which provides support to care leavers who are looking for work or training.