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Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 1st October 2024 7.00 p.m.

October 1, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed to Newham Council's proposed 'Transforming Newham for the Future' plan, subject to several recommendations intended to improve resident engagement and policy co-ordination. The committee also agreed that a report about Newham Council's Asset Management Strategy should remain confidential because it is only a draft. The committee also considered a report about the Council's climate emergency action plan, which will be considered again in more detail by other committees.

Asset Management Strategy

A report on the Council's proposed Asset Management Strategy was to be considered by the committee. However, several members expressed concern that the report had not been shared with them as a pre-decision scrutiny document, because they believed that the document should have been a public document.

I always thought that papers given to scrutiny are always signed up by officers. I've never known a paper being given to us as draft, because if it is draft, how do we know it's correct?

The meeting was paused while the committee sought clarification from officers about the nature of the document, and why it was not publicly available. The committee were told that because the strategy had not been finalised, it was appropriate for it to be considered in private. would be normal to discuss draft policies like that in private to enable a full and frank exchange of views at that last stage.

Following this clarification, the committee agreed that the item should remain confidential, but only because it is a draft.

Transforming Newham for the Future Plan

The committee considered a report about the Council's 'Transforming Newham for the Future' plan, which was presented to the meeting by the Mayor of Newham, Rokhsana Fiaz. 1

The plan was drawn up in response to financial and operational challenges faced by the council, and included several proposals to improve service delivery and digital transformation. The plan included proposals to save £39 million, but members raised concerns about the feasibility of these savings, and also about how the council's approach to digital transformation would impact residents.

...a large part of [residents'] complaints come down to technology not working when they want to report issues?

The plan proposed a 'turbo-charged' approach to transformation. However, members argued that a more cautious approach to budgeting would be more prudent.

If you're transforming, you transform. If you're talking about transforming, you're thinking about you're only going to get 80% savings. Are we going to pay people 80% of their fee because it ain't working?

Members made a number of recommendations for officers to consider as the plan is implemented, including:

  • That officers provide more clarity on how the programme will be paid for,
  • That they consider how member engagement could be improved, and
  • That more consideration be given to how the plan will impact Newham's diverse communities.

Climate Emergency Action Plan

The committee considered a report on the progress of the council's Climate Emergency Action Plan, which was presented to the committee by John Whitworth, Cabinet Member for Climate and Sustainable Transport. 2

The Climate Emergency Action Plan was adopted by the council in December 2023, and sets out how Newham will become a net zero borough by 2045. The plan includes a number of actions to reduce emissions from council operations and across the borough, as well as measures to help Newham adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Members welcomed the progress that has been made on the action plan, and were particularly pleased to hear that the council has been successful in securing external funding for climate action. far in recent months, we have had this team has gathered in £4.7 million of funding, so as far as finance is concerned, I think we are quite assured that the stream of income coming in...

However, members also raised a number of concerns. In particular, they felt that the report did not do enough to demonstrate how the council's work on climate change is benefitting residents. Members were particularly concerned about the lack of data available about improvements to air quality as a result of schemes like low traffic neighbourhoods, and they felt that the plan did not clearly set out how the council will address the fact that Newham has the second highest level of exposure to extreme heat risk in the UK.

I guess my two points are, and you kind of touched on this earlier, I couldn't believe when I saw the slide in the pack. Slide 18, where you're talking about you being the second most prone area to extreme heat in the UK. Why is that based on? Where does that come from?

The committee agreed that the climate emergency action plan should be considered again in more detail by other committees in due course.

  1. Rokhsana Fiaz has been the directly elected Labour Mayor of Newham since 2018. 

  2. John Whitworth has been a Labour Councillor for the Beckton ward in Newham since 2018.