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Planning Applications Sub-Committee (2) - Tuesday 1st October, 2024 6.30 pm

October 1, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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Westminster Council's Planning Applications Sub-Committee (2) met and decided on five planning applications, granting permission for four and indicating that it would have refused permission for one, if this had still been possible.

8 Lancashire Court, London

The committee considered an application to vary condition 9 of the planning permission granted for 8 Lancashire Court on 7th February 2024. The applicant had originally requested permission to increase the maximum capacity of the premises to 350 customers. Following a decision by the council's Licensing Sub-Committee on 19 September 2024, this was amended to a request to increase the capacity to 326. The committee granted permission for a 12 month period from the commencement of the use.

25 Wimpole Street/27 Wimpole Street, London

The committee considered two linked applications concerning 25 and 27 Wimpole Street. The first was for the partial excavation of the rear garden to create a two-storey link extension, a single-storey basement and a mansard roof extension. This work would be carried out in conjunction with a land swap with the owner of number 27, and would be for the purpose of providing medical research and development space. The second application was to change the use of the ground and first floors of number 27 to residential use. This was contingent on the land swap going ahead. The committee granted conditional permission for both applications, including adding a condition requiring access to the new medical research premises to be from Wimpole Street only, and amending an existing condition to reduce courtyard access to between 9am and 5:30pm each day.

36 Devonshire Place Mews, London

The committee considered an application for the demolition of the existing building at 36 Devonshire Place Mews, and the erection of a replacement dwelling house. This application had previously been considered by the committee on 11 June 2024, but a decision had not been issued. As the applicant had subsequently lodged an appeal against non-determination to the Secretary of State, the committee was no longer able to decide the application. However, they resolved that had an appeal not been lodged, then the application would have been recommended for refusal on the grounds of unacceptable design and loss of existing building fabric.

11 Little St James's Street, London

The committee considered an application for the excavation of a new basement level at 11 Little St James's Street. The applicant also wanted to erect extensions at the rear of the second and third floors, and replace windows and doors on the first floor. The application was granted conditional permission.

Parkinson House, Tachbrook Street, London

The committee considered an application for the removal and replacement of three flat entrance doors at Parkinson House, a listed building. The application was granted, with the committee agreeing to the reasons for granting listed building consent set out in the draft decision letter.