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Eltham Crematorium Joint Committee - Wednesday, 2nd October, 2024 6.30 pm
October 2, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Eltham Crematorium Joint Committee meeting on 2 October 2024 was scheduled to discuss a range of matters relating to the operation and maintenance of Eltham Crematorium. The committee received reports from the Bereavement Services Manager, the Programme Manager, and the Finance Manager.
Bereavement Services Manager’s Report (link to document)
The Bereavement Services Manager was scheduled to provide an update on the operations of Eltham Crematorium. This included data on:
- The number of cremations at Eltham Crematorium, broken down by borough and compared to previous years.
- The number of memorial sales, including the Book of Remembrance and memorial plaques.
- Progress on the upgrading of memorial niches.
The report also gave an update on the planned maintenance of the cremators and the submission of data to the Competition Markets Authority.
The report also described improvements made to the crematorium grounds, including new planting schemes. The report noted the crematorium's Green Flag award, and its applications for a London in Bloom award and the ICCM Charter for the Bereaved.
Finally, the report described the purchase of a new Book of Remembrance digital display cabinet, at a cost of £6,650 + VAT. It also noted the refurbishment of the toilets connected to the main office.
Report of Programme Manager, Capital Projects & Property Maintenance (link to document)
This report provided an update on the 2023/24 planned maintenance programme for Eltham Crematorium.
The committee were asked to note:
- The progress of the 2023/24 Planned Works Programme (detailed in Appendix 1).
- The proposed design for the North Chapel refurbishment (shown in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3).
- That drainage engineers had been appointed to provide advice on the flooding of the rose beds in the remembrance garden and pond areas.
- That the 3-year works programme agreed at the February committee meeting would be tendered following the agreement of the North Chapel design and taking into consideration advice from the drainage engineers appointed to deal with the flooding.
Finance Manager’s Treasurer Report (link to document)
The Finance Manager’s report provided an update on the financial position of Eltham Crematorium.
The report asked the committee to note:
- The projected financial position for 2024/25.
- The balance of the Repairs & Renewals Reserve.
- The balance of the Donations Reserve.
- The distribution payments made to each borough.
- 6. Bereavement Services Managers Report
- Agenda frontsheet 02nd-Oct-2024 18.30 Eltham Crematorium Joint Committee agenda
- 7. Report of Programme Manager Capital Projects Property Maintenance
- 5. Minutes 05 February 2024 Eltham Crematorium Joint Committee other
- 7.1 Appendix 1 - 2023-4 Crem Work programme
- 7.2 - Appendix 2 - North Chapel design report
- 7.3 - Appendix 3 - North Chapel design photo images
- 8. Finance Managers Treasurer Report
- Public reports pack 02nd-Oct-2024 18.30 Eltham Crematorium Joint Committee reports pack