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The meeting was scheduled to be a consideration of two applications for new premises licences, one for Sonora Taqueria at 208 Stoke Newington High Street, and one for 72 Rivington Street. The sub-committee was also scheduled to consider any Temporary Event Notices that had been received by the council.
72 Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3AY
The report pack contains an application for a new premises licence for 72 Rivington Street by Bread and Butter Collection Limited. The application requested that the premises be licensed for the sale of alcohol, the performance of live music, and the playing of recorded music from 9am to 11pm Monday to Thursday and Sunday, and until midnight on Friday and Saturday.
A single objection to the application was received from the operators of Rivington Place, which is home to the Autograph and Iniva art galleries. They objected to the playing of music during their opening hours of 11am to 6pm on Wednesday, 11am to 9pm on Thursday, 11am to 6pm on Friday, and 12:30pm to 6pm on Saturday, arguing that:
The music would be heard inside the galleries and would detract and spoil our visitor’s enjoyment of the exhibitions and would lead to deterring visitors from coming to the galleries. This in turn would effect our funding from the Arts Council England, as well as others, as they set targets for us to meet on visitor numbers.
Bread and Butter Collection Limited responded to this objection, arguing that:
The music played at our premises will be strictly managed in accordance with the findings of the attached Noise Breakout Report. This report confirms that the noise levels will be contained within our premises and will not be audible outside, including within the galleries.
In addition to the noise assessment, the applicant offered to add a number of conditions to their licence in order to address concerns raised by the Police, the council's Environmental Health and Environmental Enforcement teams.
Following these responses, representations from the Police and the Environmental Health and Enforcement teams were withdrawn, and the applicant amended their application to reduce the hours during which they would be able to sell alcohol, play live music and play recorded music to 12pm to 11pm Monday to Thursday and Sunday, and until midnight on Friday and Saturday.
A number of conditions were suggested by the applicant and the council officers for the operation of the premises, which the committee was scheduled to consider.
Sonora Taqueria, 208 Stoke Newington High Street, N16 7HU
The report pack contains an application for a new premises licence for Sonora Taqueria at 208 Stoke Newington High Street. No objections to this application were received from members of the public.
The applicant offered to add a number of conditions to their licence in order to address concerns raised by the council's Environmental Enforcement team.
Following this response, the representation from the Environmental Enforcement team was withdrawn.
A number of conditions were suggested by the applicant and the council officer for the operation of the premises, which the committee was scheduled to consider.
Temporary Event Notices - Standing Item
The report pack does not contain any Temporary Event Notices, but this was a standing item, so the sub-committee may have been scheduled to consider any Temporary Event Notices that were submitted to the council since the report pack was published.
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 01-Oct-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee D agenda
- Public reports pack Tuesday 01-Oct-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee D reports pack
- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation 1
- 06 - Sonora Taqueria 208 Stoke Newington High Street N16 7HU other
- 07 - 72 Rivington Street London EC2A 3AY other