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Planning Committee (Major Applications) A - Tuesday 8 October 2024 6.30 pm
October 8, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to include the discussion of an Article 4 Direction to remove some permitted development rights, as well as applications to build a new logistics hub on Verney Road, and new housing and workspaces on Lower Road.
Proposed Article 4 Direction for the withdrawal of Part 16 permitted development rights (Communications Development) at the junction of Croxted Road and Norwood Road, London SE24 9DA.
The meeting was scheduled to discuss whether the council should remove permitted development rights that allow communications companies to install their infrastructure on the public highway without planning permission at the junction of Croxted Road and Norwood Road.
This was scheduled to be discussed because of concerns that the existing communications infrastructure was obscuring the Umana Yana Caribbean restaurant and takeaway, preventing it from advertising itself. The report states that:
The proliferation of communication equipment has had a detrimental impact on the streetscene at this location and the ability of this business to announce and advertise itself in the way that the majority of commercial premises on a shopping parade do.
The meeting was scheduled to discuss an application for the demolition of the buildings on this site and the construction of a new four storey building for light industrial, storage, and distribution uses. The report pack included a request for the committee to grant planning permission, subject to conditions and the completion of a legal agreement (known as a Section 106 agreement).
The new building was proposed to be 37.35 metres in height and cover 90-95% of the site. Its design was inspired by Southwark's industrial heritage.
The proposed architectural design has been well considered and is reflective of its internal use and historic industrial context. Further refinement of the elevational design has been carried out following engagement with officers, which has sought for a more original form with expressed cores, greater articulation across the facade, an increased into the amount of fenestration and a setback of the massing at upper levels.
The development would result in a significant increase in employment floorspace on the site, rising from 4,200 sqm to 22,882 sqm. The application included proposals for sustainable transport infrastructure including 168 cycle parking spaces.
The meeting was scheduled to discuss an application for the demolition of the buildings on this site and the construction of two new buildings for commercial and residential use. One of these new buildings would include co-living accommodation. The report pack included a request for the committee to grant planning permission, subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 agreement.
The application site sits within the St Olav’s Business Park, which is allocated for redevelopment under Policy NSP79 of the Southwark Plan. This policy requires redevelopment of the site to:
provide at least the amount of employment floorspace (E(g)) currently on site, increase permeability across the site and deliver high quality public realm at the centre and at the confluence of three routes
The proposal included the provision of 216 co-living rooms and 24 new affordable homes. All of the homes in the development would meet the national space standards.
The proposal included plans to upgrade Christopher Jones Square, which is next to the application site, providing a new play area and new urban greening.