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June 10, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Executive of Cherwell Council met on Monday 10 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the designation of a neighbourhood area for Heyford Park, the council's performance and financial status, the Oxfordshire Councils Charter, and appointments to various partnerships and outside bodies.

Application for the Designation of a Neighbourhood Area for the Parish of Heyford Park

The council approved the application for the designation of the parish of Heyford Park as a Neighbourhood Area. Parish Councillor Tim Coggins, Chair of Heyford Park Parish Council, addressed the meeting, advocating for a dedicated neighbourhood plan due to the unique and rapidly evolving nature of the community. The council also decided that the Neighbourhood Area should not be designated as a business area under Section 61(H) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). Furthermore, the existing designated Mid Cherwell Neighbourhood Area boundary will be amended to exclude Heyford Park parish, allowing both communities to progress with their neighbourhood plans. The full report can be found here.

Performance, Risk and Finance Monitoring Report End of Year 2023-2024

The council reviewed the Performance, Risk and Finance Monitoring Report for the financial year ending 31 March 2024. The report highlighted that the council's outturn position for 2023-24 is balanced, with a contribution to reserves of £4.461 million. The council approved the use of reserves as detailed in Appendix 5 and noted the reserves movements made under the S151 Officer's delegated powers. The reprofiled capital budget described in Appendix 1 was also approved, and the 2024/25 capital programme will be adjusted accordingly.

Oxfordshire Councils Charter

The council endorsed the Oxfordshire Councils Charter and agreed to become a signatory. This charter aims to enhance partnership working across councils in Oxfordshire and demonstrates Cherwell District Council's commitment to communicating and working collaboratively with local parishes. A follow-up report assessing the impact of the charter will be brought in July 2025.

Appointments to Partnerships, Outside Bodies, Member Champions, and Shareholder Committee 2024/2025

The council made appointments to various partnerships, outside bodies, the Shareholder Committee, and Member Champions for the 2024/2025 municipal year. The full list of appointments can be found in the Annex to Minutes. Authority was delegated to the Assistant Director Law and Governance, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to appoint members to any outstanding vacancies and make changes as required throughout the year.

Notification of Urgent Item - Making of the Deddington Neighbourhood Plan

The council was informed of an urgent decision taken by the Corporate Director Communities regarding the making of the Deddington Neighbourhood Plan. The referendum held on 2 May 2024 resulted in 93% of voters being in favour of the plan, which exceeds the required 50%. The urgent decision to recommend to Council that the plan be made was noted.

Exclusion of the Press and Public

The press and public were excluded from the meeting for the discussion of two items: the Cherwell District Council Microsoft Enterprise Licensing Agreement and the letting of Unit 5 at Castle Quay 2. The details of these discussions are contained in the exempt minutes.


Gordon Stewart
Ian Boll
Stephen Hinds
Michael Furness
Shiraz Sheikh
Natasha Clark
Profile image for Councillor David Hingley
Councillor David Hingley  Leader of the Council and Leader of Liberal Democrat Group •  Liberal Democrat •  Adderbury, Bloxham and Bodicote
Councillor Jean Conway
Councillor Chris Pruden
Mona Walsh
David Spilsbury
Christina Cherry
Kevin Larner
Celia Prado-Teeling
Ed Potter
Councillor Les Sibley
Councillor John Broad
Councillor Rob Pattenden
Councillor Ian Middleton
Councillor Tom Beckett
Councillor Chris Brant
Profile image for Councillor Lesley McLean
Councillor Lesley McLean  Deputy Leader of Liberal Democrat Group, Deputy Leader of the Council & Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources •  Liberal Democrat •  Kidlington West