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Corporate Parenting Group - Tuesday, 8th October, 2024 6.00 pm

October 8, 2024 View on council website
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The Corporate Parenting Group was scheduled to discuss the support provided to children in care in Lewisham at their meeting. The meeting was due to consider reports on a range of areas, including health, social care and education. Councillors were also scheduled to review the council's strategy for ensuring there are enough places for children in care.

Having a Voice

The meeting was due to consider a report entitled Having a Voice.

Sufficiency Strategy

The meeting was scheduled to consider a report on the council's Sufficiency Strategy. The report notes that:

The purpose of the Sufficiency Strategy is to ensure that there are sufficient, suitable, sustainable, and safe placements for Lewisham’s children in care and care leavers, that meet their individual needs and deliver good outcomes.

— Page 26 of the Public reports pack 08th-Oct-2024 18.00 Corporate Parenting Group

The report says that the strategy is based on four strategic priorities, these are:

  • Place children with their parents, where it is safe to do so.
  • Place children in Lewisham wherever possible.
  • Place children in good quality, safe homes.
  • Ensure stability and continuity for children.

Annual Fostering Report

The meeting was also scheduled to consider the council's annual fostering report, which reviews the performance of the council's fostering service over the previous year.

Virtual School

The meeting was due to be updated on the work of The Virtual School. The Virtual School is a statutory service provided by all local authorities to promote the educational achievement of children in care.

Annual IRO Report

Councillors were scheduled to consider the annual report of the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) service. IROs are experienced social workers who are responsible for chairing review meetings for children in care. The report provides information on the work of the IRO service over the previous year.


The meeting was due to receive a report on the health of children in care in Lewisham. The report is not publicly available.


The committee was scheduled to be updated on the work of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, more commonly known as CAMHS, in Lewisham. CAMHS are NHS services that provide mental health support to children and young people.

Foster Carers

The meeting was scheduled to hear from foster carers about their experiences.

Children's Social Care

The meeting was also scheduled to receive an update on the performance of children's social care services in Lewisham. This update is not publicly available.


Joe Cooper
Lucie Heyes
Harriett Janetta
Joan Hutton
Sara Rahman
Patrick Ward
Sharon Chambers
Sean Maguire
Vicky Rogers
Sarah Sturge
Samanta Federico
Ingrid Madzura
Amanda Waldman
Fenella Beckman
Nicole Zwane
Mana Gondora
Jade Barrett
Christiane Nitsch
Maleeka Dachi
Rachel Lanlouken
Katherine Smith
Andrea Warman
Councillor Paul Bell
Councillor Aliya Sheikh
Councillor Jacq Paschoud
Profile image for Councillor Luke Sorba
Councillor Luke Sorba  Labour Party •  Telegraph Hill
Councillor Chris Barnham