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Waltham Forest Stop and Search Group - Monday, 7th October, 2024 7.00 pm
October 7, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of the Stop and Search Group was scheduled to receive updates on a range of issues relating to the Metropolitan Police Service's use of stop and search powers in the borough. The meeting was also scheduled to review body-worn video footage of stop and search encounters.
The most significant topics scheduled for discussion were:
The treatment of young people
The Group was scheduled to discuss feedback from the Youth Independent Advisory Group (YIAG)1 on the effects of stop and search on young people in the borough. The YIAG had gathered evidence from young people who said that they had experienced or witnessed the police using their stop and search powers in ways that made them feel discriminated against, unfairly targeted, or unsafe.
The YIAG's report to the Group said that:
The overall sentiment shared in the meeting was the negative perception of the police among young people, based on their personal experiences. The discussion emphasised the need for continued engagement and sharing of these concerns until improvements are seen.
Minutes Public Pack 22072024 Waltham Forest Stop and Search Group, page 10
The Group was also scheduled to receive an update on a project by the StreetBase youth work organisation about young people's experiences with the police in Waltham Forest, especially their experiences with stop and search.
Scrutiny of searches
The Group was scheduled to discuss its concerns about the use of searches that are not captured on body-worn video, and about the way that the police use searches where people's clothes have to be removed. The meeting was also due to discuss the lack of scrutiny of body-worn footage, because the Metropolitan Police's program for reviewing footage of these encounters had been suspended.
The Group was scheduled to hear that:
Currently, there is some random scrutiny by managers, but it was not comprehensive. A new program is being developed but has no set launch date.
Minutes Public Pack 22072024 Waltham Forest Stop and Search Group, page 11
Body-worn video footage viewing sessions
The Group was scheduled to review footage from body-worn cameras of stop and searches that had taken place in the borough, and to discuss the small number of sessions that were taking place, and the difficulty of scheduling them.
Quarterly statistics
The Group was scheduled to receive the latest quarterly statistics on the Metropolitan Police's use of stop and search powers in the borough. These statistics were expected to show that drug searches accounted for 60% of all of the searches carried out in the borough, that 70% of searches did not result in any further action, and that more than 50% of the people who had to remove some of their clothing during a stop and search were Black.
Stop and Search Charter consultation
Waltham Forest Council was consulting on an updated Stop and Search Charter, which sets out the circumstances in which police officers in the borough can use their stop and search powers. The Group was scheduled to discuss the responses to the public consultation on the Charter, which closed on 28 June 2024.
The Group was also scheduled to discuss:
Data sharing project
The Group was scheduled to receive an update on a pilot data sharing project by Haringey Council designed to improve safeguarding arrangements for children who are stopped and searched.
Future meetings
The Group was scheduled to confirm the dates of future meetings. It was also scheduled to set dates for future sessions to review body-worn video footage.
The YIAG is a group of young people aged 11-19 who work with the council to make sure children's voices are heard by decision makers. ↩