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Planning Committee - Tuesday, 8th October, 2024 7.00 pm

October 8, 2024 View on council website
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The Planning Committee met and decided to approve a Deed of Variation to an existing Section 106 agreement for Unit 2, 210 Church Road in Leyton, to grant planning permission for an extension to a house in Chingford, and to grant planning permission for an extension to a house in Walthamstow.

Former Percy Ingles Site, Unit 2, 210 Church Road, Leyton, London, E10 7JQ (241367)

The committee considered a request from the developer of Unit 2, 210 Church Road to vary the terms of the existing Section 106 agreement for the site.

The developer requested that the existing legal agreement, which required 35% of the homes in the development to be affordable housing, was changed to require 20% affordable housing, or, if that could not be achieved, to allow the developer to pay the council £1 million instead.

The committee agreed to this change, with the requirement that:

wording [be included in the new agreement] that ensures that the option elected by the Developer is the most optimal in terms of providing affordable housing (viability permitting), and; a requirement that the developer demonstrate that they have tried to secure a Registered Provider to take on the onsite affordable housing if they opt to provide the payment in lieu.

The Plains, 3 Crescent Road, Chingford, E4 6AU (240987)

The committee considered an application for planning permission to build an extension to the rear of The Plains, 3 Crescent Road in Chingford.

The application was approved with several conditions. The most significant of these was a requirement that a Construction Logistics Plan was submitted to and approved by the council before construction work could begin. This plan must include:

details of site access, journey planning, access routes, hours of delivery, temporary traffic arrangements or restrictions, site operation times, loading and unloading locations and material storage.

The plan must also guarantee that Gordon Road would not be used to access the site during construction.

This condition appears to have been added in response to concerns raised by local residents, as the committee report notes that two written statements from members of the public had been received objecting to the plans. The report also notes that Councillor Salek attended a site visit and met with a resident, Nicholas Whiddon, who had raised concerns about the plans.

37 Orford Road, Walthamstow, London, E17 9NL (241506)

The committee considered an application for planning permission for the construction of a two-storey rear extension with a roof terrace above at 37 Orford Road in Walthamstow.

The application was approved. Councillor Dixon declared a non-pecuniary interest in the application as he is a ward councillor and had been contacted by residents about it. He remained in the meeting and voted on the application.


Councillor Andrew Dixon
Profile image for Councillor Jenny Gray
Councillor Jenny Gray  Labour •  Leytonstone
Councillor John Moss
Councillor Uzma Rasool
Justin Carr
Stanley Lau
Mahnaz Chowdhery
Eshan Hussain
Sonia Malcolm
Antonio Coquillat
Joanna West
Perminder Purewal
Jennifer Richards
Mark Hynes
Stewart Murray
Catherine Slade