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The meeting approved Southwark Council's Capital Monitoring report for 2024-25. The Council also approved the draft Old Kent Road Area Action plan for submission to the Secretary of State. It also agreed to make a compulsory purchase order on properties on the Aylesbury Estate for phase 2B of its regeneration, and approved the use of the dynamic purchasing system, Plentific.
Old Kent Road Area Action Plan
The Cabinet discussed the proposed submission of the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan (AAP) to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
The AAP sets out the Council's vision for the regeneration of the Old Kent Road area. The plan includes proposals for new homes, jobs, and infrastructure. The Cabinet considered representations made by the Tate Gallery, which has a site on the Old Kent Road.
That the proposed submission documents set out at Appendices A to G of the report (i.e. the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan: 2024 Draft (Appendix A) for consultation, the Consultation Plan (Appendix B), Consultation Report (Appendix C), Integrated Impact Assessment (Appendix D), Habitats Regulations Assessment (Appendix E), Equality Impact Assessment (Appendix F) and Health Impact Assessment (Appendix G)) be approved in principle for Regulation 19 statutory public consultation be and that officers be authorised to proceed to Regulation 22 (i.e. submit to Secretary of State and to notify the public of the submission), subject to no major modifications arising from the Reg 19 statutory public consultation (subject to recommendations 2 and 3 below).
Printed minutes Tuesday 15-Oct-2024 11.00 Cabinet, Item 9, Page 3
The Cabinet agreed to approve the submission of the AAP to the Secretary of State, subject to no major modifications arising from the statutory public consultation. This is in line with the council's existing policy for the area as set out in the Southwark Plan 2022, which states that the council will
Work with landowners, developers, businesses, residents and key stakeholders to develop and adopt an area action plan for the Old Kent Road Opportunity Area, which will guide the physical, social and environmental regeneration of the area.
Southwark Plan 2022, Policy 3.2
Aylesbury Estate Phase 2B Compulsory Purchase Order
The Cabinet agreed to make a compulsory purchase order (CPO) on the remaining properties in Phase 2B of the Aylesbury Estate regeneration.
The CPO will allow the council to acquire the remaining properties in Phase 2B, which are needed to allow the redevelopment of the site to go ahead. The council has already reached agreement with the majority of leaseholders, with 309 households rehoused.
The Cabinet report noted that
A resubmitted planning application for the redevelopment of the site to provide 640 homes, including 173 social rent homes, has been submitted by Notting Hill Genesis
Printed minutes Tuesday 15-Oct-2024 11.00 Cabinet, Item 10, Page 4
The decision to make a CPO is in line with the council's policy for the regeneration of the Aylesbury Estate, as set out in the Aylesbury Area Action Plan, which was adopted in March 2015:
The Estate Regeneration Strategy (2010) and the Council’s priorities remain unchanged, to deliver:
- Decent, high quality, mixed tenure homes, the majority of which will be affordable
- An improvement in the quality of life for existing and future residents
Aylesbury Area Action Plan, Page 15
Policy and Resources: Capital Monitoring Report 2024-25 and Southwark 2030 Strategic Alignment
The Cabinet noted the Southwark Capital Monitoring Report for the period to Month 4 of 2024-25.
The report provides an update on the council's capital programme, which includes projects such as the construction of new schools and the refurbishment of council housing.
The report noted that
The significant borrowing requirement of £303m which needs to be identified for the general fund programme to be fully delivered over the remaining term of the programme
Printed minutes Tuesday 15-Oct-2024 11.00 Cabinet, Item 8, Page 2
It also noted the
The significant borrowing requirement of £515m for the housing investment programme to be fully delivered over the remaining term of the programme
Printed minutes Tuesday 15-Oct-2024 11.00 Cabinet, Item 8, Page 2
Gateway 1 Housing – Procurement Support and Supply Chain Management System
The Cabinet approved the procurement strategy for a new supply chain management system.
The new system, which will be provided by Plentific Ltd, is intended to improve the efficiency of the council's repairs and maintenance service.
The Cabinet approved the procurement strategy, which is a direct award from the Procurement for Housing’s Social Housing Emerging Disruptors framework.
That the procurement strategy of a direct award from the procurement for housing’s social housing emerging disruptors framework to Plentific Ltd. for their supply chain and procurement management solution platform dynamic purchasing system at a total cost of £1,439,700 be approved.
Printed minutes Tuesday 15-Oct-2024 11.00 Cabinet, Item 12, Page 6
The Cabinet noted that the system is intended to be used in lieu of the existing approved list for repair works.
That it be noted that the Plentific Ltd. solution platform is intended to be used in lieu of the council’s approved list for repair works for the specific areas of spend covered by this gateway report.
Printed minutes Tuesday 15-Oct-2024 11.00 Cabinet, Item 12, Page 6
Westminster Bridge Road - SE1 7XW
The Cabinet approved the disposal of the freehold interest in a property on Westminster Bridge Road.
The details of the disposal were considered in the closed part of the meeting.
Response to the Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission - School Amalgamations and Closures
The Cabinet approved the response to the Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission’s report and recommendations on school amalgamations and closures.
The Scrutiny Commission’s report was published on 22 July 2024 and the Cabinet’s response was published on 15 October 2024.
Response to the Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission - Community Wealth Building and Youth Employment
The Cabinet approved the response to the Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Commission recommendations on community wealth building and youth employment.
Response to the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Commission - Access to Toilets
The Cabinet approved the response to the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Commission recommendations on access to toilets and noted the intention of officers to report on progress of the development and implementation of an accessible toilet plan back to the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Commission within 12 months.