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Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 10 October 2024 10.00 am

October 10, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to consider applications for new premises licences and the review of an existing premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003.

Review of Premises Licence for City Wines

This was a review, requested by Southwark Council Trading Standards, of the premises licence for City Wines, 141 Jamaica Road, London SE16 4SH.

Trading Standards requested that the licence be revoked, because on 15 June 2024 Mr Kavirach Nagarajah, the owner of City Wines, had sold a bottle of beer to a 15 year old volunteer.

This matter is brought by Trading Standards as a responsible authority under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of all the licensing objectives but most specifically under the prevention of crime and disorder and the protection of children from harm.

The review application also said that on the same day, Trading Standards officers had found:

  • illegal vapes with excess tank capacity;
  • 21 bottles of Alomo Bitters which appeared to have been smuggled into the country; and
  • tobacco products that were openly displayed to the public.

The review application says that Mr Nagarajah had been interviewed under caution and had admitted selling the beer to the 15 year old, but claimed that the purchaser had been wearing a hood so he had not been able to assess his age.

The review application noted that Mr Nagarajah had previously signed a caution for selling a vape to a 15 year old on 15 February 2024. It also noted that another attempt had been made to buy a vape from the shop using a 15 year old volunteer on 6 June 2024. On this occasion the volunteer had been told:

he didn’t know him and he should try somewhere else.

Southwark Council Licensing supported the request for the licence to be revoked. They noted that:

although there has only been one failed test purchase regarding the sale of alcohol ... the other failed test purchases regarding age restricted products show an ongoing and persistent pattern of behaviour in that the licensee consistently sells high risk products to underage individuals even after being warned about such activities.

They concluded that it was:

highly likely that previous sales of alcohol to underage individuals have taken place at the premises, and that if the licensee had not been subject to a failed test purchase, such sales would have continued.

New Premises Licence for Hot Box Chicken and Pizza

This was an application for a new premises licence by Mr Ibrahim Mohamed for Hot Box Chicken and Pizza, Arch 182, 30 Manor Place, London SE17 3BB. The application requested that the premises be licensed for late night refreshment from 11pm to 2am on Sunday to Thursday, and 11pm to 3am on Friday and Saturday.

The Metropolitan Police objected to the application, noting that the premises were opposite and adjacent to residential properties and that the requested hours were outside of those recommended in Southwark's Statement of Licensing Policy. They said that:

the terminal hours proposed by the applicant would have a detrimental impact on the local community by means of an increase in crime and disorder, noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour particular at the terminal hours.

The Police also noted that although the application did not mention it, the premises included a shisha lounge, and that:

there is a lack of detail as to the venues operation and appears no capacity limit.

They concluded that:

The Metropolitan Police object to the granting of this licence in its entirety

Environmental Protection asked that a condition be added to the licence to require that all deliveries to the premises be made to the rear of the property, to mitigate noise nuisance to nearby residents.

Southwark Council Health and Safety also objected to the application. They noted that the premises were operating as a shisha lounge with people smoking inside.

As far as I can see the premises does not have a suitable outside area and is substantially enclosed, therefore does not comply with the Health Act 2006.

They also asked for conditions regarding the maximum capacity of the premises and the provision of a fire risk assessment.

Southwark Council Licensing objected to the application because the requested hours were outside of those recommended in the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy, and because the application did not provide enough information about the operation of the shisha lounge or the capacity of the venue. They said:

We say that granting extended operating hours is likely to have a detrimental effect on the quality of life and amenity of local residents.

They suggested that the premises be allowed to open until midnight Sunday to Thursday, and until 1am on Friday and Saturday, but that delivery only be allowed until 2am Sunday to Thursday and 3am on Friday and Saturday.

The application was supported by three other persons. They said that they had been customers of the business for many years and had never witnessed any problems.


Debra Allday
Toyin Calfos
Charlotte Precious
Ken Andrews
Farhad Chowdhury
Andrew Heron
PC Mark Lynch
Wesley McArthur
Jayne Tear
Yemisi Forrest
Andrew Weir
Councillor Jane Salmon
Councillor Sunil Chopra
Councillor Renata Hamvas