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Licensing Sub Committee E - Tuesday 15 October 2024 2.00 pm

October 15, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to consider three applications for licensed premises in Hackney. Two of the applications were about making changes to existing licences, while the other was for a new licence.

392-393 Mentmore Terrace, Hackney

An application was submitted for a new premises licence for a restaurant at 392-393 Mentmore Terrace. The applicant proposed that the restaurant should be allowed to:

  • Sell alcohol from 10am to 11pm Monday to Sunday.
  • Play recorded music indoors from 10am to 11pm Monday to Sunday.
  • Provide late night refreshment indoors from 11pm to 11:30pm Monday to Sunday.

The application received objections from 17 local residents, as well as from Councillor Ben Hayhurst and Councillor Katie Hanson. The residents' objections primarily focussed on the potential for noise at the venue, and the fact that there are already a number of licensed premises in the area:

This application, if successful, would result in yet another noisy bar / restaurant in what is a predominantly residential area and will have a significant detrimental impact on all those residents living in close proximity.

The Police also submitted an objection to the application, on the basis that the applicant has not applied to become a member of the Hackney Pubwatch scheme. The Police withdrew their objection after the applicant confirmed that they would be willing to join the Pubwatch scheme.

Cafe Kowloon, 438 Kingsland Road, Dalston, E8 2QD

The licence holder of Cafe Kowloon applied for a variation to their existing licence. The key changes proposed by the variation were to:

  • Allow the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises until midnight, Monday to Sunday.
  • Remove a number of conditions from the existing licence.

The applicant stated that these changes were necessary because their business has changed:

the style of the business has now changed and is now primarily takeaway

The application received an objection from a local resident on the basis that the change in business would increase antisocial behaviour in the area. The Police and the Licensing Authority also submitted representations.

The Gun, 235 Well Street, Hackney E9 6RG.

The licence holder of The Gun applied to vary the conditions on their licence to allow children under 18 to be present in the beer garden of the pub until 9pm each day. They stated that the beer garden is a family-friendly space:

We are a family-run pub and are keen to promote our family-friendly beer garden. It is a green and airy space, and there are numerous picnic benches.

This application did not receive any representations from members of the public, the Police, or the Licensing Authority.