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October 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee received a petition from Wandsworth Friends of Palestine requesting that the council divest from companies that invest in Israel. After hearing from the petitioners and officers, it was decided to ask officers to evaluate options for responding to the petition and report back to a future meeting. The committee also reviewed the Pension Fund Annual Report, quarterly investment performance report, and received an update on several general matters including the pooling of bond investments and the proposed merger of the Nuveen UKPF fund.

Petition from Wandsworth Friends of Palestine

A petition was presented to the committee from Wandsworth Friends of Palestine asking the council to divest the pension fund from companies that invest in Israel. The petition had been signed by 2,500 residents. Michael Stone and Aisha Sharpe from the group spoke in favour of the petition. They cited the recent violence in Gaza as evidence that investment in Israel was morally wrong, financially risky, and incompatible with the council's responsible investment policies.

It is obscene to continue being complicit in arms sales and profit from the sale of arms when two senior Israeli leaders stand accused of crimes against humanity. - Aisha Sharpe

After hearing from the petitioners, the committee questioned officers about the council’s legal duties with regard to its pension investments. Officers explained that the legal situation was unclear but that the council must be able to demonstrate that it had considered the financial risks of divestment.

...any non-financial decision can only be made subject to having received proper advice, that following that advice you can understand that the impact of such decision does not create any significant risk, and that you have the belief that your members will support the actions that you are taking. - Mr Gelotti, Deputy Director of Finance

Officers went on to explain that the council’s pension fund is part of the London Collective Investment Vehicle (CIV)1, so it does not make direct investments in companies. This would make it difficult for the council to divest from companies that invest in Israel without withdrawing from the London CIV.

We don't actually own underlying stocks, so all of our assets are indirectly invested within that. - Mr Gelotti, Deputy Director of Finance

The committee decided to ask officers to evaluate the council’s options for responding to the petition, including the potential financial and legal risks of divestment, and to report back to a future meeting.

Pension Fund Accounts 2023-24

The committee received the Pension Fund Accounts for 2023-24. Ben from the council’s external auditors, EY, presented the report and answered questions. The auditors confirmed that they had issued an unqualified audit opinion on the accounts, meaning that they believe the accounts are a true and fair view of the fund's financial position. They also confirmed that they had found no significant audit differences or errors.

The committee noted the report and approved the publication of the statement of accounts.

Pension Fund Annual Report

The committee discussed the Pension Fund Annual Report, which provides an overview of the fund's performance over the past year. The report shows that the fund outperformed its benchmark over the year, returning 12.8% compared to a benchmark of 11.1%.

The committee approved the publication of the annual report.

Investment Performance

The committee discussed the quarterly investment performance report for the period ending 30 June 2024. The report shows that the fund returned 12.8% for the year ending June 2024, compared to a benchmark return of 15%. This means that the fund underperformed its benchmark over the year.

The committee discussed the relative performance of passive and active investment funds, noting that passive funds have generally outperformed active funds in recent years.

If you've just had market cap weighted, you've invested in the biggest companies, Apple, Nvidia, they've just gotten bigger and bigger. - Councillor Craigie

The committee also discussed the performance of the council's ethical investment strategy and noted that the London CIV offers a Future World fund, which is a passive fund that excludes companies involved in controversial activities such as the production of cluster munitions.

The committee asked officers to continue to monitor the fund's performance, including the performance of active versus passive funds, and to report back to the committee on a regular basis.

General Matters

The committee discussed a number of general matters, including:

  • Pooling of Bond Investments. The committee noted that the council had completed the pooling of its bond investments into the London CIV's buy-and-hold all maturities mandate.
  • Nuveen UKPF Merger. The committee delegated authority to Mr Gelotti to vote on the proposed merger of the Nuveen UKPF fund at the next meeting of the fund's investors.
  • Revised LGPS Discretions Policy. The committee approved a revised discretions policy, which updates job titles to reflect recent changes in the council's management structure.
  • Pensions Administration IT System. The committee discussed the pensions administration IT system in closed session.
  • Member Training. The committee noted that Councillor Dickerton had completed the required member training and asked him to complete a self-assessment form.

  1. The London CIV is a pooled pension fund for local government employees in Greater London.