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The meeting was scheduled to discuss a range of transport schemes that have been, are being, or are scheduled to be implemented in Farnham. These schemes are intended to improve the town centre, reduce traffic, and encourage cycling and walking. The board was also scheduled to receive an update on the proposed A31 corridor improvements.
Short and Medium-Term Interventions Update
The meeting was scheduled to receive a progress report on a number of short and medium-term transport schemes.
20mph Limits/Zones and Speed Restrictions
The meeting was scheduled to be updated on the progress of the implementation of 20mph speed limits in the town centre, on Weydon Lane and on Upper Hale Road.
Borelli/Riverside Cycle Improvement Scheme
The meeting was scheduled to be updated on the progress of the construction of a shared cycle and pedestrian path from South Street to the Riverside car parks.
The meeting was scheduled to discuss the progress of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. The plan sets out a range of proposals to improve cycling and walking routes in Farnham.
Water Lane Roundabout
The meeting was scheduled to be given an update on the recently completed work on the Water Lane Roundabout.
Town Centre Improvement Scheme
The meeting was scheduled to receive an update on the progress of the Farnham Town Centre Improvement Scheme. The scheme is intended to improve the public realm in the town centre and make it more pedestrian and cyclist friendly. Engagement with WBC and SCC Heritage Teams
was scheduled to be discussed.
Farnham A31 Corridor Update
The meeting was scheduled to receive an update on the proposed Farnham A31 Corridor improvements. The scheme is intended to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion on the A31. The meeting was scheduled to hear that:
Consultants are also reviewing the potential for a low-cost option.
Programme and Risks
The meeting was scheduled to discuss the programme for the delivery of the various schemes and projects that make up the Farnham Infrastructure Programme. The meeting was also scheduled to discuss the risks associated with the programme.