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Licensing Sub-Committee (3) - Thursday 17th October, 2024 10.00 am
October 17, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
This meeting considered three licensing applications: one was withdrawn by the applicant, one was granted under delegated authority, and the other was granted after discussion by the sub-committee.
320-322 Elgin Avenue
The application for a new Premises Licence for a supermarket at 320-322 Elgin Avenue was made by Mr Amirhossein Khosravani Pajouh. It requested permission to sell alcohol off-premises from 08:00 to 23:00 Monday to Saturday and 09:00 to 22:00 on Sundays.
Representations objecting to the application were received from the Paddington Waterways and Maida Vale Society, represented by Mr Richard Brown, and from one local resident. These objections were made on the grounds that the sale of alcohol would increase public nuisance. Mr Brown also argued that the shop should not be allowed to sell alcohol in miniature bottles. The Metropolitan Police Service and Environmental Health Service both initially objected to the application. They later withdrew their objections after the applicant agreed to conditions limiting deliveries, CCTV, waste disposal, staff training and signage.
The sub-committee ultimately granted the licence. They felt that the conditions imposed were enough to address the concerns of objectors. They considered that the shop would not sell a large amount of miniature bottles of alcohol and, since neither of the Responsible Authorities had insisted on it, did not impose a condition restricting their sale.
The Committee considered that the application together with the proposed conditions would promote the licensing objectives.
3 New Row
The application for a new Premises Licence for a restaurant at 3 New Row was made by Empandas Republic Ltd and was granted under delegated authority. The restaurant will sell Argentinian empanadas and alcoholic drinks. The Covent Garden Community Association and two local residents made representations objecting to the application. They argued that the restaurant would increase noise and public nuisance in the area, which is close to a quiet residential street called Goodwins Court. Residents requested that the back door onto Goodwins Court only be used in emergencies. The Metropolitan Police Service and Environmental Health Service both initially objected to the application and withdrew their objections after the applicant agreed to a set of conditions. These included limiting the hours the back door can be used, CCTV, waste disposal, staff training, the service of alcohol and a limit on the number of people allowed in the restaurant at one time.
Fantasio Ltd, 38 Curzon Street
The application to vary a Premises Licence for the cinema at 38 Curzon Street, made by 38 Curzon Lease Ltd, was withdrawn by the applicant. Orbiton Estates, who manage a nearby block of flats called Carrington House, had objected to the application. They felt that the variation would have allowed the cinema to operate more like a bar and would have increased public nuisance, crime and disorder.
- Agenda frontsheet 17th-Oct-2024 10.00 Licensing Sub-Committee 3 agenda
- 38 Curzon Street members - website
- Public reports pack 17th-Oct-2024 10.00 Licensing Sub-Committee 3 reports pack
- 3 New Row Report Website
- Elgin Avenue website
- Printed minutes 17th-Oct-2024 10.00 Licensing Sub-Committee 3 minutes