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Climate Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 15th October, 2024 7.00 pm
October 15, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to include a review of the council's work on flood mitigation, as well as a more general review of the work of the Climate Scrutiny Committee.
Lead Local Flood Authority Update
This meeting included a report on the council's work as a Lead Local Flood Authority1.
This part of the meeting was scheduled to include a review of the progress that has been made in implementing the actions identified in the council's Surface Water Flood Management Plan.
The committee was also scheduled to consider the council’s performance as the Lead Local Flood Authority, particularly focussing on how the council manages the risk of flooding from surface water and groundwater. The report notes that, Climate change is likely to increase the frequency and severity of flooding in the future
. The report pack also contained information on which of the council's drains have been cleansed since 2019.
Climate Scrutiny Committee Forward Plan
The Committee were scheduled to review the Scrutiny Forward Plan. The Scrutiny Forward Plan sets out the work programme for the Committee over the coming year. The plan included in the meeting pack schedules meetings on the following topics:
- Sustainable Transport
- Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change Adaptation
For each meeting, the plan describes the main issues that will be considered and the desired outcome of the meeting. For example, the report says that the purpose of the Sustainable Transport meeting is to, assess the impact of council transport policies on air quality, congestion, and public health
Climate Scrutiny Action Tracker
The Committee were also scheduled to review the Climate Scrutiny Action Tracker. The Action Tracker is a document that lists all of the recommendations that have been made by the Climate Scrutiny Committee to the council's Cabinet2. It also lists the dates when recommendations were made, and what (if any) action has been taken in response. The report notes that, The tracker is a live document and will be updated regularly
A Lead Local Flood Authority is a council that has the lead responsibility for managing flood risk within their area. This responsibility was introduced in the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. ↩
The Cabinet is the council's main decision-making body. It is made up of the council leader and a number of other councillors, each of whom has responsibility for a particular area of the council's work. ↩

- Agenda frontsheet 15th-Oct-2024 19.00 Climate Scrutiny Committee agenda
- 1a - Appendix A - Boroughwide Flood Mitigation schemes
- Climate Minutes - 240619 other
- Public reports pack 15th-Oct-2024 19.00 Climate Scrutiny Committee reports pack
- 1 - Lead Local Flood Authority Update - Climate Scrutiny Committee 15 October 2024v2
- 1b - Appendix B - Drainage Cleansing Map
- 1c - Appendix C - Summary of Gully Cleansing in 2023-24
- 1d - Appendix D - Completed schemes in year 2023
- 1e - Appendix E - Boroughwide Surface Water Flood Modelling_1in100UpperCC other
- 2 - The Scrutiny Report - Climate Scrutiny 15 October 2024
- 2a - Appendix 1 - Climate Scrutiny Draft Forward Plan 24-25 other
- 2b - Appendix 2 - Climate Scrutiny Action Tracker