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General Purposes Committee - Wednesday, 30th October, 2024 5.00 pm

October 30, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The committee approved the appointment of Councillor Charlie Davis to various scrutiny panels and sub-committees, and the nomination of Councillor Sarah-Jane Merrill to Woodlands Farm Trust. The committee also approved the salary ranges for three chief officer posts and the adoption of a new suite of policies about the use of data and technology in the council. Finally the committee agreed to continue the use of market supplement allowances to support the recruitment and retention of digital, data and technology staff.

Data and Digital Policy Suite

The committee approved the adoption of six new data and digital policies1, replacing all previous ICT policies. Existing policies were no longer considered fit for purpose because they did not reflect the council's use of data and technology in a cloud-enabled, hybrid working environment. The new policy suite aims to achieve this by placing greater emphasis on individual responsibility and by taking the rapidly changing technology landscape into account.

The six policies in the new policy suite are:

  • Acceptable Use Policy. This policy covers the responsible, ethical and safe use of digital technology within the Royal Borough of Greenwich. It explains to staff how they must use technology, how they may use technology, and how they must not use technology. It is aligned with the HR General Code of Conduct.
  • Cyber Security Policy. This policy covers the approach to how the council protects data and systems from cyber attacks. The strategy emphasises individual responsibility alongside technical security measures. It is based on the Government’s Cyber Security Strategy.
  • Data Sharing Policy. This policy covers the sharing of data in the Royal Borough of Greenwich and with external partners. It is drawn from the ICO Data Sharing Code of Practice.
  • Data Deletion and Retention Policy. This policy outlines how the council manages retention and disposal of records in line with legislation and business needs. The policy applies to all formats of records held by the council.
  • Mobile Device Policy. This policy covers the proper use of mobile devices in RBG. It is aligned with the Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy. This policy covers the use of personal mobile phones for work purposes within RBG. It is aligned with the Mobile Device Policy and the Acceptable Use Policy.

During discussion of the policies, the committee sought clarification on the council's Bring Your Own Device policy, specifically how the council had consulted with trade unions and how the scheme would work in practice.

Yeah, thanks, chair. There were no objections from trade unions. The bring your own device is optional. So these aren't enforcements that we're bringing in to staff. It's something that we're doing which has MTFS savings potential attached to it, but it's certainly nothing that's obligatory.

The committee was also told that the policies would be reviewed by the council's Standards, Digital and Scrutiny committees in January 2025.

Market Supplement Allowance Policy for Digital, Data and Technology Posts

The committee approved the continued departure from the standard Market Supplement Allowance (MSA) policy to support recruitment and retention of digital, data and technology staff. The standard policy requires a formal advertising process to be conducted before the enhanced salary can be offered, whereas the policy for digital staff sets the advertised salary at the average public sector benchmark. The current policy was agreed in 2021 as part of the council's investment in digital transformation.

So to be clear, we brought in this policy three years ago in 2021 to support the development of the digital team as it now stands. The departure from the existing HR policy is on two counts. Firstly, it allows us to pay the average of the public sector benchmark for digital posts as opposed to our GLPC rated pay. And secondly, it allows us to offer that to prospective candidates before we have a failed recruitment. So two departures from our general policy. That was agreed by this committee three years ago. What we're proposing here is just a continuation without any changes of that existing policy.

The committee heard that the current policy is cost-effective. There are sixteen digital team staff in receipt of market supplement allowances, totalling £91,000. To hire the same sixteen staff via an agency would cost £460,000 per year, roughly a 75% saving.

The committee questioned when the digital team would be able to depart from the policy. They were told this would have to be nationally negotiated, as the current Local Government Pay Scheme does not make the council competitive in the digital market.

That's a great question, Chair. I think that would have to be nationally negotiated. So the GLPC, our normal way of paying people still doesn't make us competitive in the digital market. So this is the most financially efficient way of doing it and the most procedurally efficient way of doing it. We don't have any other standard way of doing that. If we compare that to the civil service, they did bring in salary, digital salaries that were nationwide but at the moment local government isn't in the same position. There isn't enough force behind it.

The committee was reassured that the department is aware of the market supplement and is regularly reviewing the situation.

Appointment to Member-Level Bodies for 2024/25

The committee agreed the appointment of Councillor Charlie Davis to several committees and subcommittees, including the Transport and Place Scrutiny Panel, the Inclusive Economy and Culture Scrutiny Panel, the Overview and Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee, and the Margaret McMillan Field Study Centre Sub-Committee. Councillor Davis replaced Conservative colleagues who had previously served on these committees.

Appointment to Vacancies Outside Bodies for 2024-25

The committee approved the nomination of Councillor Sarah-Jane Merrill to serve as a trustee of Woodlands Farm Trust, replacing Councillor Danny Thorpe. Woodlands Farm Trust is a working city farm in Shooters Hill, in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Establishment of Appointment Panel for Chief Officer Recruitment

The committee approved the proposed salary ranges for three chief officer posts:

  • Director of Legal and Democratic Services. This role is responsible for ensuring that the Council acts lawfully and for advising Members and Senior Officers on governance, decision making and the Council’s Constitution. The post also leads on Ethical Standards for Members, and is responsible for ensuring the provision of legal services for the council. The salary range for the post is £148,823 to £160,576. The grade of the post remains unchanged. The role was previously called Director of Legal Services. A reorganisation of the Corporate Governance and Democratic Service has placed it under the Director of Legal Services within the Directorate of Finance and Legal Services, this being considered a more appropriate place for the service. This reorganisation continues the ongoing review and realignment of services across the council to balance workloads and priorities, and to achieve efficiency savings. The committee questioned the costing of using an interim member of staff compared to recruiting a permanent member of staff.

So there will be no additional cost or reduction of cost by going out and doing this permanently.

  • Director of Health & Adult Services. This role is responsible for the development and delivery of public health and adult social care services, for contributing to Greenwich Management Team (GMT), and for leading partnership working with the Integrated Care Board, NHS Trusts, and Primary Care and Voluntary and Community Sector partners. The salary range for the post is £172,308 to £184,082. The role became vacant due to the previous postholder moving to a role in the Civil Service.
  • Assistant Director, Social Care Operations. This role is a new one within the leadership structure within the Directorate of Health & Adult Services. The post is critical to delivery of the new Adult Social Care Operating Model. The salary range for the post is £93,070 to £103,851. This post was created following a reorganisation of the Directorate Management Team. The committee questioned if the role was a new one.

This is a new post, yes.

They were told that the new Assistant Director will manage a range of operational social work teams, including the hospital discharge team, reablement and complex care, and occupational therapy. These teams are front-line services that deliver essential day-to-day services.

  1. This refers to the six policies: Acceptable Use, Cyber Security, Data Sharing, Data Deletion and Retention, Mobile Device, and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). These policies cover the core areas of data handling and digital operations in the council. 

Decisions to be made in this meeting


Councillor Elizabeth Ige
Councillor Averil Lekau
Councillor Matt Hartley
Damon Cook
Siobhan Hobin
Ian Tasker
Kit Collingwood
Stephanie Mills
David White