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Health and Social Care Scrutiny Commission - Monday 21 October 2024 7.00 pm

October 21, 2024 View on council website
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The Health and Social Care Scrutiny Commission will be provided with a report on the Cabinet's response to their recommendations on access to toilets in Southwark. The Commission will also consider a report about the impact of a cyber-attack on the local NHS.

Access to Toilets

The Commission will be asked to consider the Cabinet's response to their report on access to toilets. The Cabinet’s report suggests that Councillor Evelyn Akoto, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing will lead the Council’s response, and contains a draft response to each of the recommendations from the Commission’s report. For example, in response to a recommendation about a lack of toilets at Peckham Rye Station, the Cabinet’s report says:

As part of the creation of a new square at the front of Peckham Rye Station, new public toilets will be provided. The programme is for a start on site in 2025 with completion in late 2026.

The report also says that the council will:

work with the borough’s business community to encourage them to make their toilets available to shoppers and users of the high street

and will:

undertake a gap analysis in toilet provision to get greater clarity on toilet cold spots across the borough and inform a more targeted approach to improving toilet provision across our communities

The Commission will also be asked to note the Cabinet's intention to produce an ‘Accessible Toilet Plan’ by the first quarter of 2025/26. The plan will cover topics including the provision of toilets on the council’s estate; the signposting of toilets in the borough, including via the Great British Toilet Map; and work to encourage businesses to make their toilets available for public use, in line with the aims of the council’s ‘Thriving High Streets’ programme.

The Cabinet’s report is also accompanied by a number of appendices that provide further information, for example about the potential equalities impacts of different approaches to toilet provision.

The Commission may choose to make further recommendations on the provision of toilets in Southwark, or to note the Cabinet’s response and take no further action.

Access to Testing - Responding to the Cyber-attack

The Commission has previously discussed the impact of the cyber-attack on the NHS in July 2024, and at this meeting they will receive a verbal update on this topic. The report pack for the meeting contains no further information about what will be discussed.

Refresh Partnership Southwark Priorities - Early Discussion

Refresh Partnership Southwark is the name of the local body in Southwark responsible for planning and paying for health services. At this meeting the Commission will have an early discussion about the priorities for the Refresh Partnership. No documents have been published about this topic.