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This meeting of the Schools Forum was to receive updates on several topics relating to the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), as well as updates on Early Years and High Needs provision. The forum was also to note the minutes of the meeting on 27 June 2024 and discuss any matters arising.
Dedicated Schools Grant
The forum was to receive a report providing an update on the final 2023-24 Dedicated Schools Grant, including the decision on the use of a small surplus in the Early Years block, and the reasons for a clawback of £1,030,661 from the Early Years block.
The report also provided an update on the provisional 2024-25 DSG, as well as updates on the teachers' pay award and a new grant to support the costs. The forum was asked to agree to the transfer of £245,000 to support an overspend on the High Needs Block, and to note the rest of the contents of the report.
Schools forum is requested to approve the transfer of £245k to support the High Needs Block in 2024/25. It should be noted that the funding previously agreed of circa £600k will be used to support those schools with higher than average EHCP so effectively is being returned to schools.
- Dedicated Schools Grant DSG 2023/24 Final and 2024/25 general funding Updates, page 4
Early Years
The forum was to be given a verbal update on the implementation of the Early Years national policy.
High Needs Block
The forum was to be given a verbal update on the High Needs Block, including an update on Delivering Better Value, the Dedicated Schools Grant mitigation plan to reduce spending on the High Needs Block, and feedback from the High Needs Working Group, mainly relating to the continuation of the 5% pilot scheme, a scheme to provide extra funding for schools with more than 5% of their pupils having an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).1
Any Other Business
Notional SEN Training
The forum was to note that the Notional SEN training has been completed. The Notional SEN is the amount of money that schools must spend on Special Educational Needs provision before they can apply for funding from the Local Authority's High Needs Block.
Head Teachers Mandatory Training
The forum was to note the dates for the Head Teachers mandatory training.
Future Meetings
The forum was to note the dates of future meetings, which are: 12 December 2024 and 16 January 2025 (provisional). The forum was also to note the dates for the High Needs Sub Group meetings, which are: 28 November 2024 and 9 January 2025.
Dedicated Schools Grant DSG 202324 Final and 202425 general funding Updates
Minutes of the Meeting 27 June 2024
Education, Health and Care Plans are a legal requirement for Local Authorities to provide and maintain for any child or young person aged up to 25 who is either attending school or is resident in their area and requires additional support. They are created through collaboration between the Local Authority, the child's parents and the education or health providers that work with the child. They specify the child's needs and what extra provision the Local Authority and others must put in place in order to meet those needs. ↩