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Licensing Sub Committee A - Wednesday 23 October 2024 7.00 pm
October 23, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Licensing Sub-Committee A of Hackney Council met to consider an application to vary a premises licence for Dempsey’s, 90 Mountgrove Road. The application requested permission for later opening hours on weekdays and Sundays. This application received representations from the Licensing Authority and from local residents.
Variation of Premises Licence: Dempsey’s, 90 Mountgrove Road, N5 2LT
Michael Gerrard Murray, the applicant, was seeking authorisation to extend the opening hours of Dempsey’s until 1am from Wednesday to Saturday and midnight on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The application also requested later hours for the sale of alcohol.
The Licensing Authority submitted a representation on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance. They noted that:
The proposal could have a negative impact on the promotion of the licensing objectives, most notably the prevention of public nuisance due to the residential nature of the surroundings.
Two representations opposing the application were received from local residents on the grounds of:
- The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
- Public Safety
- Prevention of Public Nuisance
- The Protection of Children from Harm

- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 23-Oct-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub Committee A agenda
- Public reports pack Wednesday 23-Oct-2024 19.00 Licensing Sub Committee A reports pack
- LSC Report-90 Mountgrove Road
- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation
- Supplementary Agenda - Additional Information from Applicant Wednesday 23-Oct-2024 19.00 Licensing agenda
- Additional Info from Applicant.docx