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Cabinet - Monday 21st October, 2024 6.30 pm

October 21, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting was scheduled to include the approval of funding requests from The King Solomon Academy and WCC Communities. The meeting was also scheduled to receive an update on the financial position of the council.

The King Solomon Academy Playground Redevelopment

The King Solomon Academy requested £298,420 of funding from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy to redevelop five existing playgrounds across its two sites. The King Solomon Academy is an all-through school for pupils aged 2-18, with sites on Penfold Street and Crompton Street. The school, which is run by Ark Schools, currently has 1,312 pupils. The report noted that:

Many pupils lack access to outdoor spaces outside of the academy and who often join with developmental levels below age-related expectations. The proposed outdoor spaces will cater to the 21% of pupils with SEND needs which is the above the national SEN school census (June 2024).

The report requested that £140,000 of the requested funding be allocated from the Little Venice and Maida Vale Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy pot, and £158,420 be allocated from the Church Street Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy pot.

WCC Communities - Outdoor Gyms & MUGAs

WCC Communities requested £394,000 to provide new outdoor gyms and redevelop existing Multi Use Games Areas (MUGAs). The report proposed to allocate £66,000 from the Pimlico Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy, £143,000 from the Church Street Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy and £185,000 from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy for areas outside of designated neighbourhood areas. The report explained that:

The rationale for the above breakdown is there are no geographic restrictions on where NCIL can be spent. The council encourages neighbourhoods to work together to develop applications for projects that will benefit them jointly. The council also welcomes applications to fund projects entirely within another neighbourhood area. This is particularly the case where a Neighbourhood Area may have no available NCIL funds, however an NCIL eligible priority project has been identified.

The report proposed that the following sites receive funding:

Kennet House MUGA

The existing MUGA was described in the report as currently underused, and funding was requested to resurface the pitch, provide new markings, hoops and goals, install floodlighting and renew the fencing.

Fisherton Street Playground and Outdoor Gym

Funding was requested to install between six and ten pieces of outdoor gym equipment.

Johnsons Place MUGA

The existing MUGA was described in the report as currently underused, and funding was requested to resurface the pitch, provide new markings, hoops and goals, install floodlighting and renew the fencing.

Johnsons Place Outdoor Gym

Funding was requested to install between six and ten pieces of outdoor gym equipment.

Medium Term Financial Planning 2025/26 - 2027/28

The Cabinet was scheduled to receive a report on the Medium Term Financial Planning for 2025/26 - 2027/28. The report was prepared before the October 2024 General Election. The report noted an expectation that:

...we expect the new Government to undertake a comprehensive spending review at some stage which will need to be taken account of.

2023/24 Revenue and Capital Outturn and Statement of Accounts

The Cabinet was scheduled to receive the audited Statement of Accounts for 2023/24. The report highlighted that the largest budget variances in 2023/24 were in temporary accommodation, and in Children's Services, driven by increases in costs associated with Children with No Recourse to Public Funds[^2] due to NHS ceasing certain contributions. The report noted that overachievement on income generation and investment income are not necessary sustainable and should not be relied on in future budget setting processes.


AttendeeStuart Love
Councillor Cara Sanquest
Councillor Adam Hug
Councillor Liza Begum
Councillor Ryan Jude
Profile image for Councillor Aicha Less
Councillor Aicha Less  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Public Protection •  Labour •  Church Street
Profile image for Councillor Matt Noble
Councillor Matt Noble  Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters •  Labour •  Church Street