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Integrated Meeting of WF Health & Wellbeing and Health & Care Partnership Boards - Monday, 21st October, 2024 1.00 pm
October 21, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Integrated Meeting of the Waltham Forest Health and Wellbeing and Health Care Partnership considered reports on a range of local health issues. Councillors were also asked to note an update on work relating to the Better Care Fund.
Promoting Wellbeing workstream
Councillors were asked to note a report on the work being carried out by the Waltham Forest Health and Wellbeing Board to meet the Council's objective of Promoting Wellbeing.
The report explained that:
This is the first report to the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) from the Promoting Wellbeing workstream.
It is stated that:
This report provides an update on work undertaken to date on the Promoting Wellbeing Priority, one of the four priorities for the Waltham Forest Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The report provides updates on three key areas of work:
- Mental Health: The report highlights the work of the Suicide Prevention Group.
- Children and Young People's Mental Health: The report notes the recent recruitment of a new Mental Health in Education Lead and the upcoming launch of a dedicated strategy for Children and Young People’s Mental Health.
- Digital Inclusion: The report states that the Council has recently recruited a dedicated Digital Inclusion Officer to support residents to access services online and the benefits of digital connectivity.
A report was included for discussion on the links between health and housing in the borough.
The report explains that:
Poor housing conditions can have a significant impact on people's health and wellbeing. For example, damp and mould can lead to respiratory problems, while overcrowding can increase the risk of infectious diseases.
It also notes that:
There is a strong link between poor housing and mental health problems.
The report included a range of data on the quality of housing in Waltham Forest, including:
- Housing Conditions: It was noted that in 2021, 6.3% of homes in Waltham Forest were assessed as non-decent, equating to 8,269 of all homes in the borough, an increase from 5.1% in 2019.
- Overcrowding: The report shows that 11.2% of Waltham Forest households (9,800 households) were overcrowded in 2021.
- Fuel Poverty: It was stated that 14% of Waltham Forest Households (12,000 households) were fuel poor in 2021, a 33% increase from 2019.
The report also included several recommendations for action to address these issues, including:
- Continuing to work with landlords to improve the quality of private rented housing.
- Providing more support to help residents with the cost of living.
- Developing a strategy to address the issue of homelessness in the borough.
Homeless Health
A report was presented to the meeting to provide an update on the work being carried out on the health of homeless people in the borough.
The aims of this report are to:
- Highlight the importance of addressing health inequalities for people experiencing homelessness.
- Provide an overview of the current picture of homelessness in Waltham Forest and the health needs of people experiencing homelessness.
- Update the HWBB on the key priorities for homeless health in Waltham Forest over the next 12 months.
The report noted that:
People experiencing homelessness have significantly worse health outcomes than the general population. They are more likely to experience physical health problems, mental health problems, and substance misuse problems. They are also more likely to die prematurely.
It also stated that:
There are a number of reasons why people experiencing homelessness have poorer health outcomes. These include:
- Exposure to the elements: People sleeping rough are exposed to extreme weather conditions, which can lead to hypothermia, heat stroke, and other health problems.
- Poor diet and nutrition: People experiencing homelessness often have limited access to nutritious food, which can lead to malnutrition and other health problems.
- Lack of access to healthcare: People experiencing homelessness often face barriers to accessing healthcare, such as lack of identification or proof of address.
The report made a number of recommendations for future work, including:
- Continuing to work to prevent homelessness
- Improving access to healthcare for people experiencing homelessness
- Providing more support to help people experiencing homelessness to move into settled accommodation.
Better Care Fund
A report on the Better Care Fund was included in the meeting pack for Councillors to note.
The report sets out that the Better Care Fund is:
A national funding programme that aims to integrate health and social care services for adults. It is jointly funded by the NHS and local authorities.
The report states that the key priorities for the Better Care Fund in Waltham Forest are:
- Reducing hospital admissions
- Supporting people to live independently at home
- Improving the quality of care
The report also notes that the fund will be used to deliver a number of specific projects and programmes over the coming year including:
- The development of a new integrated care model for older people
- The expansion of the Home First service, which provides short-term support to people to help them avoid unnecessary hospital admissions
- The provision of additional funding to support people with learning disabilities to live independently
The report concludes by stating that the Better Care Fund is:
An important source of funding that will enable the council and its partners to continue to improve health and social care services for adults in Waltham Forest.

- Agenda frontsheet 21st-Oct-2024 13.00 Integrated Meeting of WF Health Wellbeing and Health Car agenda
- Public reports pack 21st-Oct-2024 13.00 Integrated Meeting of WF Health Wellbeing and Health C reports pack
- Promoting Wellbeing Workstream update report_Oct 2024_v1 other
- Minutes Public Pack 15072024 Integrated Meeting of WF Health Wellbeing and Health Care Partne other
- Integrated HWB HCP Forward Plan 24-25 publication other
- Appendix A_TOR_Promoting Wellbeing Steering Group
- Appendix B_Promoting Wellbeing Priority Area updates_Oct 2024_v1 other
- Integrated HWB_HCP Report Housing 21Oct24_final
- HWBB Appendix 1_Waltham Forest Housing Strategy 2024 to 2029
- HWBB Appendix 2_ Waltham Forest Marmot Response other
- Integrated HWB_HCP Report Template 2024_Homeless Health 002 other
- Homeless Health Presentation for HWBB in Oct 24 other
- 1. Integrated HWB_HCP Report Template 2024
- Maternity Neonatal Case for Change WF HWBB
- Integrated HWB_HCP Report_BetterCareFund_October2024 other
- Appendix 1_BCF Quarter 1 report 2024-25