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Expedited Review, Licensing Sub Committee E - Friday 11 October 2024 12.00 pm, NEW
October 11, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Licensing Sub-Committee E of Hackney Council met to discuss whether to take interim steps regarding the premises licence of Bar A Bar on Stoke Newington Road 1 pending a full review.
Interim Steps Pending Full Review: Bar A Bar, 133-135 Stoke Newington Road, N16 8BT
The meeting was called to consider whether it was necessary to take interim steps with regard to the premises licence of Bar A Bar, pending a full review.
The meeting, which was held remotely using Google Meets, was scheduled to begin with a presentation of the report by a Licensing Officer. The Police were then expected to present their reasons for requesting the interim steps, and the Premises Licence Holder was to be given the opportunity to respond.
The meeting was then scheduled to move into a discussion phase, with the Chair structuring and leading a discussion on the information presented. Sub-Committee Members were to be given the opportunity to seek clarification on any points raised and ask questions.
Following the discussion, there was to be an opportunity for closing remarks, with the Chair asking all parties if they had any final comments to make. These comments were only to be in relation to issues raised during the discussion, and they were to be brief.
The Sub-Committee was then scheduled to withdraw to consider the evidence that had been presented to them in order to reach a decision. They were to be accompanied by the Committee Officer and Legal Adviser. The Legal Adviser was to repeat any legal advice given to Members upon returning to the public hearing.
Finally, the Chair was to announce the decision and, if appropriate, the reasons for the decision. The Licensing Officer was then to draw attention to any restrictions which would affect the running of the premises and provide a written record of the decision to the Police and the Premises Licence Holder.
The procedure for the meeting was based on the Council’s procedure rules, as well as the Licensing Hearing Regulations, which can be found here:
Bar A Bar is a bar at 133-135 Stoke Newington Road, in Dalston, in the London Borough of Hackney: 133 Stoke Newington Road. ↩