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Licensing Committee - Wednesday, 5 June 2024 9.30 am

June 5, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting focused on the appointment of the chair and vice-chair, a tribute to a former member, and a detailed discussion on the Hackney Carriage Vehicles Table of Fares and Charges, as well as the review of requirements for wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs).

Hackney Carriage Vehicles Table of Fares and Charges

The committee discussed updating the tariff charges for Hackney Carriage Vehicles. Ian Millington, Head of Service, presented a report on the proposed changes, which included a fare calculator developed by Guildford Council. The current tariff has been in place for several years and has been under review since mid-2023. The proposed changes would increase the fare from £6 to £6.94 for a two-mile journey, making it the highest in North Wales but mid-table in the overall GB league.

Councillor Andrea raised concerns about whether there was a genuine appetite among drivers for the fare increase. Ian Millington confirmed that there was no overwhelming demand from drivers for an increase. Councillor Brian Jones highlighted that the fare increase might not be necessary, especially for elderly customers who rely on taxis. After a lengthy discussion, the committee decided to retain the current table of fares and review the situation again in 12 months.

Review of Requirements for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs)

Nikki presented a report on the current licensing requirements for WAVs. The report highlighted the need for more WAVs to meet school transport demands. The current policy requires WAVs to meet the same age restrictions as other vehicles, which has been a barrier due to the higher cost of WAVs.

The committee considered several options, including removing the age limits for WAVs and replacing them with Euro 6 emission standards, which would allow vehicles up to nine years old to be licensed. Fleet services expressed concerns about different standards for WAVs and other vehicles. The committee decided to authorize a consultation exercise to gather input from interested parties on the proposed changes.

Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair

Councillor Bobby Feeley was reappointed as the chair, and Councillor Hugh Irving was appointed as the vice-chair for the ensuing year.

Tribute to Councillor Wyn Mullen-James

A tribute was paid to Councillor Wyn Mullen-James, who recently passed away. She was remembered for her years of service and dedication.

Forward Work Program

The committee reviewed and approved the updated forward work program for 2024-2025. The program has been adjusted due to significant changes in the staffing structure within the licensing section.


The meeting concluded with a note of thanks to Ian Millington, who is retiring, for his years of service and contributions to the committee.