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Local Development Committee - Monday 28th October 2024 6.30 p.m.
October 28, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was about deciding whether to grant planning permission for construction projects in the borough. The meeting also included a discussion of the minutes of the meeting held on 23 September 2024 1
365 - 367 Romford Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 8AA
The owners of the Hartley Hotel, Shuttleworth UK Ltd., sought permission to alter and extend the hotel to create extra rooms and improve the existing buildings. The hotel is located within the Woodgrange Estate Conservation Area.
The nature of the external alteration works and extension to the development are similar to that proposed under the previous permission granted under ref. 20/00301/FUL.
The committee report recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to the completion of a legal agreement. This would be required to ensure that the development was car-free, had a travel plan, and would result in a Section 278 Agreement 2 with the council for highway improvement works.
Aram House 217 Romford Road Forest Gate London E7 9HL
Dilawar Properties Ltd. sought permission to redevelop Aram House to create 28 co-living accommodation units.
Redevelopment and extension of the existing building, mansard roof addition to create part 3, part 2 storey and stepping down to 1 storey at the rear comprising 28 co-living accommodation units (Sui-Generis) with associated amenity space, access, cycle storage and green roofs.
The application included a proposal to demolish the existing building and replace it with a new building. It was determined that the proposal would result in the loss of a C2 use class 3, which provides accommodation for vulnerable people.
The council's committee report argued that
The application has failed to provide sufficient information to justify the loss of the existing use.
The committee report also determined that the proposed development would result in substandard living accommodation:
The proposed development would give rise to a poor standard of accommodation to the detriment of future occupiers by reason of the failure to provide sufficiently sized internal and external communal areas.
It was also determined that the plans would not provide enough wheelchair-accessible rooms.
The report recommended that planning permission should be refused.
The minutes for this meeting can be found here: Minutes of Previous Meeting ↩
Section 278 Agreements are legal agreements between developers and highway authorities that allow developers to carry out works to the public highway. ↩
Use class C2 refers to buildings used as residential institutions, such as hospitals, nursing homes, boarding schools, and residential colleges. ↩