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This meeting was to consider an application for a variation to a premises licence for 299-303 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick. The report pack included a note from the Monitoring Officer about declaring interests, the Licensing Act 2003, the Council’s Licensing Policy and an application pack from KSMV Properties Ltd.
299-303 Chiswick High Road
The applicant, KSMV Properties Ltd, requested the removal of condition 18 from Annex 2 of the Premises Licence for 299-303 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick. This condition states:
All regulated entertainment to take place in the basement only.
KSMV Properties Ltd argued that this condition should be removed because they had received advice from Hounslow Council Building Control that keeping the entertainment in the basement would discriminate against disabled people, due to the lack of a lift. The applicant provided a noise report to demonstrate that noise levels would remain acceptable. Five residents wrote to object to the application, and Councillor Joanna Biddolph also wrote to object, arguing that given the history at this section of Chiswick High Road, it seems highly likely that there will be noise complaints about regulated entertainment on the ground floor
Councillor Biddolph requested more information on the soundproofing proposed by the applicant, and noted that [a]s we have seen with festivals at [Gunnersbury Park](, reassurances about decibel levels have proved to be inadequate given that other factors usually exist.
In response to Councillor Biddolph's objection, a licensing agent, Stewart Gibson, replied that the noise report showed that the sound insulation requirements have been met and exceed the requirements, and that the applicant had followed the advice of building control throughout the process. Mr Gibson also noted that because condition 8 of the licence states:
All windows and doors are to remain closed from 23:00hours when regulated entertainment is being provided except for access and egress.
there will be no opportunity for noise nuisance from the premises
Licensing Policy
The report pack included the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy 2020-25. This document sets out how the Council will make decisions on applications for premises licences and other licences under the Licensing Act 2003. Of particular relevance to this application is the policy on ‘off’ sales of alcohol:
Hours for the supply of alcohol will generally be restricted to between 09:00 and 23:00.
This policy reflects the Council’s concern that the availability of alcohol late at night has a negative impact on the licensing objectives, but it is not applicable to the application being considered, which was for a variation to a premises licence, not a new application.
The policy also notes that the Council has adopted a Cumulative Impact Policy area:
It is the Council’s policy that where a relevant representation is made to any application within the Hounslow, Isleworth and Heston CIP area, the applicant will need to demonstrate that the proposed activity and the operation of the premises will not add to the cumulative impact that is currently being experienced in these areas. This policy is to be strictly applied.
However, 299-303 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, is not within this area, so the policy does not apply to this application.
Decisions to be made in this meeting
- licensing_policy_2020_2025_oct20 6 other
- OrderofBusiness
- Licensing Panel Procedure
- 299-303 Chiswick High Road - Appendix D other
- 299-303 Chiswick High Road - Appendix C other
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 15-Oct-2024 19.30 Licensing Panel agenda
- 299-303 Chiswick High Road - Appendix A other
- Public reports pack Tuesday 15-Oct-2024 19.30 Licensing Panel reports pack
- MO Guidance on Declaring Interests - May 2022 other
- 299-303 Chiswick High Road - Report other
- 299-303 Chiswick High Road - Appendix B other
- Decisions Tuesday 15-Oct-2024 19.30 Licensing Panel other