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Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee - Monday 28th October 2024 10.00 a.m.
October 28, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee met to consider an application to vary the premises licence for Cheers Bar Lounge, 5-9 Leytonstone Road. The application was granted.
Cheers Bar Lounge, 5-9 Leytonstone Road, Stratford, London E15 1JA
The Sub-Committee considered an application to vary the premises licence of Cheers Bar Lounge.
The application was submitted in order to facilitate a change of business model at the premises. The applicants stated that
The premises has been closed over the last 5 years and therefore the issues identified by Cllr Corben are not linked to their premises, however the premises seeks to improve the area by bringing life to the premises that has been closed for a number of years.
The application is being made in order to facilitate the applicant’s new business model which targets families. The premises will be a café during the day where customers can use their laptops to work and a restaurant in the evening.
The application was opposed by local Councillor Carolyn Corben on the grounds that it would increase crime and disorder and public nuisance. In her representation, Cllr Corben stated that she had
had residents report to me issues if public safety and public nuisance - asb including Street drinking, smashed glass all over the pavement, vomiting and fighting.
The Sub-Committee noted that Cllr Corben did not attend the meeting to speak to her objection. The Sub-Committee also noted that no objections were received from any Responsible Authorities, such as the Police.
In their decision, the Sub-Committee placed weight on the lack of objections from Responsible Authorities, noting in particular that
the applicant had engaged with the Council’s Licensing Team, the Metropolitan Police and the Council’s Environmental Health team prior to submitting the application in order to ensure that their application does not undermine the licensing objectives or add to the existing pressures the area faces.
The Sub-Committee went on to grant the application. The licence was granted with a number of conditions, including the requirement for CCTV, limits on the number of customers permitted to smoke outside at any one time, the requirement for SIA registered door staff at the discretion of the licensee, and the requirement for a dispersal policy.
- Committee Report 006 other
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Public reports pack 28th-Oct-2024 10.00 Licensing 2003 Act Sub-Committee reports pack
- DeclarationofInterestGuidance other
- Agenda frontsheet 28th-Oct-2024 10.00 Licensing 2003 Act Sub-Committee agenda
- Licensing procedure
- Appendix C
- Appendix D
- Appendix E
- Appendix F
- Printed minutes 28th-Oct-2024 10.00 Licensing 2003 Act Sub-Committee minutes