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Cabinet - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 10.00 am

May 21, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Powys County Council's cabinet meeting was brief and covered several key topics, including the approval of previous meeting minutes, the annual information governance report, the publication of the budget book, and noting delegated decisions and the forward work program.

  1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

    • The minutes from the meeting held on May 7th were approved. Councillor Jackie Charlton proposed, and Councillor Sandra Davis seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted without objections.
  2. Annual Information Governance Report:

    • Councillor Jake Berryman presented the annual information governance report for the year 2022-2023. He acknowledged a delay in the report's preparation and assured that the 2023-2024 report would be available later in the year. The report detailed the governance activities managed and monitored across the council. Helen Dolman also apologized for the report's lateness, citing conflicting priorities. The report was noted without further questions.
  3. Budget Book:

    • Councillor David Thomas introduced the budget book for 2024-2025, which provides detailed information on the council's budget allocations and spending plans for the coming year. The budget book serves as the first stage of the budget monitoring process and will be used to measure the council's financial performance. Craig Flinders added that any variances against the budget allocations would need to be approved through the relevant process. The budget book was noted without questions.
  4. Delegated Decisions:

    • The cabinet noted the delegated decisions made by portfolio holders since the last meeting. There were no questions or comments on this item.
  5. Forward Work Program:

    • The forward work program was presented for information. It was noted that the program is iterative and subject to change. No questions were raised regarding this item.

The meeting concluded without any additional items or questions from the members.