OK, that's far away, shall we?
OK, press the button now.
We live later.
OK, good morning, everybody.
Of course, it can be a very warm welcome to this morning's
meeting of passed County Council's cabinet.
We have a fairly brief agenda, not
to say that the items aren't important.
But so we shouldn't be here too long.
If we could start, please, we are online today,
as members will notice, one or two, I think,
obviously, we're in the chamber.
I don't know, are any members in the chamber?
I don't think so.
So it's a largely online meeting today,
but as is normal these days.
So shall we start with our agenda?
Do we have any apologies, please, Steve?
Yes, leader from the deputy leader, Councillor Matthew
Dorrance, from Councillor David Selby.
OK, thanks very much.
That's duly noted.
And then we can move then swiftly on to item two on the agenda,
which is the minutes of the meeting of the 7th of May.
One pages three to eight on our agenda pack.
Could I have a proposal for those, please?
Thank you, Councillor Jackie Charlton,
and is seconded by Councillor Sandra Davis.
Is everybody content that there are true record of which,
of what of that which took place?
Would you please indicate by raising your hand
or your yellow hand?
Grant, I think that's carried.
Thank you very much.
So those minutes are authorized.
Are there any declarations of interest today
from any member of the items on the agenda?
No, we have none.
So we can move on to the meeting.
Item four, annual information governance report,
which is presented to us today by Councillor Jake Berryman.
Thank you very much, Jake.
Pages 9 to 20 in our pack.
Thank you.
OK, well, thank you and good morning, leader and all.
This is an information report that I bring for you this morning.
It's one that members will be familiar with.
And I have a bit of an apology to start
with in that the information report as you'll see.
It's not a typo.
It is relating to the year 2223.
And that means that we will be providing a further report
on 2324 later in the year.
You'll see from the report, which is self-explanatory,
provided here that we provide going to a great deal
of detail on the governance activities that we manage
and monitor across the council.
I've no wish to provide you with more detail than that.
The report is for information.
I know we've gone through it already,
but we do have officers here to assist
if there are any specific and detailed questions.
Thank you, leader.
Thank you.
Craig, Craig Flinders, is it specifically you
that Jake was referring to?
Leader, I'm here for the next item
with regards to the budget book, so--
Oh, my apologies.
No, it's Helen Dolman.
But unless there are any questions of Helen or myself,
we'll take it as a red leader.
Sorry, I'm sorry, Helen.
I didn't spot you.
You had joined us, so my apologies.
It's OK.
It's fine.
Is there anything you wish to add to what's in the report?
I mean, is there anything you wish to highlight in particular?
No, other than to repeat, Councillor Jake's apologies
for the lateness of the report.
It's been a conflict of priorities over the year
to get the report produced.
And the 2324 report will be with you quite shortly again.
So apologies for that.
But I think the report is explanatory in the activities
undertaken and the steps that we've taken throughout the year
in relation to the Council's information
governance maturity.
OK, good.
Thank you very much.
Does anybody have any questions or observations?
It is very self-explanatory, to say.
And as Jake has pointed out, is for information.
Clive, do we need to vote on this,
or will we be happy just to receive?
Thanks, Leader.
No, it's just received it.
And we've recorded that the report has been noted.
Thank you very much.
Good, OK, well, that's that item.
Don't miss.
So we return to the agenda.
Thank you very much, Jake.
Thanks, Helen, for your attention and your attendance
for the work.
And we look forward to the next 2324 version in due course.
So thank you very much.
So we have moved to item five, which is the budget book.
Page is 21 to 58, produced and attached, as it says.
Presumably, David, Thomas, you're taking us through this?
Yes, thank you, Leader.
This is simply on the agenda, just
to note that the budget book for 24/25 has been published.
And the Council's budget book provides detailed information
and analysis of services, 24/25 budgets,
and provides details of how and where we all spend money
over the coming 12 months to turn the Council's priorities
into reality on a service-by-service basis.
It represents the first stage of the budget monitoring
process for 24/25.
And while the budgets may be updated during the year
in response to changing circumstances
or the availability of new funding,
they will remain a yardstick against which the Council
would have measured its financial performance over the year.
And this budget and the resulting Council tax
were agreed that the meeting of the full Council
on the 22nd of February and have since been allocated
down to the individual managers within the organization.
And all the information around that statement,
Leader, is contained within the budget book.
If there are any questions, as Craig mentioned earlier,
he's here and we can take any questions anybody may have.
But it's for information, really, and I'm
going for you to read through.
Excellent. Craig, do you have any to add?
Was it, again, self-explanatory?
Yeah, Councilor David has covered off
on most of the areas.
What I would say is, obviously, the budget book now
contains the allocations that have been allocated
to the specific lanes, and in line
with part 16 of the financial constitution,
any environment against those budget allocations
would have to be approved through the relevant process.
So that's the key to this document
that needs to be noted as well.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Craig, OK.
Are there any questions?
None, again.
So very straightforward, again.
So thank you very much for that.
And move back to the agenda.
To item six, which is delegated decisions,
again, for us to note, I'd say delegated to portfolio holders,
taken since the last meeting, pages 59 to 60.
Again, are there any questions before we move to item seven?
No, it's all, again, self-explanatory.
And then we move to item seven, which
is the forward work program.
Again, for information, pages 61 and 62,
as I always point out that this is an iterative process
and clearly the forward work program is subject to change.
But this is housing standards as we speak today.
So, again, are there any questions around that?
No, this is progress.
Which looks like it brings us to the end of today's agenda.
So a very brief meeting of cabinet.
I think the briefest I've ever chaired.
Thank you, Ron and all, for your attendance.
And thank you, officers, for attending as well.
And to yourselves, both Anand from outside the cabinet.
If there's no further-- there's no other item
anybody wishes to raise at this stage,
then I can call this meeting to a close.
So thank you very much, Ron and all.
Bye bye.