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Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 28th May, 2024 10.00 am

May 28, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting focused on the selection of the chair and vice-chair for the Overview and Scrutiny (ONS) committee, the approval of previous meeting minutes, and updates on various council matters, including asset management and housing performance.

Selection of Chair

Councillor Suzanne Sanders was elected as the chair of the ONS committee. She was nominated by Councillor Parker and seconded by Councillor Hayes. Councillor Phil Bullivant was also nominated but received fewer votes.

Selection of Vice-Chair

Councillor John Parrott was elected as the vice-chair of the ONS committee. He was nominated by Councillor Colin Parker and seconded by Councillor Henderson. Councillor Alex Hall was also nominated but received fewer votes.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the meetings held on March 26th and April 9th were approved. Councillor Parrott proposed the approval of the March 26th minutes, seconded by Councillor Sanders. Councillor Parker proposed the approval of the April 9th minutes, seconded by Councillor Hayes.

Asset Management Update

Councillor David Pailthorpe provided an update on asset management. The council owns a variety of assets, including land and buildings, which are being reviewed for their strategic value. The focus is on generating income and supporting community organizations. Councillors raised concerns about the maintenance of community assets and the need for a fair concession and subsidy policy.

Housing Performance

Jack Williams presented the quarter three performance monitoring report. The council is falling short of its housing targets, with only 495 additional homes built against a target of 720. Councillors expressed concerns about homelessness and affordability issues.

Outside Organisations

Councillors provided updates on their involvement with outside organisations. Councillor Colin Parker mentioned the Devon Building Control partnership, and Councillor John Parrott discussed the Devon Rail Forum.

Deferred Items

The committee decided to defer discussions on webcasting of meetings and various notices of motion regarding planning to the next meeting, as the representatives who proposed these items were not present.

Task and Finish Groups

Feedback on task and finish groups was also deferred to the next meeting due to the absence of the presenting member. Councillors emphasized the importance of participation from all members in these groups.

The meeting concluded with a call for more involvement from councillors in task and finish groups and outside organisations to ensure a well-rounded and effective council.