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Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 20th May, 2024 6.00 pm

May 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting focused on several key issues, including the future of public health in BCP Council, intermediate care development, NHS dentistry, and integrated neighborhood teams. The committee also discussed the data working group's final report and the forward plan for upcoming meetings.

Future of Public Health in BCP Council

The committee discussed the future configuration of public health services in BCP Council following the decision to end the shared services agreement with Dorset Council. Julian, the Corporate Director, emphasized the opportunity to create a new, impactful public health function within BCP Council. The committee debated the role and structure of the Director of Public Health (DPH), considering various models such as the expert, the critical friend, and the community advocate. They agreed on the need for a focused, independent role that could offer intelligence-led advice and support early intervention in areas like knife crime, active travel, and drug addiction.

Intermediate Care Development

Betty and Becky presented an update on the intermediate care and discharge to assess (D2A) models. The goal is to improve access to intermediate care, reduce hospital stays, and ensure sustainable community recovery models. The committee learned that around 85% of people leaving the hospital are discharged under the D2A pathway, with plans to increase this to 95%. The discussion also covered the financial aspects, noting a reduction in system funding from £10.2 million to £5.1 million for the upcoming year.

NHS Dentistry

Louise from Healthwatch Dorset provided an update on NHS dentistry, highlighting the ongoing difficulties people face in finding NHS dentists. She mentioned that Healthwatch has been working with NHS Dorset to improve commissioning and provide additional urgent care appointments. The committee discussed the need for a more rapid and radical national reform of how dentistry is commissioned and provided.

Integrated Neighborhood Teams

Julian and Kate updated the committee on the development of integrated neighborhood teams. The program aims to bring together various health and social care services at a neighborhood level, defined as areas with 30,000 to 50,000 people. The focus is on creating early adopters and fast followers to ensure a broad rollout of the initiative.

Data Working Group Final Report

Lindsay presented the final report from the data working group, which aims to improve the committee's use of data in its scrutiny work. The report includes a toolkit for accessing various data sources and recommendations for standard data requests in all reports. The committee agreed to adopt the recommendations.

Forward Plan

The committee discussed the forward plan for upcoming meetings, including potential updates on maternity services, Tricuro's business plan, and waiting times within adult social care. Councillor Salmon raised the issue of gender identity services, and it was agreed that this would be added to the forward plan.

The meeting concluded with a note that the portfolio holder's update would be circulated in the minutes.