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Pensions Board - Wednesday 6 November 2024 6.30 pm
November 6, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The meeting began with a discussion of recent data breaches, approved the recommendations on the Risk Register, and then discussed the investment performance of the Lambeth Pension Fund, noting its underperformance.
Data Breaches
One of the Fund's employers, a member of the Lambeth Fund, mistakenly sent a new employee's introduction letter to the wrong address. In response to this breach, the employer checked and updated all of their members' addresses. Concern was expressed that employee errors could also cause data breaches, such as failing to update the Fund on address changes.
Councillor Liam Daley raised a concern regarding the auto-enrolment of former GLL staff who now work for Lambeth Council, arguing that these staff want to be auto-enrolled and that not doing so was losing the Fund revenue. Linda D'Souza, Assistant Director of Payroll and Pensions, explained that because this staff were employed by GLL, a leisure provider, on a casual basis with no mutuality of obligation1, auto-enrolment was not required by the LGPS2 rules. She also said that the staff had been informed of their right to opt into the scheme.
Risk Register
Councillor Linda Bray raised a question about data security, asking whether the assurances provided by the Fund's software supplier that the system is backed up had been tested. D'Souza said that the system, which is hosted by the software provider and cloud-based, is backed up at a different site, and that the provider runs business continuity exercises to ensure the system's robustness.
The Board reviewed the Risk Register and approved the recommendations.
Investment Performance
Councillor Matthew Bryant asked whether the underperformance of the fund, in particular the LCIV Emerging Market Equity Fund, was due to poor stock selection. Saul Omuco, Acting Head of Treasury and Pensions, said that whilst this was indeed the case, it was a cyclical event, and as the fund was a long-term investor, short-term fluctuations were not a cause for concern.
Councillor Aiku asked how much the underperformance of the fund was due to trading fees. Omuco said that the impact of trading fees was minimal, at around one percent.
The Board then noted the report on investment performance.
Mutuality of obligation is a legal concept that dictates an employee's contractual obligation to accept, and an employer's obligation to offer, work. If it does not exist, the worker is considered casual, with the right to refuse work offered by the employer. ↩
The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is a statutory, defined benefit, public service pension scheme in the United Kingdom for employees of local authorities. It is administered locally by over 100 administering authorities. ↩

- FINAL PUBLIC Pensions Board minutes 24 July 2024 other
- 1. Pension Board Work Plan 2024-25
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 06-Nov-2024 18.30 Pensions Board agenda
- 2. Pension Fund Business Plan Tracker 2024-25
- 3. Pension Administration Performance Report 30.09.2024 other
- 3.1 Appendix One - Pensions Administration Perfomance September 2024 other
- 3.2 Appendix Two - Suggested Training_
- 3.3 Appendix Three - Training Log
- 3.4 Appendix Four - LCIV Current Fund Offering
- 4. Lambeth Pension Fund Risk Register Report September 2024 other
- 4.1 Appendix One - Lambeth Pension Fund Risk Register September 2024 other
- 5. Investment Performance Report - Q2 2024
- 5.1 Appendix One - Investment Performance Report Q2 2024
- Public reports pack Wednesday 06-Nov-2024 18.30 Pensions Board reports pack
- 3.5 Appendix Five - Stewardship Code Report 2024 DRAFT