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Licensing and General Purposes Committee - Thursday 7th November, 2024 7.00 pm
November 7, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
Please note that meetings may be recorded and broadcast by the council or by the people present. Can I remind members and officers to use the microphone when speaking by pressing the middle speaker icon. I have apologies for absence from Councillor Farrier, Councillor Rich, Councillor McGurk, Councillor Greenspan and Councillor Alison Cornelius. Item two of the agenda is the minutes of the last meeting. Are the committee happy to approve the minutes? Thank you. I'll sign those. Item three is declarations of members disclosable pecuniary interest or other interests. As chair, I have an interest to declare for items seven of the agenda, the annual health, safety and well-being. I have a pecuniary interest due to my employment with Thomson Solicitors. Are there any other interests that need to be declared? No. Item four, dispensations by the monitoring officer. There are none. Item five, public questions and comments. There are none. I'm now going to propose that we switch item seven, which I will have to leave the room for as chair, and item six, so take item seven first. I will leave the room and then we can run through the rest of the agenda without issue. Is the committee happy with that suggestion? Thank you. So item seven will be the annual health, safety and well-being report. As per my declaration, I will now step down as chair for this part of the item and leave the room. The vice chair, councillor and they will chair the rest of this item. Thank you. Thank you, vice chair. Thank you, Mr Kumi, for having taken your seat there. Could you please present the report to the committee? Thank you, I'm just trying to get my machine to work. So, good evening. My name is Mike Kumi. I'm head of the safety, health and well-being service. I'm presenting this report on behalf of the Director of Public Health, Janet Jomba. So the main body of the report, which is on page 99, just briefly goes through the council's performance for the previous year. So what it provides us with is an idea of how the council performs against certain metrics that we measure. We get that information from our accident reporting system, which gives us information on incidents that have been reported by staff. Also, we carry out performance audits, which is around how the organisation complies with the kind of policies we have in place, the legislation, and it gives us a measure of performance. We also get information from HR data on sickness absence, so we can identify where there's work-related sickness absence and what's caused that, and other bits of information we get off from our occupational health provider, so that's around referrals and whether they're work-related referrals, and also from our employee assistance programme, which is the council's counselling service for staff. So we get some of that data, even though it's confidential, we get some data around the types of things that people present with. So that gives us an idea of how the council is performing, and where the gaps are. The reason that we have an annual report, there is a legal guidance and requirement that says that an organisation should monitor and report on how it's performing. There's also a case law that says members of local authorities have got responsibility to understand what the risks are associated with the local authority, and also to have a say in the sorts of priorities that the local authority has, which is why the two recommendations of the report are, one is to note the report and the performance, and secondly to agree the priorities for the subsequent two years. So that's the reason for this report to be presented. Some highlights that I'll go through, so the priorities that were set two years ago were around addressing gaps in the performance in work-related stress and psychological health and musculoskeletal injuries, and you'll see from those two things that they continue in this report. They are the most common cause of work-related health, not just in local authorities but actually in most employers, both public and private sector. Lots of things that impact those, both work-related but also external, which is why it's something that happens quite often. We do have a good record in that when we compare with other kind of similar organisations, but obviously our drive will always be to improve and to try and prevent them as much as we can. So we will continue to do that. We haven't seen a decrease over the last 12 months in those sorts of injuries. We are keen to continue that, so that's why it's part of the recommendations going forward. There has been a real, there's been a slight increase in accidents reported, but we have actually run a campaign to encourage reporting of near-misses and also of verbal assaults, which are underreported nationally, and we've just been trying to get an increase in that. And we've actually seen an increase in those reports of around 15%, which then translates into an increase in reported incidents, but actually, rather than it being a negative figure, it's actually positive in that we've got more people to report things. So we will monitor those, obviously, we'll continue to monitor those trends, and if we feel that the trends are going up, then we'll intervene to take some actions to reduce them, but that's a figure that we've come up with. There has, though, been a reduction in, an improvement in our performance scores, so in audits we've had massive improvement from 70% to 90%, which is excellent, and we've also seen a massive increase in staff undertaking management of executive training, which is all positive. So overall, the Council performs, when compared to other local authorities, in the metrics that we use very well, as regards to its major incidents and its compliance scores. The priorities for the next, and there is, by the way, I need to let you know there's an error, a typo on page 101, it should be 2025 to 2027, as opposed to 2017, but the priorities are, as the gaps have been identified in the report, so we will continue to see a reduction of at least 10% days lost in stress-related illness, mental health, and health, see a reduction of the same amount for musculoskeletal injuries. Most musculoskeletal injuries for us, of course, either in our manual handling operations, so our frontline streets and staff, but also we see some musculoskeletal injuries from continued use of displaced green equipment, especially if it's not used correctly, but they're the areas that we concentrate on. We need to, we've identified a gap in the way that we monitor compliance and community scores, so there's just a lack of sufficient information or wide-ranging information, so we're going to introduce some measures to ensure that we get good relevant information in community scores about compliance, and when I talk about compliance, I'm talking about the way they're managed by water hygiene and those kinds of things. And then we have got a workplace well-being action plan, and that seeks to improve well-being outcomes for staff, so that's around, and we talk things around psychological health and also psychological safety, as well as physical health, obesity, smoking, drug use, alcohols, et cetera, so they're trying to gain improvements in that. So that's an update of the report. The recommendations are that the performance is noted and that we improve the priorities for the next two years. Thank you very much, Mr. Okomi, for the very insightful report. Before I invite colleagues to ask you questions, looking at the at the park on page 107, one is a bit confused. On the first pie chart, it refers to top five accidents/incident types 2021 to 2022, but beneath it, it refers to 2023 to 2024. Is that a typo? That's a typo, yes. Apologies. Because that's also replicated on the second chart below. Because with the public documents, we just need to ensure that we are a bit more careful with them, so thank you. Colleagues, members, are there any questions for Mr. Koolming? One of the things that you did actually say about the verbal abuse and stress that actually it relates to other areas in other boroughs have exactly a similar type of level, but it just seems a huge chunk of the graph is taken up with that, it just does worry me a bit. It's a very common report for most organisations. If you think about what we do as a public sector, it's quite a wide range of activities we undertake, really. So you've got schools, you've got frontline services, you've got social work staff, care staff, frontline services, where we don't deal directly with the public. So in those circumstances, you tend to get more in an organisation like ours, or those sorts of verbal assaults, and also psychological issues and stress-related illnesses are a national issue, and they show up in all organisations, not just ours. But with verbal assaults, it tends to be those where you've got those kind of frontline services, particularly the sorts of services that we provide. So it's not surprising, it is something that obviously we're trying to tackle, we want to reduce. It's not something that we're going to eliminate, but it's certainly something we want to keep a top on. Are there any more questions? I've got one or two more for you, since my colleagues don't have questions. In the report, one observes that there's been progress in terms of health and safety training, so it's increased from 57% last year to 77% this year. On the other hand, there's been an increase in radar accident incidents, so it's gone up. Now whilst I notice it's below the public sector average of 500, and that is currently being investigated, is there any reason, well, do you have any guess why this has gone up? So the radar types of reports, which are the ones that are reportable to the health and safety executive, they are very low for our organisation. So I think it went up from four to nine. And so it's such a relatively small number for the amount of staff that we employ that actually those kinds of changes are not overly concerning, because it just shows that they're very small changes in percentage terms. But saying that, obviously we are always concerned when there's an increase in those kinds of incidents where they're reportable. And so we're obviously going to be looking to reduce them. They tend to be, and most of those are either manual handling type injuries or they'll slip, strips and falls where people have fallen over, particularly the external and external environment. So we continue to look and we work with service managers to kind of review risk assessments and to reduce them. So the hope is that next year we'll be able to show reduction in those kinds of incidents. Thank you very much for that. So we asked as a committee to note the recommendations on page 99 of the Information Park. Do I take it that we all agree with those two recommendations? Yeah. So it's carried this. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Ambe. We can move to item six, the revised licensing policy 2025 to 2030. Just invite officers to give us a short introduction to this policy. Good evening, everyone. So this report presents the revised licensing policy. So this is something we have a statutory duty to do every five years. We must revise or review our policy and publish a statement of how we're going to deal with things under the Licensing Act. And this has been at the consultation. So as part of the report, we include the responses to that consultation from members of the public and our partners and how we've responded to those. And the decision we're seeking today is that the committee approves the report and then we recommend that it would be adopted at the next four council meetings. I'm going to hand over, sorry I didn't introduce myself, did I? I'm sorry. Ella Smallcombs. I'm the Head of Consumer and Public Protection. And I'm going to hand over to my service manager now for this year, for the year of licensing and trading standards. Thank you very much. Good evening, everybody. Chair, my name is Ash Shah. I'm the service manager responsible for trading standards and licensing. As Ella has explained, the only portion of this report that you may not have been privy to has come to this committee before for approval. We had 24 responses to the consultation. Thank you. Are there any questions from the committee? I've got Councillor Barnes, Councillor Ambe and Councillor Stock. Good evening, thank you. This reference to the cumulative impact zones, does that apply to all types of license? And that only applies in burnt oak, as I understand it. Is it just alcohol license? Is it other types of licenses? And can it be applied in the future sort of more widely? Thank you, Councillor. So the cumulative impact zone is in relation to the Licensing Act and it will cover license premises. License premises primarily deal with alcohol, but they can also deal with things like regulated entertainment. They can deal with film classification. There's a whole horde of things under the Licensing Act, which is covered under that particular Act. So the cumulative impact zone is specific to an area. It's brought about as a result of evidence-based and some of the impact that it has on things like public health, criminality, all sorts of different elements that you've seen in one of the appendices contained within the report. It is specific to an area and should other areas be considered for a cumulative impact zone, then what we do do is ask residents to actually speak with the local board councillors. So that then can be brought to the Licensing and General Purposes Committee here, so that we can start putting the pack together with our partners at Public Health and the Police and other responsible authorities, to try and gather some of that evidence-based. So the cumulative impact zone, where the Licensing Act is quite permissive in its application and anybody who applies, there's a presumption that a license will be issued unless there's good reason not to. A cumulative impact zone does the reverse of that. So I hope that answers your question, Councillor. Thank you. Councillor Ambe. Thank you, Mr Shaw and Ms Raglan, for the very insightful report. You talked about the Licensing Action Group to combat the problem we have of male-dominated cafes, which make it and work for women and girls in the borough. I have to say that I'm hearing about it for the first time today, and we in West Hamden have been one of those who have been to the race in this issue. And so firstly, we are pleased that something is being done about the problem. So if you could help to just advise us on if there have been any successes to date, and secondly, what engagement do you have with members, what engagement does the Licensing Action Group have with members? Thank you. So insofar as some of those cafes are concerned, that primarily means that we kind of will be speaking to our responsible authority partners, which will comprise of the police and community safety. So within the immediate vicinity of the premises, we can advise the licensee if they're a licensed premise to obviously control their patrons and ensure that some of that behaviour doesn't take place. Of course, some of that where people feel intimidated, it's not tangible, so it's a very difficult thing to try and actually control. But it is one of those things that we will speak to the licensees about in terms of trying to control their respective patrons. And of course, the licensee has the option of not serving some of those people who may be frequenting those premises. So that's an option that we do provide to them, and so actually you may need to be a little bit more robust in how you deal with some of your patrons. Thank you, Mr Scheer. So my question was more about the impact or any successes, because what have we achieved? And it could be that this is still a pilot, it's new and we haven't had much success, that's fine. It would just help us to understand. And also, how do you engage councillors of the wards that are working in? Yeah, sorry, Councillor, if I've not answered your question fully. The Licensing Action Group has been formed about five months ago, and it's gaining its membership. So we have all the responsible authorities, and where we're doing problem solving with particular premises, we have had successes. So for example, there's a problem premises in Edgware that we've engaged with, where we're trying to change some of that behaviour through a holistic sort of model. Our responsible authorities have been engaging with the licensees in that regard, and the purpose of that is to try and almost negotiate an agreement before it reaches to like a subcommittee stage. So all of these things are happening in the background. We've now built up a list of around 30, 35 premises that we're interested in looking at in greater detail, and that list is growing. So for example, we have trading standards who have seized lots of illicit tobacco and vapes from licensed premises. So some of those will be heading towards a review stage where we might be seeking to either modify the conditions of the license, or in fact, revoke the license in some cases. Where we've got other responsible authorities who have got an interest in those business premises, we'll be engaging with them about how further reviews regarding those premises can take place. So it's now a work in progress at the moment, Councillor. Thank you. Councillor Stock. Thank you very much indeed. I was just wondering, the group that you've got together, I think you said 38 people. Is that correct? How many, or you've got a cohort of people who answered your survey. Oh, 24. Right. 24 responses. It's an awfully small number, having been a scientist, to base it on that. And some of the things were very, you know, like Vivian Avenue thing, you know, which kept coming up, was what one person's view. I was just wondering, how did you get, because I think, if I remember when I read it, it was, you know, you've got from different places, different organisations, but that's a very small number, a population of nearly 400,000. We use the Council's Engage platform, which is where all the consultations tend to go. It provides quite a wide breadth of, yeah, it just provides the platform by which we can have our consultations out. Obviously, it is a very small number, and we will be seeking to kind of get increased upon those numbers. We do also try and engage with business owners who are actually licensees as well, and other organisations. Of course, we cannot try and be, you know, try and encourage more to come through. You know, we're publicising it as best we can, but I think we should be seeking different ways of engaging other constituencies, yes. Chair, if I may actually make sure that, in fact, to base it on that sort of number is really the useful way of doing it. I'm really sorry, because I think you've done it, it's a really good report. But I just think, and it repeatedly comes through with the Council often, you know, you've based it on nine people, and I think how can you base it on, you know, statistically, that's not a significant number. So if that could just be somehow noted, I'd really appreciate that, that we do try and reach out to different cohorts, whether it's, I don't know how, because I don't know the answer to that. And I do understand it's very difficult to get people to respond, but, I don't know, stand outside the town hall maybe. But it would be good to get more. Thank you, and please don't take it as a criticism. Thank you, Councillor, thanks for the comments. We share your disappointment. We'd like more members of the community to engage with us on these policies. We can definitely share those concerns with our comms team and look at what we can do in the future to encourage better engagement with some of these things. I think also really engagement with yourselves at ward forums, encouraging members of the community to participate in these types of exercises would be a really positive thing. Thank you. We've got Councillor Ambe as indicated. Thank you, Chair. Just something in response to what Councillor Stokes said. I obviously share my disappointment in the low response rate for the consultation, but I'm also sympathetic with officers because I shared that consultation link in a large WhatsApp group in West Hendon where they complained about the Bath and Megan Avenue. And we can't force residents to engage. We can only share them. I put it over next door, and if 24 people were interested, I think we have to work with that. My question was, Mr. Shah, you didn't explain to us how that working group engages with Councillors in their relevant wards. And the reason I asked that is, at times, it helps members to know this good work is being done behind the scenes, so we can relate that to residents. Because if I had known about what you guys have been doing as a team, we've had complaints recently about those Vivian Avenue cafes. That was just what I was trying to ask, so I understand. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor. Absolutely so. The way in which we are currently engaging is where we have applications, variations. We will always seek to send those matters to the local ward Councillors and have them engaged in the consultations for those licenses. However, I do take your point in relation to some of the other good work that we're doing that doesn't necessarily involve just a specific area. It's kind of borough-wide. And I think on that front, I think definitely there's an opportunity for us to engage with members a lot more, explain what it is we're actually doing. And, you know, we do have an annual report which does come to this committee, which kind of highlights what we've done in the previous year. However, there's work in progress that I think we ought to be highlighting to members as well. And I would seek every opportunity to do that regarding the licensing team. You talked about the premises and agewear. Have you updated the Agewear Council about the work on that premises? Not on that particular one, because we have work in progress in relation to that, which we're hoping to arrive at an agreement with that particular premise without the need for it to be sort of going any further. It's a premise that has for some time been the subject of complaints from local residents, and we're arriving at a stage where we think we might have reached kind of almost like a settlement in terms of additional conditions that we're looking and seeking to impose upon that particular premise. Thank you. So the fact that it's already a place of concern that obviously the members would be aware of, wouldn't that help them to have just like advanced knowledge that we're doing this work so that in case residents complain to them, they'll have a response to give the residents? Obviously, they wouldn't go into details about what we're doing, just them having the information. We can certainly share some of that information with the local councillors, absolutely, no problem, Ella. Do you see any problem? Where we've had premises might have been raised as part of a piece of casework where constituents come to yourselves, we would keep that particular councillor up to date, but we take on board the comments regarding maybe proactively speaking to all councillors where we know we're dealing with things. Also, just to promote the good work the team's doing because they work very hard to resolve these issues, so thank you for the comments. Thank you, and I think obviously to address it, I think it's something which needs to filter through this sort of feedback with members about things happening in the ward, so they should just be aware so that way the communication is obviously fluid, if you don't mind. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. So I think we'll take that away and have a think about how we can do that because obviously, as colleagues said, there's a fine line between ongoing investigations and updates that we can share, but let's take away and have a think about that and come back to you. Thank you, Councillor Ambe. I was going to say on the point about consultations and the lack of engagement, it may be worth reminding councillors when these go out with regular emails via our emails to remind our various residents groups, because we can obviously help in advertising in our local communities and probably have email lists that may assist in driving those numbers up. So I will probably get crucified by some members saying, do utilise members from all wards to try and advertise these consultations when they go out so that we can get a good cross range of the borough reporting back. It's a fairly easy email that hopefully would go out to all members and they can then, as Councillor Ambe has talked about, put on social media and forward to contacts to help drive up your engagement and get more positive and negative engagement, but get more feedback. Unless there are any further questions, are we happy to move to recommendations? The recommendations are that the committee approve the proposed revised licensing policy and recommend this licensing policy to be adopted at the next full meeting of the council. Is that agreed? Thank you. So item eight review of polling districts and polling places. Thank you. Good evening. I can ask you both to introduce yourself and just give us a quick summary of the report. Good evening, everybody. My name is John Bailey. I'm the head of electoral services and with me is Julie Carter, the electoral services manager. And so the polling district and polling places review. This is the compulsory review that we have to do every five years. Although, of course, we've been doing an interim review annually since 2014. For the first time in that period, this is a report that's recommended no changes to the current polling arrangements across the borough. Although there are a couple of places where we anticipate that we will do some work in advance of the interim review that we intend to hold next year. I don't know if the RO would like to say anything on the report. I think it's a really thorough review and I'm grateful to the team for doing it. As John said, there are a couple of areas where people have raised concerns, but as we don't have any planned elections next year, we think addressing those in slow. Mine's flaking out as well, addressing those in slower time in order to address them in the interim review is the right way forward. Thank you. Do members have any questions on this report? I actually wanted to say, it's a really brilliant report. I know it takes a lot of time to do these things, so I just wanted to thank you. But also, one of the things, and you have said it will be reviewed, but I know in my ward in Mill Hill, Millbrook Park with the school, I had so many people ringing me on the day that they couldn't park and they couldn't get in. It would be far better to go to the Frithmanna school if I can plead with you, please. I mean, they have a big problem. Thank you. Just particularly on Frithmanna, we did have a look at that I visited and assessed and the venue is absolutely perfect as a polling station, to be fair, as are practically all schools that we ever assess. But in looking at where the electors are, it was overwhelmingly, I mean, it wasn't even a reasonable number. I think it's 89% of people actually live closer to Millbrook. So whilst I think we appreciate that parking would be improved at Frithmanna, it clearly feels that more people would be disadvantaged by the longer distance to the polling venue than the advantage for those that would drive and be able to park. So I think on balance, that's why the decision was that we should stay where it is. I mean, walking around there quite often, it really is not a huge walk. I mean, it's a very, very densely populated, you know, flats and things. So actually, just to go across the road to the school, I definitely, I do think it needs to be looked at because it really was disadvantaging a lot of people. So, I mean, hopefully everyone would walk there, but they could, it really is a very short walk to the school, it's tiny compared to some areas, you know, of the, my ward, Tottenham Woodside is massive and here it really is quite contained at that point. So that would be, thank you very much indeed. If there were no further questions, one thing I would say is I would invite again all members to engage with officers over the coming year ahead of the interim report next year. I have a feeling officers might have a little more interest from members across the council in the run up to the 26th election when they're up for election. But if we're happy, are we happy to agree the recommendations? Agreed? Thank you. Item nine then is the GLA Election May 2024 and the UKPG Election July 2024 Elections Project Review. I'll try not to spend too long introducing it. It's a very long report, but there was quite a lot of detail to impart, I suppose, given that we had two election projects so close to each other. The report does contain a lot of information about the particular challenges for those two elections. Not least, of course, the introduction of elements of the Elections Act that took effect for the first time at elections in Barnet. Throughout the report, you'll see that there are a number of tables that detail the turnout at each of the elections across Barnet and indeed for the GLA, the Barnet and Camden constituency level. There's also information about the amount of additional work that the registration side of the team had to deal with in the run up to both of those elections with the number of applications that were made. Another part of the report touches upon the impact of voter ID in terms of how it was felt within polling stations. And I think it was a generally very positive set of figures that you'll be able to see there. And also about the postal vote handling requirements that are now in place, the number of postal votes that were handed in at polling stations. In addition to that, we do touch upon the information that was given in the media at times around postal votes either being delivered late or not being delivered. And you'll see the figures there for how many reissues were provided at each of the two elections that were held this year. And then finally, there are some recommendations in the report, which we can't ask members to prove they are recommendations that the RO will take on board as a statutory independent post holder. Again, if the RO would like to say anything on the report. Thank you. I suppose the first thing to say is that I was not the returning officer for the DLA election. I was a deputy constituency returning officer, so I was very closely involved. So if you have any questions on that, then I'm happy to answer them. And I was the returning officer of the by-election and strictly speaking was the acting returning officer of the general election. So we use the term RO to cover all of those. Again, I think the only thing I really want to say is thank the team. It was a really quite extraordinary effort to go from the first DLA election with a manual count almost straight into arranging a parliamentary election with a by-election in a new count venue. So a lot of people put in a lot of hours to make that happen. And I know you are all very grateful for that, but I think we should record it in this meeting as well. Thank you. I was going to second that we thank all of the staff who have been involved in all of the officers who worked so hard over both elections. And I think to add to the list of things that we knew this election was working across borough with Harry and Gay for one of our parliamentary seats as well to add even more difficulty to the part for officers. And they had a brand new returning officer and they were very kind to me. Do members have any questions on this report? If there are no questions, apart from noting our thanks as a committee for the officers involved in the election, are we happy to pass this report and note it? Agreed. Thank you. So item 10, thank you, is the committee work programme. Are there any questions on the forward work plan? Noting that we have cancelled the next meeting in February and consolidated the work programme into two longer, more substantive meetings than three meetings with fewer items. Any questions on the forward work plan? We're happy to agree that. Agreed. Item 11 is any other items the chair decides urgent? There are none. So on that note, I'd like to thank you all for your work this year and the work I'm sure you'll continue to do on licensing subcommittees until the AGM, but the next time this meeting meets will be after the AGM. So thank you all for this year. And I think that closes the meeting at, I have 1946. Thank you. Thank you. [BLANK_AUDIO]
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Mae hefyd y gynnyddiaeth yma sy'n dweud y bydd y gynnyddiaeth yma'n cael y gynnyddiaeth yn gwybod beth yw'r risgau sy'n cymryd â'r gynnyddiaeth yma a hefyd i'w ddweud y pethau o'r gynnyddiaeth y mae'r gynnyddiaeth yma, a dyna pam y pethau o'r gynnyddiaeth yma. Mae'n rhaid i'w ddweud y pethau a'r gynnyddiaeth, ac yn ddiweddarach i'r gynnyddiaeth ddeall y pethau ar gyfer y cymryd cymryd yma. Dyna'r rheswm y gallwn ni gyd yn ymwneud â'r gynnyddiaeth yma. Mae rhai haelau y byddwn yn mynd ymlaen. Mae'r gynnyddiaeth sydd wedi'i gynnwys y ddwy o blynyddoedd yma yn ymwneud â gapsau yn y gynnyddiaeth yma mewn gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a chyfathrebu cymdeithasol, a chyfathrebu sylweddol musgol, ac rydych chi'n gweld am y pethau sy'n cymryd yma yn y gynnyddiaeth yma. Mae'r gynnyddiaethau cymdeithasol mewn gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, nid yn y gynnyddiaethau lleol, ond yn y gynnyddiaeth yma, a byddai'r gynnyddiaethau cymdeithasol yn y gynnyddiaeth cymdeithasol mewn gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, a chyfathrebu sylweddol, yn y gynnyddiaeth cymdeithasol, ond yn y gynnyddiaeth cymdeithasol mewn gwasanaeth cymdeithasol, a chyfathrebu sylweddol. Mae gennym record bach yn y bod ni, pan fyddem ni gyfaint â phobl o ddwy o brydau similaidd, ond roedd ein ddwy o bryd yn gweithio i'w gweithio a phrofi'r ddau'r gynnyddiaethau. Felly rydym ni'n mynd i'w gwneud hynny. Nid oes gennym ddigwyddiad o'r ddwy o bryd yn y gynnyddiaethau cymdeithasol. Rydyn ni'n gweithio i'w gwneud hynny, felly dyna y peth y mae'n rhan o'r cymdeithasol yn y ffordd. Mae gennym ddwy o bryd yn y gynnyddiaeth cymdeithasol, ond rydyn ni wedi'i gweithio i'w gweithio i gynnyddiadau o ddwy o bryd a phrofi'r ddwy o bryd, sy'n ddwy o bryd yng nghymdeithasol, ac rydym ni wedi'i gweithio i ddod o'r ddwy o bryd. Rydyn ni wedi'i gweld o ddwy o bryd o'r 15%, a dyna'r ddwy o bryd yn ddwy o bryd o ddwy o bryd, ond rhan o fod yn ddigwyddiadau negatif, mae'n ddigwyddiadau positif, a dyna rydyn ni'n cael rhai mwy o bobl i ddwy o bryd. Rydyn ni'n ddigwyddiadu'r strangers drwy comis, ac roeddwn yn cyhoeddus proudd, a phrofi'r attemptu'r brafion. Dyma rhan angen i'w gweithio. Roedd ein favorites wedi'u dd swift patch o下去dd a llwy. A mi oedd y 앞에b, staf gassi'r sues ei gosoddrwng a'r gнибудьiaid hynny drosur ymw MON��AS, hyd arweinydd 6 i gylch,i'n teimlo ar hwyst ddiwylliant tod brandd alきたb 2 5, ac mae'n oас iawn iddo yn sylfaen wedi problème awdurdiaethau a gobl am yулisов ifret yn cyd-gynurebu gwlad am smell練. ynddoer hwnnw. Roeddən nhw'n cael myniad 원래ig i musclesgolitor a'i rhain ar lawsuit i law os ydym yn reidio g volunteeredol ar iron goswnog, felly mae'ch gwahaniaethion a'i Drefnigion gylai. Ond weithiau sydd rhaid cael musclesgolitor apologise gan ddenf després a fyddai'n bul finaleallyn y pwynt, ond fod hynny'n dechrau cymdeithiol. Mae gennym ni gwleidiau yn file stolennyddion coliwr yn ein fath oherwydd. each i guno am ystaf ettr ysgol bondi a cymdeithasol. Felly yw delio i gyllideb cynyddu neu sylwedd sensitivell gwer hardestiol. Felly rydyn ni yn cymryd ballau i ei anh鬼wyr i ddar service am ysgol bob enghraifftau y vitalasol a lawys a 응 Culd Santiagoedd a'r cyfnodau hyfforddiol. Ac yna rowLordio Gwmpen Cymdeithasol Woodechnroportion Cultural Mae hynny'n mynd i weithredu ymddygiadau cyhoeddus ar gyfer ystafell. Mae hynny'n ymddygiadau cyhoeddus, a ddweud ymddygiadau cyhoeddus, ac hefyd, ymddygiadau cyhoeddus, fel hefyd, gweithredu, smog, gwasg, alcholydd, ymddygiadau cyhoeddus, ac felly mae'n mynd i ddweud ymddygiadau hynny. Felly mae hynny'n hynny'n gwybod. Mae'r adael, mae'r cyfrifennuau yw ein bod y gwerthfawr wedi'u notio ac roeddwn i'n meddwl bod ein hynny'n ymddygiadau cyhoeddus ar gyfer y 2 mlynedd ddiwethaf. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Mr Cormie, am yr adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n bwysig. 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Good evening, everybody, Chair. My name's Ash Shah. I'm the service manager responsible for trading standards and licensing. As Ella has explained, the only portion of this report that you may not have been privy to has come to this committee before for approval. We had 24 responses to the consultation. Thank you. Are there any questions from the committee? I've got Councillor Barnes, Councillor Abbey and Councillor Stock. Good evening. Thank you. There's reference to the cumulative impact zones. Does that apply to all types of license and that only applies in burnt oak, as I understand it? Is it just alcohol license? Is it other types of licenses? And can it be applied in the future more widely? Thank you, Councillor. So the cumulative impact zone is in relation to the licensing act and it will cover licensed premises. Licensed premises primarily deal with alcohol, but they can also deal with things like regulated entertainment, they can deal with film classification as a whole horde of things under the licensing act which is covered under that particular act. So the cumulative impact zone is specific to an area. It's brought about as a result of evidence-based and some of the impact that it has on things like public health, criminality, all sorts of different elements that you've seen in one of the appendices contained within the report. It is specific to an area and should other areas be considered for a cumulative impact zone then what we do do is ask residents to actually speak with the local ward councillors so that then can be brought to the licensing and general purposes committee here so that we can start putting the pack together with our partners at public health and the police and other responsible authorities to try and gather some of that evidence based. So the cumulative impact zone where the licensing act is quite permissive in its application and anybody who applies there's a presumption that a license will be issued unless there's good reason not to. A cumulative impact zone does the reverse of that. So I hope that answers your question councillor. Thank you. Councillor Ambe. Thank you Mr Shah and Ms Redland for the very insightful report. You talked about the licensing action group to combat the problem we have of male dominated cafes which make it unwelcoming for women and girls in the borough. I have to say that I'm hearing about it for the first time today and we in West Hendon have been one of those who have been sort of raising this issue and so firstly we are pleased that something is being done about the problem. So if you could help sort of just advise us on what, if there have been any successes to date and secondly what engagement do you have with members on the, what engagement does the licensing action group have with members? Thank you. So in so far as some of those cafes are concerned that primarily means that we kind of will be speaking to our responsible authority partners which will comprise of the police and community safety. So within the immediate vicinity of the premises we can advise the licensee if they are a licensed premise. So obviously control their patrons and ensure that some of that behaviour doesn't take place. Of course some of that where people feel intimidated it's not tangible so it's a very difficult thing to try and actually control but it is one of those things that we will speak to the licensees about in terms of trying to control their respective patrons and of course the licensee has the option of not serving some of those people who may be frequenting those premises so that's an option that we do provide to them and say actually you may need to be a little bit more robust in how you deal with some of your patrons. Thank you, Mr. Shah. So my question was more about the impact or any successes because what have we achieved? It could be that this is still a pilot, it's new and we haven't had much success, that's fine. It would just help us to understand and also how do you engage councillors of the wards that you are working in? Yes, sorry councillor if I've not answered your question fully. The licensing action group has been formed about five months ago and it's gaining its membership so we have all the responsible authorities and where we're doing problem solving with particular premises we have had successes so for example there's a problem premises in Edgeware that we've engaged with where we're trying to change some of that behaviour through a holistic sort of model. Our responsible authorities have been engaging with the licencies in that regard and the purpose of that is to try and almost negotiate an agreement before it reaches to like a subcommittee stage. So all of these things are happening in the background. We've now built up a list of around 30 35 premises that we're interested in looking at in greater detail and that list is growing so for example we have trading standards who've seized lots of illicit tobacco and vapes from licensed premises so some of those will be heading towards a review stage where we might be looking seeking to either modify the conditions of the license or in fact revoke the license in some cases where we've got other responsible authorities who have got an interest in those business premises we'll be engaging with them about how further reviews regarding those premises can take place so it's now working progress at the moment councillor. Thank you. Doctor. Thank you very much indeed. I was just wondering the group that you've got together I think you said 38 people or you've got a cohort of people who answered your survey. 24. It's an awfully small number having been a scientist to base it on that. And some of the things were very you know like the Vivian Avenue which kept coming up was what one person's view. I was just wondering how did you get because I think if I remember when I read it to reddit it was you know you've got from different places different organisations but that's a very small number of population of nearly 400,000. We use the council's engaged platform which is where all the consultations tend to go. It provides quite a wide breadth of yeah it just provides the platform by which we can have our consultations out. Obviously it is a very small number and we will be seeking to kind of increase upon those numbers. We do also try and engage with business owners who are actually licensees as well and other organisations. Of course we cannot try and be you know try and encourage more to come through you know publicising it as best we can but I think we should be seeking different ways of engaging other consultations yes. Chair if I may actually in fact to base it on that sort of number is really not the useful way of doing it. I'm really sorry because I think you've done it, it's a really good report but I just think and it repeatedly comes through with the council often we base it on nine people and I think how can you base it on you know statistically that's not a significant number so if that could just be somehow noted I'd really appreciate that we do try and reach out to different cohorts whether it's I don't know how because I don't know the answer to that and I do understand it's very difficult to get people to respond but I don't know stand outside the town hall maybe but it would be good to get more thank you and please don't take this criticism. Thank you councillor thanks for the comments we share your disappointment we'd like more members of the community to engage with us on these policies we can definitely share those concerns with our outcomes team and look at what we can do in future to encourage better engagement with some of these things I think also really engagement with yourselves ward forums encouraging members of the community to participate in these types of exercises would be a really positive thing thank you. We've got councillor Ambe indicated. Thank you chair just something in response to what to what what councillor Stoke said I obviously share had disappointment in the low response rate for the consultation but I'm also sympathetic with officers because I shared that consultation link in a large WhatsApp group in West Hendon where they complain about about the Bath and Midian Avenue and we can't force residents to engage we can only share I put it open next door and if 24 people were interested I think we have to work with that my question was Mr Shah you didn't explain to us how that working group engages with councillors in their relevant wards and the reason I asked that is at times it helps members to know this good work has been done behind the scenes so we can relate that to residents because if I had known about what you guys have been doing as a team we've had complaints recently about those Vivian Avenue cafes that was just what I was trying to ask to understand Thank you Thank you councillor absolutely so the way in which we are currently engaging is where we have applications variations we will always seek to send those matters to the local ward councillors and have them engaged in the consultations for those licenses however I do take your point in relation to some of the other good work that we're doing that doesn't necessarily involve just a specific area it's kind of borough wide and I think on that front I think definitely I think there's an opportunity for us to engage with members a lot more explain what it is we're actually doing and we do have an annual report which does come to this committee which kind of highlights what we've done in the previous year however there's work in progress that I think we ought to be highlighting to members as well and I would seek every opportunity to do that regarding the licensing team So you talk about the premises in Edgewater have you updated the Edgewater councillors about the work on that premises Not on that particular one because we have work in progress in relation to that which we're hoping to arrive at an agreement with that particular premise without the need for it to be sort of going any further It's a premise that we have been working on Mae'n bwysig y byddai'n cymryd cymaint o bwydau lleol, ac rydym ni'n mynd yn ystod ystafell y byddwn ni'n mynd i'n gweithio fel ymwneud â'r ystafell y byddwn ni'n edrych ar y bwyd hwnnw. Mae'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig y byddai'n bwysig Felly roedd e'n bwysig y byddai'n gweithio ar gyfer hynny. Mae'r bwysig a allu'n ei ddod ymlaen. Mae'r pethau sy'n angen ei roi ymlaen. Mae'r pethau sy'n angen ei ddod ymlaen. Mae'r pethau sy'n angen ei ddod ymlaen. Mae'r bwysig y byddai'n angen. Felly e allai'n gwybod fel hynny bod y cyffrediniaeth yn llwybr, os ydych chi'n dechrau. Diolch yn fawr. Mae'n bwysig, felly rydyn ni'n meddwl am sut y gallwn ni'n gwneud hynny, oherwydd, fel y cyllideb yn dweud, mae yna ddechrau fwyaf am ymddygiadau a datblygiadau y gallwn ni'n gysylltu, ond rydym ni'n meddwl am hynny a ddod yn ôl i chi. Diolch, Cymru. Rydw i'n mynd i ddweud, am y pwynt am gysylltiadau a'r gysylltiadau, mae'n bwysig i'w ddweud i'r gwasanaethau, pan mae'r hyn yn mynd ymlaen, oherwydd, mae'n bwysig i'w ddweud yn ymlaen, yn y cysylltiadau hynny, i ddweud ymlaen, oherwydd, rydym ni'n meddwl am y pwynt am gysylltiadau a datblygiadau y gallwn ni'n gysylltu, yn y cysylltiadau cymdeithasol, a'n bwysig, oherwydd, mae'n bwysig i'w ddweud, oherwydd, mae'n bwysig i'n dweud, oherwydd, mae'n bwysig i'w ddechrau, y gallwn ni allu pwynt yn glas ymlaen roeddeurion sy'n daithog poeni Rwy'n credu, y ffordd bobl yma, oherwydd ein bod hi'n ffordd yn eithaf fwy hyfryd alternative, cyhoeddlu, sydd dros Wayfydd y três bron polymwch a phwy buk-byn severeu wythnos yn y ymlaen. Yn o combination o ran brifysgwyr, a oes am i i fyny iweithio gwymoall? Ymgeisydd yw Coffee Policie Tag 보� beth o'i cofnogol, ac am feelbig� y safle rim Leadethol. Ychwanegol. Dyfyniad i chi. Dechreuwch mod ddogva. rated. Fy enw affiliadeol na ymwasons ddeg sefydliadol o tervorio在, darganfod y Minister o Ddeg 입니다, Mae'r adroddiad a'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad yma'r adroddiad y mynd i'r menyw. I don't know if the RO would like to say anything on the report? Only that I think it's a really thorough review and I'm grateful to the team for doing it and as John said there are a couple of areas where people have raised concerns but as we don't have any planned elections next year we think addressing those in slow. Mine's flaking out as well. Rankfodd ein hamr Saf yna arno yng Nghachredadau i'w蘇awar你要an oedd me massive. Violwch hefyd. A ymwneud ynardoch am ddysgu fel hyn neu gwirfodd hyn? matheidydd ymddangos? Out fre Ian real ni сто bach felly roedd yr amser sydd yn bwysig, dyfodd tua ar用 Mahir ein used spirits, ac fe weluddodd fod economaeth year 살짝. Ond hefyd rannau'r hyn a gydwch os gwnewch eich bod wedi'i defnyddio yn unrhywól, ym Mell Hill, ym Mellbrook Park a'r ysgol. Roedd hi'n cael llawer o bobl sy'n ymwneud â mi ar y dydd, ond nid ydyn nhw'n gallu parcio a dyn nhw'n gallu mynd i mewn. Mae'n bwysig iawn, byddai'n dda iawn i'r ysgol Ffrithmanna. Mae'n rhaid i mi gyrraedd gyda chi. Rwy'n meddwl, maen nhw'n cael unrhyw problem. Diolch. Rwy'n meddwl am Ffrithmanna. Rydyn ni wedi gweld at hynny, roeddwn yn ymwneud â phobl yn ystod, ac mae'r ffenu yn dda iawn, fel ystod ystod y polis, yn dda iawn, fel ystod ysgol rydyn ni'n ymwneud â'r ddod. Ond, yn ymgysylltu â phobl yma, roedd yn dda yn ymwybodol, dydyn ni ddim yn bod yn rhaid i ni, ond rwy'n meddwl bod 89% o bobl yn ymwneud â ym Mellbrook. Felly, roeddwn yn meddwl y byddai'r parchiwn byddai'n cymryd at Ffrithmanna. Mae'n deall bod mwy o bobl yn ymwneud â'r ystod y polis yn ymwneud â'r ystod y polis yn ymwneud â'r ystod y bobl sy'n ymwneud â'r parchiwn. Felly, rydw i'n meddwl, dyna pam y penderfyniad yma, y byddai'n ymwneud â'r ystod y polis. Rydw i'n meddwl, byddai'n ymwneud â'r ystod y polis, mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'n rhaid i ni. 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Y Llywodraeth 2 yw'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd nesaf. A yw'r Cymru'n ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd Diolch, roeddwn i'n cymryd hynny. Ymlaen, ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ny Renegwyr ydy'n bosib, mae tyn Maskur ysbytai'r gwmpas Spree건 euroestadwy. Mae'rравляu dyn Cu'r ymrwymiad r chordd hallway, ryw ddealleannau, llwyd terminal cadwgr Taoethau y Mylw Panff masturb ''Hogwch – Wham…'. 해요 ychydig, a baroddau yma. Baroddau ychydiger, gall yna beth o ran y cyhoeddau a hyd, sy'n cynnwys cymdeithasol, sy'n rhoi gwybodaeth ar gyfer cymdeithasol sydd wedi bod yn cymdeithasol gan y gweithwyr. Hefyd, rydym yn cyrraedd cymdeithasol ar gyfer sut mae'r sefydliad yn cymdeithasol gyda'r polisiadau rydym wedi cael ymwneud â'r gweithwyr, ac mae'n rhoi gwybodaeth ar gyfer cymdeithasol. Rydyn ni hefyd yn cael gwybodaeth o datblygiad HR ar gyfer cymdeithasol, felly gallwn ddifynno gydag ymwneud â gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ar gyfer cymdeithasol a beth sy'n cael hynny, ac mae'n rhan o ddiddordebau o gydag ni o'r sefydliad o gyfer cymdeithasol, felly mae hynny'n rhan o'r adolygiadau, a ymwneud â gweithiau ar gyfer cymdeithasol, ac hefyd o'r sefydliadau o'r gweithwyr, a'r gweithwyr a'r gweithwyr. Felly rydyn ni'n cael rhywfaint o datblygiadau, yn oed yn gyffredinol, mae gennym ddata ar y pethau sy'n cymryd gyda phobl. Felly mae hynny'n rhoi'r ffordd o sut mae'r cymdeithasol yn gweithio, a lle mae'r ffyrdd yma. Mae'r rheswm y byddwn yn cael cymdeithasol, mae'n rhan o ddiddordebau a cymdeithasol sy'n dweud y bydd un o'r sefydliadau yn cael cymdeithasol a'n gweithio ar sut mae'n gweithio. Mae hefyd ymlaen o ddiddordebau sy'n dweud ymlaen o ddiddordebau lleol sy'n cael gweithio i ddeall beth y byddai'r risgau sy'n cymdeithasol gyda'r ddiddordebau lleol a hefyd i gael ddiddordebau o bryd y byddai'r ddiddordebau lleol yn cael, a dyna pam mae'r ddiddordebau ymlaen o'r sefydliad rwy'n eich bod yn cwybod y sefydliad a'r ffurfiant, a yna byddai'n gweithio ar y prydau ar gyfer y cymdeithasol ymlaen. Felly dyna'r rhan o'r sefydliad yma i fod yn cymdeithasol. Yn ddiddor svain, mae unrhyw hullfa ef yn cael ei byddaethau o guyfawr drosdygu o bryd addasgwrs gwerthurau arweinydd ymlaen i waith former fideoeddwn, achos oherwyddus cyflwrs ba awayn nesaf magnetic a mewn eyesyddiad. Dw i'n gallumb chiair ymlaen cymdeithasol ar unrhyw bryd canolbwynt yn unrhyw ddau gwmpas a dynno i!) nid yn unrhyw gweithwyr lleol, ond yn rhan o'r gweithwyr, rhan o'r gweithwyr a rhan o'r gweithwyr. Mae llawer o bethau sy'n effeithio'r hyn, rhan o'r gweithwyr, ond rhan o'r gweithwyr, sy'n rhywbeth y mae hynny'n cymryd yn ddiweddar. Rydyn ni'n cael record iawn, er mwyn cymryd gyda'r rhan o'r gweithwyr, ond rydyn ni'n gweithio ar gyfer hynny, a'i ddechrau a'i defnyddio'r hynny. Felly rydym yn cymryd i'w wneud hynny. Rydyn ni ddim wedi gweld un ddigwyddiad o'r ddau mlynedd y tu hwnnw, yn ymddiriedig hynny. Rydyn ni'n ceisio gweithio hynny, felly dyna pam y cyfanswydau yn mynd i'r ffordd. Mae wedi bod yn rhan o'r gweithwyr, mae wedi bod yn rhan o'r gweithwyr yn cymryd cymorth, ond rydym wedi'i gweithio'n gynllunio i gynllunio cyfanswydau o ddau mlynedd ac hefyd o ddau mlynedd, sy'n cymryd cyfanswydau nesaf. Rydyn ni wedi ceisio gweithio'r cyfanswydau. Rydyn ni wedi gweld cyfanswydau hynny mewn cyfanswydau o'r 15%, sy'n cymryd cyfanswydau yn cyfanswydau cyfanswydau, ond rhan o'r cyfanswydau hynny, mae'n cyfanswydau positif, mae'n cyfanswydau hynny, rydym yn edrych ar y cyfanswydau hynny ac os rydym yn teimlo bod y cyfanswydau yn mynd yng nghyfan, byddwn yn ymddechrau i wneud rhywbeth i'w gynllunio. Ond mae'r ddau y byddwn yn eu cymryd. Mae wedi bod yn unrhyw cyfanswydau o ddyddio yn ein cyfanswyr cyfanswydau. Felly, gyda'r cyfanswydau, rydym wedi cael y cyfanswydau ymchwil hwnnw a fe'n ddiweddar gyda rhif ddyg反 ollاف ymryddu, sy'n cymryd pariaeth. Mae'r all Dennis eleno resistぜu nes i hynny ddur i'r op만 rhan o쳐 uchel, d 않a fod y yn dalu neu na ymweld i y 25 200 sashr iriespomer i y 27 200 asanaeth ond r pinpoint yw prysy Gudwasant sydd wedi'd deallu am taf i ni yn erioedd felly byddwn yn yntynger o ddifur dros eu cyfrwngnwleddion gyffwrdd ten mewn thyf στο cy elections o ymuno asadeilch ac an trump cyfrwngnwleddiatuyun y gorllewin hir i r Teacher's Defence of Roadest in位�ydd gan g Dropbox. Mae'n par jakiś ha affected o agef, mae'n ba chgar diwrnodol gorch realiaethol, ond bydd yn gobeithio nad oes gall petroly Außerdem Wy column ond hynny. Ar hyn o bry cllaw rydyn nioa yn wrthi'r llywodraeth ac yn Panai a lles Iawn. Gallwna hynny'n ddod yn fath o söyled tricks i feblio ymlwgol. Fe yesterday a dim convenience – mae'r adегau'r permodau yna yn cyllid ni allan synthin fo navoli ce Viking ond y llynasty freud g молwyr a bags-) Yr hyn rydym wedi cael y Glod Ddw i hwnnw, y swyddog hynny'n gorau- mudd parhau sawnaethill ystafell. Felly mae hynny'n ymwneud â phlant ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â'r hyn a phaith ymwneud â'r hyn, a hefyd a hwn, obesiad, smog, gwasanaeth, alcool, ymlaen, felly mae'n ymwneud â'r adeiladau ymlaen. Felly dyna'r adeiladau. Mae'r cyfrifiadau yw bod y perfformiad wedi'u notio a bod yn ymwneud â'r prif ddau i'r ddwy o bryd. Felly dyna'r adeiladau. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Mr Cormie, ar gyfer'r adeiladau ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith. Mae'r adeiladau ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith. Mae'r adeiladau ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith. Mae'r adeiladau ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith. Mae'r adeiladau ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith. Mae'r adeiladau ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith. Mae'r adeiladau ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith. Mae'r adeiladau ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith ymwneud â phaith. A oes unrhyw pwyntiau? Mae mi am wrthi un o'r 2 f divisions. Felly, yn y report, un o'r hyn sydd wedi'i gweithio yn ymgysylltiedig o weithiau a'r ymgysylltiedig, felly mae'n ymgysylltiedig o 57% y flwyddyn i 77% y flwyddyn hwn. Yn y ffordd, mae wedi bod yn ymgysylltiedig, a yw'r cyfnod neu'r cyfnod neu'r cyfnod, felly mae wedi'i gwybod. Yn y ffordd, mae'n ymgysylltiedig o 500 o flwyddyn a'i gweithio yn ymgysylltiedig, a oes unrhyw rhan oherwydd, a oes unrhyw rhan oherwydd, a oes unrhyw rhan oherwydd, a oes unrhyw rhan oherwydd, Felly mae'r cyfnodau o'r Rhidor, sy'n ymgysylltiedig, sy'n ymgysylltiedig, yn dda iawn i'r sefyllfa ni, felly rwy'n credu ei fod yn mynd o'r 4 i'r 9. Yn ogystal â'r cyfnodau yma, mae'r cyfnodau yma yn dda iawn o'r cyfnodau, ac efallai'r cyfnodau yna nid yn oed yn dda i'r hyn oherwydd y byddai'n dda foes yn ymgysylltiedig. Ond roedden nhw'n dda, rwy'n yn oed iawn i'r cyfnodau hynny, a'r cyfnodau hynny, lle maen nhw'n debygol. Felly rydym ni'n edrych ar gael i'w gynnyddiol. Mae'n rhan o fod, a phethau'r mlynedd o'r hyn yn, efallai, gynnyddiaeth manuol, neu mawr a llwybr, lle mae pobl wedi cael eu gynnyddio, yn enwedig yn y cyd-dwyll, yn y cyd-dwyll yma. Felly rydym ni'n edrych ar gael, ac rydym ni'n gweithio gyda gweithgareddau gwasanaethau i'r gynllunio at y gysylltiadau risg a'i gynnyddiol. Mae'r hyn yw'r hyn yw'r hyn y byddwn yn cael eu gynnyddio yn y cyd-dwyll yn y cyd-dwyll. Diolch yn fawr iawn am hynny. Felly rydym ni'n edrych ar gael i'r gynllunio at y gynllunio ar ffaith 99 o'r Parc Gweithgareddau Gweithgareddau Gweithgareddau. A allwn ni'n edrych ar y gynllunio yma? Felly mae'n cael ei gynllunio. Diolch. Diolch, Cwmddyddu'r Ambo. Rydyn ni'n gallu mynd i gyd i item 6, y polisi gynllunio ar y gynllunio, 2025-2030. Diolch, Cwmddyddu'r Ambo. Rydyn ni'n gallu mynd i gyd i'r polisi gynllunio ar y gynllunio, 2025-2030. Good evening everyone, so this report presents the revised licensing policy So this is something we do, we have the statutory duty to do every five years We must review, revise our policy and publish a statement Of how we're going to deal with things under the Licensing Act This has been dealt with at consultation So as part of the report, we include the responses to that consultation a phoblwch a'r aelodau a sut y byddwn ni wedi cymryd i'r hynny. Y penderfyniad rydyn ni'n gweithio heddiw yw bod y cymryd yn gweithio'r adroddiad ac yna rydyn ni'n cymryd y byddai'n cael eu cymryd yn y ffordd yma. Rydw i'n mynd ymlaen. Rydw i ddim wedi cymryd fy hun, oeddwn i wedi cymryd. Rydw i'n mynd ymlaen. Ella Smolcoms, Rydw i'n mynd ymlaen. Rydw i'n mynd ymlaen. Rydw i'n mynd ymlaen. Rydw i'n mynd ymlaen. Rhyw fath o arian ll belly strikes a gofal a g Germans. Rhyw fath o arian ll pobwl altern Antrag beth yma? Mae'r bwon yn gweithio mewn, a bydd yn gyfle i'r AD wefoedd yr adeg wrth a diwygiolaeth. E inhgrifennu. Yn y bydd cron rapport hon rydw i bydd yn cael ei ddod i ganrif i'r cyngor jo rydw i erbyn wrth y llACW. Rydyn ni wedi cael 24 adnoddau i'r gysylltiad. Diolch. A oes unrhyw cwestiynau o'r cymryd? Mae gen i Cymru Barnes, Cymru Abbey a Cymru Stock. Diolch. Mae'r adnoddau i'r zones cymdeithasol cymdeithasol, a yw hynny'n cymdeithasol i'r holl cymdeithasol? A yw hynny'n cymdeithasol i'r holl cymdeithasol? A yw hynny'n cymdeithasol i'r holl cymdeithasol? A yw hynny'n cymdeithasol i'r holl cymdeithasol? A yw hynny'n cymdeithasol i'r holl cymdeithasol i'r holl cymdeithasol? Diolch, Cymru. Mae'r adnoddau cymdeithasol i'r zones cymdeithasol yng Nghymru a byddai'r adnoddau cymdeithasol yn cymryd cymdeithasol. Mae'r adnoddau cymdeithasol yn cymryd cymdeithasol, ond maen nhw'n gallu cymryd cymdeithasol ar gyfer cymdeithasol, maen nhw'n gallu cymryd cymdeithasol ar gyfer cymdeithasol, mae'r adnoddau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, sy'n cael ei gynnyddio ar yr adnoddau cymdeithasol. Felly mae'r adnoddau cymdeithasol yn ymwneud â'r ardal. Mae'n cael ymwneud ar gyfer cymdeithasol a rhan o'r adnoddau sy'n cael ar gyfer cymdeithasol, cymdeithasol, cymdeithasol, rhan o'r adnoddau sydd wedi'i gweld yn un o'r adnoddau yma yn y report. Mae'n anodd i un ardal, a oes anodd bod un ardal yn cael ei gynllunio ar gyfer cymdeithasol, yna rydyn ni'n cael ymwneud â'r adnoddau cymdeithasol i ddweud â'r cyngor ymwneud â'r adnoddau cymdeithasol, felly mae hynny'n gallu diweddoli i'r Comunwys Cymdeithasol a Ffyrdd Genedlaethol yma fel y gallwn ni ychwanegu'r gynllunio ar gyfer cyngor gyda'n rhan o'n agored ar gyfer cymdeithasol, y pwyllgor a'r arian ffyrdd ymwneud â'r adnoddau cymdeithasol i ddyfynu rhan o'r adnoddau cymdeithasol. Felly mae'r ymgysylltiad cymdeithasol, lle ymwneud â'r adnoddau cymdeithasol yn enwedig yn ei gynllunio ac mae rhywun sy'n cymaint, roedd y prysymysg y bydd y llysydd yn cael eu cymryd, unrhyw ffordd y bydd yna rhaid i'r zôn cymdeithasol yn gwneud ymwneud â hynny. Felly rwy'n hoffi bod hynny'n cymryd i'r cwestiwn Cymru. Diolch. Y Llywodraeth Cymru. Diolch, Mr Shah a'r Llywodraeth Cymru i'r cymdeithasol cymdeithasol. Roeddech chi'n siŵr am y grwp agweddol i gynllunio'r broblem rydym wedi cael o ffyrwyr caffeynol, sy'n gwneud hynny'n cymryd ar gyfer penderfyniadau a phobl. Rwy'n rhaid i'w ddweud, rydw i'n clywed amdano amdano heddiw. Rydyn ni yn West Hendon wedi bod yn un o'r bobl sy'n cael gweithio ar y cwestiwn. Felly rydyn ni'n cymryd bod rhywbeth yn cael ei wneud ar y broblem. Felly os ydych chi'n gallu helpu i weithio ar yr hyn a oes eu cyfleoedd o ddwylo a ddwylo, a ddwylo, beth ymddangoswyr ydych chi'n cael gyda'r rhan o bobl, beth ymddangoswyr ydych chi'n cael gyda'r grwp agweddol gyda'r rhan o bobl? Diolch. Felly, yn y ffordd, mae'r rhan o bobl yn cymryd y cyfleoedd yma. Mae hyn yn bwysig bod ni'n cymryd â'n rhan o bobl a'r rhan o bobl, sy'n cymryd ar gyfer y polisi a'r amgylch. Felly, ym mhysg y prif ymddygiad o'r brifysg, gallwn ni gydweithio'r brifysg, os maen nhw'n brifysg. Mae'n rhan o bryd eu patrion a'u sicrhau bod rhywbeth neu rhywbeth o ymddygiad yma ddim yn cymryd. Wrth gwrs, rywbeth o hyn lle mae pobl yn teimlo nid yw'n bwysig, felly mae'n rhan o bryd i weithio'n gwneud ymddygiad. Ond mae'n un o'r pethau y byddwn yn siarad â'r brifysg yn ymddygiad i weithio'n gwneud ymddygiad eu patrion ymddygiad. Wrth gwrs, mae'r brifysg yn cael y pethau o ddarparu rhai o'r bobl sy'n mynd i weithio'r brifysg. Felly mae hynny'n peth y byddwn yn rhoi i'r bobl a'i ddweud, efallai, mae'n rhan o bryd i weithio'r brifysg yn ymddygiad â rhai o'ch patrion. Diolch, Mr Shear. Felly, roedd fy mwyaf o ddiddordeb o'r bwysig a'r brifysg y byddwn yn ceisio a'r peth y bydd yn beth yw'r brifysg yn anodd ac mae gennym ni dda yn fwy gwych, y byddwn yn helpu i ni ddysgu a hefyd sut yw'n gweithio'r cymorth yma y byddwn yn gweithio'n dda? Rwy'n ddiweddol, ymlaen, y ddiddordeb y grwp wedi'i gweithio am 5 mlynedd yn ôl ac mae'n cael eu cymryd, felly rydyn ni wedi'n gweithio â'r awdurdodau ymgysylltuol a lle rydyn ni'n gwneud ymgyrch ymgysylltuol gyda'r ymgyrch ymgysylltuol, rydyn ni wedi cael cymrydau, felly, er enghraifft, yna ymgyrch ymgyrch ymgyrch ymgyrch ym Edgware, a lle rydyn ni'n gweithio at weithio fascinatedd changing some of that behaviour through a holistic sort of model, our responsible authorities have been engaging with the licensees in that regard. And the purpose of that is to try and almost negotiate an agreement before it reaches to like a sub-committee stage. So all of these things are happening in the background, we've now built up a list of around 30, 35 y prifysgol 35, a rydym ni'n bwysig yn edrych ar hyn o bethau'n bwysig. Mae'r lles yma'n gweithio. Felly, fel ymgyrch, mae gennym ystyddiadau ymgyrch sy'n cael llawer o tobacol a vapeu o'r prifysgol ymgyrch. Felly rhai o'r hyn byddai'n mynd i'n mynd i'r ystade ddiwylliannol, lle byddwn yn mynd i'r ystade ddiwylliannol, neu, mewn ffordd, i'r ystade ddiwylliannol yn rhai cysylltuadau, lle mae gennym ymgyrch ymgyrch sy'n cael ymwneud â'r prifysgol yma, byddwn yn ymwneud â nhw am sut y bydd y prifysgol yma'n mynd i'r ystade ddiwylliannol. Felly mae hynny'n gweithio'n bwysig ar hyn o bethau, Cymru. Diolch. Cymru'n ffyrdd. Diolch yn fawr. Rwy'n dechrau bod y grwp y byddwch chi'n gweithio ymlaen, dwi'n meddwl bod 38 o bobl. Mae gennych chi ymlaen o bobl sy'n cymryd eich cydweithiau? Yn y cydweithiau? Yn y cydweithiau. Yn y cydweithiau. Mae'n bwysig iawn i'w ddod yn ymlaen, i'w ddod yn ymlaen. Ac rhai o'r pethau oedd yn dda iawn, fel Vivian Avenue, sy'n cael eu cymryd, oedd yr unrhyw bobl. Roeddwn i'n meddwl, sut ydych chi'n cael, oherwydd rwy'n meddwl, os roeddwn i'n meddwl, pan roeddwn i'n gwneud hynny, roedd yna, yw, rydych chi wedi cael o ddifnyddio'r lle, o ddifnyddio'r sefydliadau, ond mae hynny'n ddiddordeb mwyaf o bobl, nesaf 400,000. Rydyn ni'n defnyddio'r sefydliad ymlaen, lle mae'r sefydliadau yn mynd i'n mynd. Mae'r sefydliad yn gweithio'n bwysig o… Mae'r sefydliad yn gweithio'n ymlaen y byddwn ni'n gallu cael eu sefydliadau. Rydyn ni'n meddwl, mae'r sefydliad yn ddiddordeb mwyaf a byddwn yn sefydliadu'r sefydliadau ymlaen. Rydyn ni'n meddwl, oherwydd, rydym yn gallu teimlo'r sefydliadau cymdeithasol a phobl eraill. Rydyn ni'n meddwl, oherwydd, rydym yn gallu teimlo'r sefydliadau cyflawn i'w gynrychiadu'r hyn, yn ymgysylltu'r sefydliadau ymlaen. Rydyn ni'n meddwl, byddwn yn sefydliadu ffordd ein bod yn gweithio ymlaen o'r sefydliadau arall. Y Llywyddeta 녹ru, osallf i, mae'r benderfyn ni'n proff mort ni'n fawr ac mae'n ni vel고요 iawn i ddod bŵyn. Nid ydym yn oed yn olygiadol o fann aMaypas i ddar這些nd eich y vegan. cydnabodol. Felly, os yw hynny gallai fod yn dda iawn, rydw i'n bwysig iawn y byddwn yn ymwneud â cyhoeddiadau gwahanol. Dwi ddim yn gwybod sut, oherwydd dwi ddim yn gwybod y reitiau i hynny. Rydw i'n meddwl y byddai'n dŵr iawn i gael pobl i'w gysylltu, ond dwi ddim yn gwybod. Mae'n ymwneud ymlaen i'r ymgyrch ymlaen, efallai, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael ymlaen. Mae'n ymwneud ymlaen i'r ymlaen, efallai, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael pobl i'w gysylltu, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael pobl i'w gysylltu, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael pobl i'w gysylltu, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael pobl i'w gysylltu, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael pobl i'w gysylltu, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael pobl i'w gysylltu, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael pobl i'w gysylltu, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael pobl i'w gysylltu, ond byddai'n bwysig i gael pobl i gael pobl i gael pobl i gael pobl i gael pobl i wneud y targed amdaniad pwerul iaith, ond byddai Ff Weluan y mae'r sefydliad y impried yn gy Wereinol ac yn gidarnodd arのch aren goff warmthζridi'r dybyddate. Rwy'n dechrau mall IronSp� mateb package iddyn ni i wedi o sgwlyddio'r Hell reven üsthoextw�n i'r gysylltiad, ond rwy'n hefyd yn sympathetig gyda'r gweithwyr, oherwydd rydw i'n cysylltiad ymlaen mewn grwp WhatsApp nesaf yng Nghymru, lle roedden nhw'n cymdeithio am y bath o'r Myfion Avni, ac rydyn ni ddim yn gallu gysylltu ymlaen. Rydyn ni'n gallu gysylltu nhw. Rydw i'n gwneud hynny yn ystod, ac os yw 24 o bobl yn ymwneud â hynny, rydw i'n gwybod, rydyn ni'n gweithio â hynny. Ceduais i'w, byddech eусwn, di'n ceidled i ni sut mae'r chw bubble o angen cyngor i gy histoire underol ymddygiadau ei chyfyngau ar gaelogiaeth. Y rhai why Path Visual yn Gymdeithasol, mae'n g arrests bus요 a allan iawn cynnig am hynny. Er mwyn ni wella hynny yn hynny yn ymyrchan i bi rollladau. Oherwydd os ydw i wedi g 안돼 beth rydych chi wedi'i wneud yn y tîm. Rydyn ni wedi cael ymddygiad nesaf am y caffes Vivian Avenue. Mae hynny'n rhaid i ni ddysgu. Diolch. Diolch, Llywodraeth. Mae'n rhaid i ni. Mae'r ffordd y byddwn ni'n cyrraedd ymddygiadol yw, pan mae gennym ymddygiadau, ymddygiadau, rydym ni'n cyrraedd y pethau hynny i'r cyllidebion ymddygiadol ac yw'n cyrraedd ymddygiadau ar y cyllidebion yma. Ond rwy'n meddwl ychydig o'ch rhan o'r pethau dda y mae gennym hynny, ond nid yw'n cyrraedd nesaf ar yr un pethau, mae'n rhan o'r ardal. Ac rwy'n meddwl yr hynny, rwy'n meddwl y gallai gyda'r cyllidebion ymddygiadol yn cyrraedd y pethau yma, ac rwy'n meddwl y gallai gael unrhyw ymddygiad sy'n mynd i'r cyllidebion yma, a allai gwybodaethau y byddwn ni wedi'i gwneud yn y penodol. Ond mae ymddygiadau gweithio y gallwn ni hefyd yn gweithio i'r cyllidebion hefyd. A rwy'n meddwl y gallai gwybodaeth i'r cyllidebion ymddygiadol. Ychwanegwch am y penodau a'r cyllidebion. A allai gwybodaeth y cyllidebion cyllidebion am y gwaith ar y penodau yma? Nid am y pethau ymddygiadol, oherwydd rydyn ni wedi gweithio yn ymddygiad yn y cyllidebion i hynny, yr hyn rydym yn hoffi'n mynd i'r cyllidebion gyda'r penodau ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad. Mae'r cyllidebion wedi bod yn y gwaith o'r cyllidebion ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygi ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygi ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygi sydd wedi'i llwyddo, os ydych chi'n meddwl. Diolch yn fawr. Ie, byddwn yn meddwl am sut gallwn ni'n gwneud hynny. Oherwydd, fel y cyllideb wedi'i ddweud, mae yna ddechrau fwyaf am ymgysylltiadau ymlaen ac amdaniadau y gallwn ni'n siarad. Byddwn ni'n meddwl am hynny a byddwn ni'n mynd yn ôl i chi. Diolch, Cymru. Roeddwn i'n dweud, am y pwynt am ymgysylltiadau a'r llag o ymgysylltiad, iech indicatesmbers a phenof benefiting gyrwydded. Ar ôl sylw i'wlimited y cyllidebon cyfoedd gallwn ni wir yn helpu dros weldeddoli yn y cydblen markingt ar gyfer unrhyw eigos ennill sy'n gallu helpu i'n treulio mewn starsegau local ac mae e yourselves naming 3 o 7 yn dar过 portal. Felly, dwi'n haus i contract y cydblen. pan fyddan nhw'n mynd i atropiede'r amlwgau hwnnw, Trwy hyn a hysgyrchu ein bod ni'n gallu gweld randdeologyniadau trans plen Sakura am lywodrafi chi nhw. Mae'n peth brightness euroġul, ond mas!!!!! memes route, a gael bod angen o brydfawyr nutarebu. Er enghraifft, nid oes unrhyw sefydliad o gwestiynau, a oes gennym ni'n dechrau i weithio i'r gweithgareddau? Mae'r gweithgareddau yw y byddai'r cymdeithas yn ymwneud â'r gweithgareddau cyhoeddus, a'r gweithgareddau cyhoeddus i'w gweithio yn y ffordd ymlaen o'r cyngor. Mae hynny'n bwysig? Diolch. Gweithgareddau cyhoeddus a gweithgareddau cyhoeddus. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. on that, then I'm happy to answer them. And I was the returning officer of the by-election and strictly speaking was the acting returning officer for the general election, so we use the term RO to cover all of those. Again, I think the only thing I really want to say is to thank the team, it was a really quite extraordinary effort to go from the first GLA election with a manual count, almost straight into arranging a general election, a parliamentary election with a by-election in a new campaign, so a lot of people put in a lot of hours to make that happen and I know you all are all very grateful for that but I think we should record it in this meeting as well. Thank you, I was going to second that we thank all of the staff who've been involved in all of the officers who worked so hard over both elections and I think to add to the list of things that we knew this election was working across borough with Harry and Gay for one of our parliamentary seats as well to add even more difficulty to the pot for officers. And they had a brand new returning officer and they were very kind to me. Do members have any questions on this report? If there are no questions apart from noting our thanks as a committee for the officers involved in the election, are we happy to pass this report and note it? Agreed? Thank you. So item 10 is the committee work programme. Are there any questions on the forward work plan noting that we have cancelled the next meeting in February and consolidated the work programme into two longer, more substantive meetings than three meetings with fewer items? Any questions on the forward work plan? No? We're happy to agree that. Agreed? Item 11 is any other items the chair decides urgent. There are none so on that note I'd like to thank you all for your work this year and the work I'm sure you'll continue to do on licensing subcommittees until the AGM, but the next time this meeting meets will be after the AGM. So thank you all for this year and I think that closes the meeting at I have 1946. Thank you.
Y Llywodraeth 2 yw'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd nesaf. A yw'r Cymru'n ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd o'r ffyrdd Diolch, roeddwn i'n cymryd hynny. Ymlaen, ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Ymlaen. Fy enw i yw Mike Coomey, rwy'n gweithredwr y gwasanaeth a chwaith a chwaith yn ymwneud. Rwy'n cymryd y cyhoeddus ar y gweithredu'r Llywodraeth Cymru, Janet John-Burr. Felly, y cyhoeddus mwyaf o'r cyhoeddus, sydd ar y pwyll 99, yn ddod yn ymwneud y cyhoeddus ymlaen i'r ymwneud ymlaen i'r ymwneud ymlaen. Felly, mae'n rhoi i ni yw unrhyw ffordd o sut y cyhoeddus yn ymwneud at y metrychau y gallwn mynd i'w meddwl. Mae'n rhoi i ni ymwneud y cyhoeddus o'r system cyhoeddus ar y cyhoeddus, sy'n rhoi i ni ymwneud y cyhoeddus sydd wedi'i gweithio o'r staff. Hefyd, mae gennym gwaith o ddyddiau perfformio, sy'n rhan o sut y cyhoeddus yn cymryd gyda'r polisiadau y gallwn ni ei wneud yn y lle. Mae'n rhoi i ni ymwneud y gwaith o ddyddiau perfformio. Mae'n rhoi i ni hefyd gwybodaeth o gydag data HR ar y cyhoeddus, felly gallwn ni ddysgu lle mae cyhoeddus cyhoeddus ar y cyhoeddus, a beth sy'n cael hynny. Ac rhai pethau o wybodaeth rydyn ni'n mynd yn ôl o'r cyhoeddus cyhoeddus, felly mae hynny'n rhan o'r cyhoeddus, a beth sy'n rhan o'r cyhoeddus cyhoeddus, ac hefyd o'r gwaith o ddyddiau perfformio, sy'n ymwneud y cyhoeddus ar y staff. Felly mae gennym gwaith o ddyddiau perfformio, wrth gwrs, mae'n rhan o ddyddiau perfformio ar y pethau sy'n cyhoeddus. Felly mae hynny'n rhoi'r idea o sut y cyhoeddus yn perfformio a lle mae'r gaps. Mae'r rhan o ddweud y byddwn yn cael cyhoeddus anlyniadol, mae'n rhan o ddyddiau perfformio ar ein bod un o'r cyhoeddus yn dweud y byddai'n dweud y byddai'n gweithio ar sut mae'n perfformio. Mae hefyd rhan o ddyddiau perfformio y byddai'n dweud y byddai'n cael cyhoeddus yn cael cyhoeddus i ddeall beth y byddai'n cyhoeddus ar gyhoeddus cyhoeddus a hefyd rhan o dweud y pethau o brydiau y mae y byddai'r Aelodau Llelu yn cael cyhoeddus, y byddai'r pethau o'r cyhoeddus yn rhan am ei dweud, ac y byddai'r cyhoeddus yn dweud, a byddai'r cyhoeddus yn dweud y pethau o'r cyhoeddus ar gyfer y cyhoeddus cymaint o le, felly dyna'r rhan o'r cyhoeddus i'w gynnyrch. Rydym yn eu cyhoeddio, felly mae'r cyhoeddus sydd wedi'i ei gysylltu ymddygiadau yma ymlaen am ddweud y pethau o'r cyhoeddus trygu gwerthgwmp addysgcarol, amgylchedd i trefn llawer o'r an Especially sy'n deall ba d kurran dda bethau sy'n bchwyn ystod y llysgiad hon. Maent yn y cyfle allanol a viscositydd penodol yn y Feinalfol ond mewn amthro ar y maored 42 lot fel hefyd â phobl a contracton fafl. Acts gweith Von Goingfield rydym yn ei . roedden nhw'n cymryd mewn gwirioneddol, ond hefyd mewn gwirioneddol, a dyna pam mae hynny'n rhywbeth y mae hynny'n cymryd mewn gwirioneddol. Rydyn ni'n cael record bwysig, oherwydd ein bod ni'n cymryd gyda phobl o'r sefydliadau'n bwysig, ond rydyn ni'n gwneud hynny'n bwysig i'w gweithio ac i weithio a phroffiwyru nhw fel y gallwn. Felly rydyn ni'n mynd i'w gwneud hynny. Rydyn ni ddim wedi'i gweld ymdrech ar y 12 mlynedd yn ymdrechau hynny. Rydyn ni'n gweithio i'w gwneud hynny, felly mae hynny'n rhan o'r ymdrechau sy'n mynd i'r ffordd. Mae wedi bod yn ymdrech, mae wedi bod yn ymdrech sy'n cymryd ymgyrch, ond rydyn ni wedi'i wneud ymgyrch i'w gweithio ar gyfer ymdrechau cymdeithasol, ac hefyd ar ymdrechau erbyn, sy'n ymdrech yn ymdrech ymgyrchol, ac rydym wedi ceisio gael ymdrech ymdrech, ac rydym wedi gweld ymdrech ymdrech ymdrechau ymlaen 15%, a hynny'n ymdrech yn ymdrech ymdrech ymdrech ymdrech, ond efallai, yn ymdrech, nid fod yn ffigur negatif, mae hynny'n ymdrech yn ymdrech, ac rydym wedi cael phobl mwy o bobl i'w ymdrech. Felly rydym ni'n mynd i'r ymdrech, rydym ni'n ymdrech yn ymdrech ymdrech ymlaen, ac os ydym ni'n credu bod ymdrech yn mynd i'r ymdrech, rydym ni'n mynd i'r ymdrech i wneud rhywbeth i'w gweithio, ond dyna'r ffigur rydym ni wedi cael ymdrech. Mae wedi bod ymdrech yn ymdrech ymlaen, yn ymdrech ymlaen, felly yn ymdrech, rydym ni wedi cael ymdrech ymlaen, o 70% i 90%, a hynny'n ymdrech, ac rydym hefyd wedi cael ymdrech yn ymdrech, a hynny'n ymdrech, a hynny'n ymdrech, felly, yn ymdrech, mae'r Cymru yn cael ei gynnyddio, er mwyn i'r aelodau lleol, yn y metrychau y gallwn ni ddefnyddio, yn ymdrech, a'i gynlluniau cymdeithasol. Mae'r prif ddau, a byddwn i'n gwybod, mae'r angen, mae'r angen, yn años 78, fydd yn folgwyntio'n Llanfnau Re ک safely nt a香tyn rhai newid. Mae'r angen. Mae'n deill hecho Bartleck a Simon wedi cael ei Greulwch, ac mae'n ymdrech, yn y attackingرفaeth re sailadwy gweithredu sylwadau manuol, felly yw'n ystraddorau ymlaen. Ond hefyd, mae gennym rhai ddysgwylion ysgolion musculus o ddysgwylion sydd o ddysgwylion dysplotigol, yn ymgysylltuol os nid yw'n dda'n dda'n dda'n dda'n dda. Mae'r rhai yma y byddwn yn cyrraedd ar… Mae'n rhaid i ni, ydym wedi'i ddysgu'r hapus yn y ffordd y gallwn ni'n monitor ysgolion cymdeithasol. Felly mae yna ddysgwylion llai o ddwy o ffyrdd neu ddysgwylion llai o ddysgwylion, felly byddwn yn cyrraedd rhai o ddysgwylion i sicrhau ein bod ni'n cael ddysgwylion bwysig o ddysgwylion cymdeithasol am ddysgwylion. Ac pan rydw i'n siarad am ddysgwylion a'n siarad am y ffordd y maen nhw'n cyrraedd ar hyn o ddysgwylion a'r hyn o ddysgwylion. Ac yna mae gennym rhai rhai o ddysgwylion cymdeithasol a ddysgwylion cymdeithasol ac mae hyn yn cyrraedd i weithredu o ddysgwylion, o ddysgwylion, o ddysgwylion, o ddysgwylion, o ddysgwylion, o ddysgwylion, o ddysgwylion, o ddysgwylion, felly maen nhw'n cymdeithasol i weithredu yn hynny. Felly mae hynny'n cymdeithasol. Y ffordd, y cymdeithasol yw bod y ffordd wedi'i notio ac rydw i'n siarad am y ffordd y maen nhw'n cymdeithasol ar y 2 mlynedd. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Mr Cormack, for the very insightful report. Before I invite colleagues to ask you questions, looking at the park on page 107, one is a bit confused. On the first pie chart, it refers to top five accidents slash incident types 2021 to 2022, but beneath it, it refers to 2023 to 2024. Is that a typo? That's a typo, yes. Apologies, yeah. Because that's also replicated on the second chart below. Okay. We just need, because we support the documents, we just need to ensure that we are a bit more careful with them. So thank you. Colleagues, members, are there any questions for Mr Cormack? As there aren't any questions, it's just one of the things that you did actually say about the verbal abuse and stress that actually relates to other areas, other boroughs have exactly a similar type of level. But what sort of, is it, is it, is it, why, why, it just seems a huge chunk of the graph is taken up with that. It just, it does worry me a bit. It's a very common report for most organisations. If you think about what we do as a public sector, it's quite a wide range of activities that we undertake really. So you've got schools, you've got our front-line services streets, you've got social work staff, care staff, front-line services where we don't deal directly with the public. So in those circumstances you tend to get more in an organisation like ours of those sorts of verbal assaults. And also psychological issues and stress-related illnesses are a national issue and they show up in all organisations, not just ours. But with verbal assaults it tends to be those where you've got those kind of front-line services, particularly the sorts of services that we provide. So it's not surprising. It is something that obviously we're trying to tackle, we want to reduce. It's not something that we're going to eliminate, but it's certainly something we want to keep a top on. Are there any more questions? Right, so I've got one or two more for you then, since my colleagues don't have questions. So in the report, one observes that there have been progress in terms of health and safety training. So it's increased from 57% last year to 77% this year. On the other hand, there's been an increase in, is it rape or accident incidents? So it's gone up. Now whilst I notice it's below the public sector, average of 500, and that is currently being investigated, is there any reason, well, do you have any guess why this has gone up? So the rape or title reports, which are the ones that are reportable to the health and safety executive, they are very low for our organisation. So I think it went up from four to nine. And so it's such a relatively small number for the amount of staff that we employ that actually those kinds of changes are not overly concerning because it just shows that they're very small changes in percentage terms. But saying that, obviously we are always concerned when there's an increase in those kinds of incidents where they're reportable. And so we'll obviously be looking to reduce them. They tend to be, and most of those are either manual handling type injuries or they'll slip strips and falls where people have fallen over, particularly the external environment. So we're continuing to look and we work with service managers to kind of review risk assessments and to reduce them. So the hope is that next year we'll be able to show reduction in those kinds of incidents. Thank you very much for that. So we asked as a committee to note the recommendations on page 99 of the Information Park. Do I take it that we all agree with those two recommendations? Yes. So let's carry this. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Ambo. We can move to item 6, the revised licensing policy 2025 to 2030. I invite Oxford to give us a short introduction to this policy. Good evening, everyone. So this report presents the revised licensing policy. So this is something we have a statutory duty to do every five years. We must revise or review our policy and publish a statement of how we're going to deal with things under the Licensing Act. This has been at consultation. So as part of the report, we include the responses to that consultation from members of the public and our partners and how we've responded to those. And the decision we're seeking today is that the committee approves the report and then we recommend that it would be adopted at the next full council meeting. I'm going to hand over to my service manager now for this year of licensing and trading standards. Thank you very much. Good evening, everybody, Chair. My name's Ash Shar. I'm the service manager responsible for trading standards and licensing. As Ella has explained, the only portion of this report that you may not have been privy to has come to this committee before for approval. We had 24 responses to the consultation. Thank you. Are there any questions from the committee? I've got Councillor Barnes, Councillor Amba and Councillor Stock. Good evening. Thank you. There's reference to the cumulative impact zones. Does that apply to all types of licence? And that only applies in burnt oak, as I understand it. Is it just alcohol licence? Is it other types of licences? And can it be applied in the future more widely? Thank you, Councillor. So the cumulative impact zone is in relation to the Licensing Act, and it will cover licence premises. Licence premises primarily deal with alcohol, but they can also deal with things like regulated entertainment, they can deal with film classification, there's a whole horde of things under the Licensing Act which is covered under that particular Act. So the cumulative impact zone is specific to an area. It's brought about as a result of evidence-based and some of the impact that it has on things like public health, criminality, all sorts of different elements that you've seen in one of the appendices contained within the report. It is specific to an area, and should other areas be considered for a cumulative impact zone, then what we do do is ask residents to actually speak with the local ward councillors, so that then can be brought to the Licensing and General Purposes Committee here, so that we can start putting the pack together with our partners at public health and the police and other responsible authorities to try and gather some of that evidence-based. So the cumulative impact zone, where the Licensing Act is quite permissive in its application and anybody who applies, there's a presumption that a licence will be issued unless there's good reason not to. A cumulative impact zone does the reverse of that. So I hope that answers your question, Councillor. Thank you, Mr Shah and Ms Ratlan, for the very insightful report. You talked about the licensing action group to combat the problem we have of male-dominated cafes, which make it unworkable for men and girls in the borough. I have to say that I'm hearing about it for the first time today, and we in West Hendon have been one of those who have been raising this issue, and so firstly we are pleased that something is being done about the problem. So if you could help to just advise us on if there have been any successes to date, and secondly, what engagement do you have with members? What engagement does the licensing action group have with members? Thank you. Insofar as some of those cafes are concerned, that primarily means that we will be speaking to our responsible authority partners, which will comprise of the police and community safety. So within the immediate vicinity of the premises, we can advise the licensee, if they are a licensed premise, to obviously control their patrons and ensure that some of that behaviour doesn't take place. Of course, some of that where people feel intimidated, it's not tangible, so it's a very difficult thing to try and actually control, but it is one of those things that we will speak to the licensees about in terms of trying to control their respective patrons. And of course the licensee has the option of not serving some of those people who may be frequenting those premises, so that's an option that we do provide to them, and say actually you may need to be a little bit more robust in how you deal with some of your patrons. Thank you, Mr Shah. So my question was more about the impact or any successes, because what have we achieved? It could be that this is still a pilot, it's new, and we haven't had much success, that's fine. It would just help us to understand. And also, how do you engage councillors of the wards that you are working in? Yeah, sorry councillor if I've not answered your question fully. The licensing action group has been formed about five months ago, and it's gaining its membership, so we have all the responsible authorities, and where we're doing problem solving with particular premises, we have had successes. So for example, there's a problem premises in Edgeware that we've engaged with, where we're trying to change some of that behaviour through a holistic sort of model. Our responsible authorities have been engaging with the licensees in that regard. And the purpose of that is to try and almost negotiate an agreement before it reaches to like a subcommittee stage. So all of these things are happening in the background. We've now built up a list of around 30, 35 premises that we're interested in looking at in greater detail, and that list is growing. So for example, we have Trading Standards, who've seized lots of illicit tobacco and vapes from license premises. So some of those will be heading towards a review stage, where we might be seeking to either modify the conditions of the license, or in fact revoke the license in some cases. Where we've got other responsible authorities who have got an interest in those business premises, we'll be engaging with them about how further reviews regarding those premises can take place. So it's now work in progress at the moment, Councillor. Thank you. Councillor Stock. Thank you very much indeed. I was just wondering, the group that you've got together, I think you said 38 people, is that correct? Or you've got a cohort of people who answered your survey? 24. It's an awfully small number, having been a scientist, to base it on that. And some of the things were very, like the Vivian Avenue thing, which kept coming up, was what one person's view. I was just wondering, how did you get, because I think, if I remember when I read it, it was, you know, you've got from different places, different organisations, but that's a very small number, a population of nearly 400,000. We use the council's Engage platform, which is where all the consultations tend to go. It provides quite a wide breadth of... Yeah, it just provides the platform by which we can have our consultations out. Obviously, it is a very small number, and we'll be seeking to kind of increase upon those numbers. We do also try and engage with business owners who are actually licensees as well, and other organisations. Of course, we cannot try and be, you know, try and encourage more to come through. You know, we're publicising it as best we can, but I think we should be seeking different ways of engaging other consultations, yes. If I may, actually, make sure that, in fact, to base it on that sort of number is really not the useful way of doing it. I'm really sorry, because I think you've done it, it's a really good report, but I just think, and it repeatedly comes through with the council, often we base it on nine people, and I think how can you base it on, statistically, that's not a significant number. I don't know how, because I don't know the answer to that, and I do understand it's very difficult to get people to respond, but I don't know. Stand outside the town hall, maybe, but it would be good to get more. Thank you, and please don't take this criticism. Thank you, Councillor, thanks for the comments. We share your disappointment, we'd like more members of the community to engage with us on these policies. I'd like to share those concerns with our comms team and look at what we can do in future to encourage better engagement with some of these things. I think, also, really, engagement with yourselves, ward forums, encouraging members of the community to participate in these types of exercises would be a really positive thing. Thank you. We've got Councillor Amba's indicated. Thank you, Chair. Just something in response to what Councillor Stoke said. Obviously, Chair had disappointment in the low response rate for the consultation, but I'm also sympathetic with officers, because I shared that consultation link in a large WhatsApp group in West Hendon where they complained about the Bath and Midian Avenue. We can't force residents to engage, we can only share them. I put it open next door, and if 24 people were interested, I think we'd have to work with that. My question was, Mr Shah, you didn't explain to us how that working group engages with councillors in their relevant wards. The reason I asked that is, at times, it helps members to know that good work is being done behind the scenes so we can relate that to residents. If I had known about what you guys have been doing as a team, we've had complaints recently about those Vivian Avenue cafes. That was just what I was trying to ask to understand. Thank you. Absolutely so. The way in which we are currently engaging is where we have applications, variations. We will always seek to send those matters to the local ward councillors and have them engaged in the consultations for those licences. However, I do take your point in relation to some of the other good work that doesn't necessarily involve just a specific area. It's kind of borough-wide. I think on that front, I think definitely there's an opportunity for us to engage with members a lot more, explain what it is we're actually doing. We do have an annual report which does come to this committee on what we've done in the previous year. However, there's work in progress that I think we ought to be highlighting to members as well, and I would seek every opportunity to do that regarding the licensing team. You talked about the premises in Ageware. Have you updated the Ageware councillors about the work on that premises? It's a particular one because we have work in progress in relation to that, which we're hoping to arrive at an agreement with that particular premise without the need for it to be sort of going any further. It's a premise that has for some time been the subject of complaints from local residents, and we're arriving at the stage where we think we might have reached kind of almost like a settlement in terms of additional conditions that we're looking and seeking to impose upon that particular premise. Thank you. So the fact that it's really a place of concern that obviously the members would be aware of, wouldn't that help them to have just like advanced knowledge that we are doing this work so that increased residents complain to them that they'll have a response to give their residents? Obviously, they wouldn't go into details about the work we're doing, just them having the information. We can certainly share some of that information with the local councillors, absolutely. Absolutely no problem, Ella. Do you see with that any problem? Where we've had premises might have been raised as part of a piece of casework where constituents come to yourselves, we would keep that particular councillor up today, but yeah, we take on board the comments regarding maybe proactively speaking to all councillors where we know we're dealing with things. Also just to promote the good work the team's doing because they were very hard to resolve these issues, so thank you for the comments. Thank you, and I think obviously to address it, I think it's something which needs to feel true, so that way the communication is obviously fluid, if you don't mind. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely, so I think we'll take that away and have a think about how we can do that, because obviously as colleagues said, there's a fine line between ongoing investigations and updates that we can share, but let us take away and have a think about that and come back to you. In the lack of engagement, it may be worth reminding councillors when these go out with regular emails via our emails to remind our various residents groups, because we can obviously help in advertising in our local communities and probably have email lists that may assist in driving those numbers up, so I will probably get crucified by some members for saying this. I'm going to utilise members from all wards to try and advertise these consultations when they go out so that we can get a good cross-range of the borough reporting back. It's a fairly easy email that hopefully would go out to all members and they can then, as Councillor Ambo has talked about, put on social media and forward to contacts to help drive up your engagement and get positive and negative engagement, but get more feedback. Unless there are any server questions, are we happy to move to recommendations? The recommendations are that the committee approve the proposed revised licensing policy and recommend this licensing policy to be adopted at the next full meeting of the council. Is that agreed? Thank you. Thank you. Good evening. I can ask you both to introduce yourself and just give us a quick summary of the report. Good evening, everybody. My name's John Bailey. I'm the head of electoral services and my colleague is Julie Carter, the electoral services manager. So the polling district and polling places review, this is the compulsory review that we have to do every five years, although, of course, we've been doing an interim review annually since 2014. For the first time in that period, this is a report that's recommended no changes to the current polling arrangements across the borough, but there are a couple of places where we anticipate that we will do some work in advance of the interim review that we intend to hold next year. I don't know if the RO would like to say anything on the report. Only that I think it's a really thorough review and I'm grateful to the team for doing it. As John said, there are a couple of areas where people have raised concerns, but we don't have any planned elections next year. We think addressing those in slow... Mine's flaking out as well. Addressing those in slower time in order to address them in the interim review is the right way forward. Thank you. Do members have any questions on this report? Councillor Stop? I actually wanted to say, I hope we've been done, we've had time to do these things, so I just wanted to thank you. You have said it will be reviewed, but I know in my ward in Mill Hill, Millbrook Park with the school, I had so many people ringing me on the day that they couldn't park and they couldn't get in. It would be far better to go to this Frithlander school. If I can plead with you, please. Thank you. Just particularly on Frithmaner, we did have a look that I visited and assessed, and the venue is absolutely perfect as a polling station, to be fair, as are practically all schools that we ever assess. But in looking at where the electors are, it was overwhelmingly... I mean, it wasn't even a reasonable number. I think it's 89% of people actually live closer to Millbrook. So whilst I think we appreciate that parking would be improved at Frithmaner, it clearly feels that more people would be disadvantaged by the longer distance to the polling venue than the advantage for those that would drive and be able to park. So I think on balance, that's why the decision was quite often, it really is not a huge walk. I mean, it's very, very densely populated, you know, flats and things. So actually, just to go across the road to the school, I do think it needs to be looked at because it really was disadvantaging a lot of people. I mean, hopefully everyone would walk there, but it really is a very short walk to the school. It's tiny compared to some areas. So I think the road to Octridge and Woodside is massive, and here it really is quite contained at that point. Thank you very much indeed. If there are no further questions, one thing I would say is I would invite again all members to engage with officers over the coming year ahead of the interim report next year. I have a feeling officers might have a little more interest from members across the council in the run-up to the 26 election when they're up for election. But if we're happy, are we happy to agree the recommendations? Agreed? Thank you. Item 9 then is the GLA election May 2024 and the UK PG election July 2024 elections project review. I'll try not to spend too long introducing it. It's a very long report, but there was quite a lot of detail to impart, I suppose, given that we had two election projects so close to each other. The report does contain a lot of information about the particular challenges for those two elections, not least, of course, the introduction of elements of the Elections Act that took effect for the first time at elections in Barney. Throughout the report, you'll see that there are a number of tables that detail the turnout at each of the elections across Barney and indeed for the GLA at the Barney and Camden constituency level. There's also information about the amount of additional work that the registration side of the team had to deal with in the run-up to both of those elections with the number of applications that were made. Another part of the report touches upon the impact of voter ID in terms of how it was felt within polling stations, and I think it was a generally very positive set of figures that you'll be able to see there, and also about the postal vote handling requirements that are now in place, the number of postal votes that were handed in at polling stations. In addition to that, we do touch upon the information that was given in the media at times around postal votes either being delivered late or not being delivered, and you'll see the figures there for how many re-issues were provided at each of the two elections that were held this year. And then finally, there are some recommendations in the report which we can't ask members to approve. They are recommendations that the RO will take on board as a statutory independent postholder. Again, if I can see if the RO would like to say anything on the report. Thank you. I suppose the first thing to say is that I was not the returning officer for the DLA election. I was a deputy constituency returning officer, so I was very closely involved, so if you have any questions on that, then I'm happy to answer them. And I was the returning officer by election, and strictly speaking was the acting returning officer for the general election, so we use the term RO to cover all of those. Again, I think the only thing I really want to say is to thank the team. It was a really quite extraordinary effort to go from the first GLA election with a manual count almost straight into arranging a parliamentary election with a by election in a new campaign, so a lot of people put in a lot of hours and I know you are all very grateful for that, but I think we should record it in this meeting as well. Thank you. I was going to second that we thank all of the staff who have been involved and all of the officers who worked so hard over both elections, and I think to add to the list of things that we knew this election was working across borough with Harry and Gay for one of our parliamentary seats as well to add even more difficulty to the pot for officers. And they had a brand new returning officer and they were very kind to me. Do members have any questions on this report? If there are no questions apart from noting our thanks as a committee for the officers involved in the election, are we happy to pass this report and note it? Agreed? Thank you. Item 10 is the committee work programme. Are there any questions on the forward work plan noting that we have cancelled the next meeting in February and consolidated the work programme into two longer, more substantive meetings than three meetings with fewer items? Any questions on the forward work plan? No, we're happy to agree that. Agreed? Item 11 is any other items the Chair decides urgent. There are none. So on that note, I'd like to thank you all for your work this year and the work I'm sure you'll continue to do on licensing subcommittees until the AGM. The next time this meeting meets will be after the AGM. So thank you all for this year. And I think that closes the meeting at I have 1946. Thank you.
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Mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol ymgynghoriol, mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol ymgynghoriol, i ni, yn ymwneud yn ymwneud ymwneud ymgynghoriol, felly mae'r ymgynghoriol ymgynghoriol yn ystafell. Mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol yn ymwneud ymgynghoriol yn ymgynghoriol, felly mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol yn ymwneud ymgynghoriol yn ymgynghoriol, felly mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol yn ymwneud ymgynghoriol, felly mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol yn ymgynghoriol, felly mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol yn ymwneud ymgynghoriol, felly mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol yn ymgynghoriol, Rydyn ni wedi'i ddysgu'r ddau yn y ffordd y gallwn ni'n monitor ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol. Felly mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol yn ymwneud ymgynghoriol yn ymwneud ysgolion cymdeithasol. Felly rydyn ni'n mynd i'n cymryd ymgynghoriol i sicrhau bod ni'n cael ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol yn ysgolion cymdeithasol. Felly mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol yn ymwneud ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol. Rydyn ni wedi cael ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, a dyna'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol. Felly mae'r pwysigau ar gyfer ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, a dyna'r pwysigau ar gyfer ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ys ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ysgolion cymdeithasol, ymgynghoriol mewn ys dan roedd y managing ai 1970 yn dyретai effeithio, ac yn wympethioリog orau yn hyrch a dalu yng Nghymru yn am Ettab进wsoddu'r ffordd diolch botherus. Gwnaethachbahn o amserol. Mae'n un o'r pethau, ond rydych chi wedi'i ddweud ymlaen am ymddiriedaeth a'r ystres y mae'n ymwneud â phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phobl arall a phob arall a phobl arall. ymlaen, mae gennych gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, gwasanaethau ymlaen, lle dydyn ni ddim yn gweithio gyda'r cyhoeddus. Felly, yn y cysylltiadau hynny, rydych chi'n mynd i ddod yn unrhyw sefydliad fel hynny, neu'r sefydliadau ymlaen. A hefyd, y sefydliadau ymlaen a gwasanaethau ymlaen yn unrhyw sefydliad nesaf, ac maen nhw'n mynd i gyd yn unrhyw sefydliad, nid yn unrhyw sefydliad. Ond mae'r sefydliadau ymlaen yn unrhyw sefydliad, yn unrhyw sefydliad, ond mae'r sefydliadau ymlaen yng nghymdeithas i ni ymlaen. Felly, nid yw'n bwysig, mae'n rhywbeth y byddwn yn eich ymddygiad, a byddwn yn eich ymddygiad. Nid yw'n rhywbeth y byddwn yn eich ymddygiad, ond mae'n rhaid i ni ddod yn unrhyw sefydliad. A ydym yn gwybod unrhyw sefydliadau? Mae'n rhaid i ni ddod yn unrhyw sefydliad. Mae'n rhaid i ni ddod yn unrhyw sefydliad. Mae'n rhaid i ni ddod yn unrhyw sefydliad. Felly, ym mhob ymddygiad, un o'r sefydliadau sydd wedi'i gweithio yn ymddygiadau cymdeithas a ffaith i'w gynhyrchu, felly mae'n gweithio o 57% y lles, i 77% y lles. Yn y bryd, mae wedi'i gweithio yn unrhyw sefydliad, olwg, oes o'r sefydliad o'r cymdeithas o'r lles, felly mae wedi'i gweithio. Yn eich bod, nid oes yn benodol, yn ymddygiad o 500, a mae hynny'n cael ei gysgwyl yn ymddygiad. Mae'n rhaid i ni... Mae'n rhaid i ni ddod yn unrhyw sefydliad y byddai hynny wedi'i gweithio. Felly, y sefydliadau o'r lles, sy'n rhaid i ni ddod yn unrhyw sefydliadau cymdeithas, maent yn dŵr iawn i'r weithiau. Rwy'n meddwl y byddai'n mynd o'r 4 i'r 9. Felly, mae'n ddiddordeb ddiddordeb ddiddordeb i'r amlyniadau y byddwn ni'n gweithio. Mae'r hyn o bryd hynny'n ddiddordeb nid yn ymwneud â hynny, oherwydd mae'n ddiddordeb y byddai'n ddiddordeb yn ymwneud â hynny, ond dweud hynny, rwy'n bwysig y byddwn yn ymwneud â hynny yn ymwneud â'r hyn o bryd hynny, lle maen nhw'n ymwneud â hynny. Rwy'n bwysig y byddwn yn edrych ar gyfer hynny. Mae'n dweud y byddai'n ymwneud â hynny, ac mae'n bwynt o'r hynny yn ymwneud â hynny, neu byddai'n ymwneud â hynny, neu byddai'n ymwneud â hynny, oherwydd mae pobl wedi'i ddod o'r amlyniadau, yn ymwneud â'r amlyniadau ymwneud â'r amlyniadau ymwneud â'r amlyniadau. Felly rydym yn edrych ar hynny, ac rydym yn gweithio â gwasanaethau gwasanaethau gwasanaethau a'i ddod o'r amlyniadau a'i ddod o'r amlyniadau. Felly mae'r hyn yn ymwneud â hynny yn ymwneud â hynny yn ymwneud â hynny. Diolch yn fawr iawn am hynny. Felly rydym yn ymwneud â'r cymryd i notio'r amlyniadau ar y 99 ar y Parc Gweinidog. a'r amlyniadau ar y Parc Gweinidog. A allwn ni'n meddwl y byddwn yn ymwneud â'r amlyniadau a'r amlyniadau ymwneud â'r amlyniadau a'r amlyniadau ymwneud â'r amlyniadau. A allwn ni'n meddwl y byddwn yn ymwneud â'r amlyniadau a'r amlyniadau. Felly dyna'r cymryd. Diolch. Diolch, Cwm Mawr Ambo. Felly gallwn ni ddod i gyd i item 6 y polisiad ymgysylltuol 2020-25 a'i ddod i Gwm Mawr Ambo. Diolch, Cwm Mawr Ambo. Felly mae'r cymryd yn cymryd y amlyniadau ymgysylltuol ymgysylltuol ymgysylltuol ymgysylltuol ymgysylltuol ymgysylltuol ymgysylltuol ymgysylltuol ymgysylltuol ymgynyddiol Mae'r amlyniad yn cymryd y polisiad ymgysylltuol Felly mae hynny'n rhywbeth rydym yn gweithio'n gweithio'n gweithio Felly mae'r amlyniad yn cymryd y polisiad ymgysylltuol yn gweithio'n gweithio'n gweithio y polisiad ymgysylltuol yn gweithio'n gweithio'n gweithio y polisiad ymgysylltuol yn gweithio'n gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio Felly mae'r amlyniad yn cymryd y polisiad ymgysylltuol yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio'n gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio Mae'n myself ym mhen First the yna ac dylai myfyr��면 at detail astudiaeth !!! !!! yn creu cydnabah 250 feel Thanks yn y dyfodol mewn gwirionedd. Diolch, Cymru. Felly, y zôn cymdeithasol yma yng Nghymdeithasol yng Nghymdeithasol yma yng Nghymdeithasol a byddai'n cymryd cymryd cymdeithasol. Mae cymdeithasol cymryd cymdeithasol mewn gwirionedd gyda alcohol, ond gallant hefyd cymdeithasol gyda pethau fel ymgysylltiedig, gallant hefyd cymdeithasol gyda cymdeithasol ffilm, cymdeithasol gyda pethau fel ymgysylltiedig sy'n cymryd mewn cymdeithasol ymgysylltiedig. Felly, y zôn cymdeithasol cymdeithasol yma yng Nghymdeithasol yma'n cymryd cymdeithasol fel ymgysylltiedig ac ymgysylltiedig sy'n cael mewn gwirionedd fel cymdeithasol cymdeithasol, cymdeithasol, yr holl ffordd o ffyrdd gwirionedd sydd wedi'u gweld un o'r ffyrdd yma yn y cymdeithasol. Mae'n unig i unrhyw ddau a oes angen arall unrhyw ddau fod yn cymryd ar gyfer unrhyw ddau cymdeithasol, yna mae'n rhaid i ni ddweud at ymgysylltiedig i ddweud â'r cymdeithasol arferol. Felly dyna gallai eu gael i'r Cymru Cymdeithasol a'r Lysgantiaethau a Llyfrgell Genedlaethol yma fel a oeddwn yn gallu eu cyflawni'r ddechrau gyda'n ffyrdd gyda'n ffyrdd a'r Lysgantiaeth Cymdeithasol a'r Llyfrgell Genedlaethol a'r aelodau cymdeithasol i ddechrau a gael rhai o hynny o ddau cymdeithasol. Felly mae'r Lysgantiaeth Cymdeithasol, lle mae'r Lysgantiaeth Cymdeithasol yn bwysig yn eu cymdeithasol a'r unrhyw un sy'n cymdeithasol, mae'r ddechrau y bydd y Lysgantiaeth Cymdeithasol yn cael eu cymdeithasol, ond nid yw'r ffordd iawn i'r Lysgantiaeth Cymdeithasol yn cael ei cymdeithasol. Felly rwy'n hoffi bod hynny'n cymryd i chi, Cwbl Cymdeithasol. Diolch. Diolch, Mr Shah a'r Prif Weinidog am y cymdeithasol yma. Ychwanegwch chi am y grwp ymgysylltu i ddod y problem rydym wedi'i gael o golygu cyffrous dod yn gwybod ahonanmüşu homes i given codeig. Rwy'n gwybod, efallai, am galedd y sentes nin fina skynydd ac rydym yn Left Hendon wedi bod un o'r b Jadeid cyllir y driusiad hwn ac y byddwn yn cytuno a diolch os mor diweddнуть o'r ysbyw. startledd i chi galli ai notis gydag swyddo'r rhan o ffyrdd oherwyddach tipsyn Yn ystod hynny, beth ymddygiad ydych chi'n cael gyda phobl a phobl a phobl a phobl a phobl a phobl a phobl a phobl a phobl? Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. Diolch. mae hynny'n bwysig iawn. Diolch yn fawr. Mae'n dda'r cyngor Ambe. Diolch yn fawr, Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod yn fawr i'r cyngor y mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod. Mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod yn fawr i'r cyngor y mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod yn fawr i'r cyngor y mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod. Mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod yn fawr i'r cyngor y mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod. Mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod yn fawr i'r cyngor y mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod. Mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod yn fawr i'r cyngor y mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod. Mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod yn fawr i'r cyngor y mae'r cyngor wedi'i ddod. Roedd fy mhyswllt oedd, Mr Shah, roedd e ddim yn dweud i ni sut mae'r grwp gweithio'n cymryd â'r gweithwyr yn ymwneud â'u llyfr. Y rhan rwy'n ei wneud yw, yn oed, mae'n helpu i'r gweithwyr i gydweithio'r gweithwyr hyn yn cael ei wneud yn ôl ystod y sîn. Felly gallwn ni ddod hynny i'r gweithwyr. Rydyn ni wedi gwneud am y gwaith y gallwch chi ddod yn y tîm. Rydyn ni wedi cael cefnogaeth yn ystod y cyfnogaeth Vivian Avenue, ac hynny yn unig i ni ddysgu. Diolch. Diolch, cyngor. Ie, byddai'n hollol. Mae'r ffordd y gallwn ni'n cymryd yw, er bod gennym gweithiau, gweithiau, a byddwn yn amlwgol i gael y gwaith yma i fflenwyr y byddaethau cyhoeddus a chael eu cymryd yn y cyfnogaethau i'r gweithiau. Ond rwy'n meddwl, rwy'n meddwl, yn y rhan o unrhyw ffordd ddaith y mae'n mynd yn ei wneud, mae hynny'n neb yn cymryd yn unrhyw un cyfnogaeth, mae'n dod yn unrhyw reitiau. Rwy'n credu, o ran hynny, rwy'n credu, mae cyfle i ni ddechrau cymryd â phobl, dweud beth yw hynny, rydyn ni'n ei wneud. Rydyn ni'n cael ymddygiad anlyniadol, sy'n mynd i'r cymryd hwn, sy'n cymryd beth rydyn ni wedi'i wneud yn y pryd hwn. Ond mae ymddygiad yn gweithio, ac rwy'n meddwl y byddwn yn cael cyfle i phobl hefyd. Rydw i'n dechrau bob cyfle i'w wneud ymddygiad am y tîm gweithio. Rydw i'n dechrau bob cyfle i ymddygiad am y tîm gweithio. Rydw i'n dechrau bob cyfle i ymddygiad am y tîm gweithio? Nid am y cyfle yma, oherwydd rydyn ni wedi gweithio mewn cyfle i hynny. Rydyn ni'n dechrau bob cyfle i ymddygiad am y tîm gweithio, ond rydyn ni'n dechrau bob cyfle i'w gweithio. Mae'r ymddygiad yma wedi bod yn cymdeithasol o bwydau cymdeithasol. Rydyn ni'n mynd yn ystod ystafell y byddwn yn gallu cael ymddygiad, fel ymddygiad, yn ymddygiad o gynlluniau addysgol y byddwn yn edrych i'w gweithio ar yr ymddygiad honno. Diolch. Felly, mae'r ffordd y mae'n bwysig iawn y byddai'r gweithwyr yn gwybod. Byddai hynny'n helpu iddyn nhw gael ymddygiad ymddygiad y byddwn yn gwneud y gweithwyr hynny i gael ymddygiad y byddai'r gweithwyr yn gweithio i nhw? Byddai'n cael ymddygiad i gael y gweithwyr hynny. Byddai'r gweithwyr nid yn mynd yn ymddygiad am yr ymddygiad rydym yn gwneud, ond y byddai'n cael ymddygiad. Mae'n bwysig i ni gael ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygiad ymddygi cyngorau a chyflwynoedd y gallwn siarad, ond rydym ni'n mynd ymlaen i ddweud am hynny a mynd yn ôl i chi. Diolch, Cymru. Roeddwn i'n dweud y pwynt am gysylltiadau a gysylltiadau, mae'n bwysig i gyrraedd cyngorau, pan mae'r hyn yn mynd ymlaen, gyda e-mails rhai o'n e-mails i gyrraedd y grwp ymlaen, oherwydd gallwn, roeddwn yn gallu helpu yn ymwneud â'r cyngorau ymlaen, a'n bwysig bod y list e-mails a allan yn helpu i gyd-dryfio'r cyngorau hynny. Felly, byddwn yn bwysig bod yn cael cyngorau ar ôl i ffrindiau o'r cyngorau, byddwn yn dweud y byddwn yn gweithio ar gyfer cyngorau o'r grwp i ddweud ymwneud â'r cyngorau hynny, a byddwn yn mynd ymlaen i gyd yn cael y gysylltuadau diogel o'r grwp ymlaen yn ymwneud â'r cyngorau. crosses Mae'n dewis ei ffael iawn, ond ofyn gyda ni i bob m particular arall a gallu un penderfynuあち el sebenar, yn hytrach assweddol ble i'r oed ymweld gwyק padd porta pessoas i skynddi eichysylltuad rhan a wneud y gysylltuadau hynny, nes a sy'n gobeithio nleyfah. A all ydy unit y gwelwg ir endlich i'w wneud i'r cyfowniadau? Rhwydwch chi Mae'r cyfnodau yw bod y cyfnod wedi'i gynllunio'r gwasanaeth a'i gynllunio'r gwasanaeth a'i gynllunio'r gwasanaeth i fod yn cael ei gynllunio yn y ffordd nesaf o'r Cynulliad. A yw hynny'n ddigwyddodd? Diolch. Felly, gynllun 8, gynllun o ddyddiau a chymdeithasol a chymdeithasol. Diolch. Iawn. Y bydd allais i ffynt i mi ddigwyddodd gethau i ein hunain ar y cyfnod. Y Byddais i'n siŵr ddiddordeb a leiau'r llaineid. Mae hynny'n cynllun cyflwyno y byddir yn gallu gwneud hon broaden o hanes i ddod yn yr ymddy specialty, ac fydden определ o G place quote o Fn erioed. Mae'r pro Seaniodd o gymdeithas, ymlaen. Dwi ddim yn gwybod a fyddai'r RRO eisiau ddweud unrhyw beth ar yr adnodd. Rwy'n meddwl y byddai'r adnodd yn ddiddorol ac rwy'n gwybod i'r tîm i'w wneud hynny. Roedd John wedi ddweud y byddai'r adnodd yn cael gysylltiadau, ond fel nid ydym yn cael unrhyw adnodd ymlaen, dydyn ni'n meddwl y byddai'r adnodd yn ymlaen. Mae'n ffagwch i ni hefyd. Arfer ymlaen o'r adnodd yn ôl i ddweud iddyn nhw yn yr adnodd y byddai'r adnodd yn y rhan fawr. Diolch. A allai'r ddod oedd oes unrhyw cwestiwn ymlaen? Mae'n rhaid i'n dweud, rwy'n meddwl, yw'r adnodd yn bwysig iawn. Rwy'n meddwl y byddai'n cael ymlaen i'w wneud y pethau. Rwy'n meddwl eich bod chi'n clywed. Ond hefyd, un o'r pethau a rydych chi wedi dweud, byddai'n dod oedd yn cael eu rewyr. ym Mell Hill, ym Mellbrook Park a'r ysgol. Roeddwn i llawer o bobl yn gweithio ar y dydd, ond nid ydyn nhw'n gallu parc ac nid ydyn nhw'n gallu mynd i mewn. Mae'n bwysig iawn, byddai'n ffwrdd iawn i'r Ysgol Ffrithmanna. Felly, os gallwch ddweud gyda chi, ffwrdd. Rwy'n meddwl, maen nhw'n cael unrhyw problem. Diolch. Rwy'n meddwl am y Ffrithmanna. Roeddwn ni wedi gweld at hynny. Roeddwn ni wedi gweld at hynny. Mae'r ysgol ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook ym Mellbrook. Rwy'n meddwl y bydd mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau o'r ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl yn ymddygiadau mwy o bobl isioedishonен. Diolch i rai f Order, Hychau!) ar y conv Kolwg y famous y tydym, diolch. Mae'r buddsставляu hwn ymlaenol, ond roedd y g PET paraff! but there was quite a lot of detail to impart, I suppose, given that we had two election projects so close to each other. The report does contain a lot of information about the particular challenges for those two elections, not least, of course, the introduction of elements of the Elections Act that took effect for the first time at elections in Barney. Throughout the report, you'll see that there are a number of tables that detail the turnout at each of the elections across Barney and indeed for the GLA at the Barney and Camden constituency level. There's also information about the amount of additional work that the registration side of the team had to deal with in the run-up to both of those elections with the number of applications that were made. Another part of the report touches upon the impact of voter ID in terms of how it was felt within polling stations and I think it was a generally very positive set of figures that you'll be able to see there and also about the postal vote handling requirements that are now in place, the number of postal votes that were handed in at polling stations. In addition to that, we do touch upon the information that was given in the media at times around postal votes either being delivered late or not being delivered and you'll see the figures there for how many re-issues were provided at each of the two elections that were held this year. And then finally there are some recommendations in the report which we can't ask members to approve. They are recommendations that the RO will take on board as a statutory independent postholder. Again, if I can see if the RO would like to say anything on the report. Thank you. I suppose the first thing to say is that I was not the returning officer for the DLA election. I was a deputy constituency returning officer so I was very closely involved. So if you have any questions on that then I'm happy to answer them. And I was the returning officer by election and strictly speaking was the acting returning officer for the general election. So we use the term RO to cover all of those. Again, I think the only thing I really want to say is to thank the team. It was a really quite extraordinary effort to go from the first DLA election with a manual count almost straight into arranging a general parliamentary election with a by-election in a new campaign year. So a lot of people put in a lot of hours to make that happen and I know you are all very grateful for that but I think we should record it in this meeting as well. Thank you. I was going to second that we thank all of the staff who have been involved and all of the officers who worked so hard over both elections and I think to add to the list of things that we knew this election was working across borough with Haringey for one of our parliamentary seats as well to add even more difficulty to the pot for officers. And they had a brand new returning officer and they were very kind to me. Do members have any questions on this report? If there are no questions apart from noting our thanks as a committee for the officers involved in the election are we happy to pass this report and note it? Agreed? Thank you. So item 10 is the committee work programme. Are there any questions on the forward work plan noting that we have cancelled the next meeting in February and consolidated the work programme into two longer, more substantive meetings than three meetings with fewer items? Any questions on the forward work plan? No. We're happy to agree that. Agreed? Item 11 is any other items the chair decides urgent. There are none. So on that note, I'd like to thank you all for your work this year and the work I'm sure you'll continue to do on licensing subcommittees until the AGM, but the next time this meeting meets will be after the AGM. So thank you all for this year. And I think that closes the meeting at I have 1946. Thank you.
The Licensing and General Purposes Committee approved a revised Licensing Policy 1 for the period 2025 to 2030, and recommended that it be adopted at the next full meeting of the council. The committee noted that public consultation had taken place and that 24 responses had been received. Concerns were raised about a perceived increase in male-dominated cafés, with members citing businesses such as the Toscana, Cafe 01, Tirana, and Pizreni on Vivian Avenue in Hendon. Some respondents believed these venues were intimidating to women, with one resident stating:
Since Covid, we have several cafes and restaurants now on Vivian Avenue, Hendon, that cater exclusively to men. They are not welcoming to women or families, and typically have large groups of men standing outside smoking, drinking and staring at passers-by. Many of us women who live in the area are intimidated and threatened when having to walk past these gangs of men who now congregate daily on the high street.
Ash Shah, the Service Manager responsible for Trading Standards and Licensing, stated that The Council's Community Safety Team now participates in all licence application consultations for new, varied, and reviewed applications, and that a Licensing Action Group, comprising representatives from all relevant responsible authorities including the Police, has been created to address such concerns. Mr Shah acknowledged the low response rate to the consultation but assured members that their concerns regarding engagement would be passed on to The Council's communications team.
The Committee noted a report 2 on the Council's health, safety, and wellbeing performance for 2023/24. There was a slight increase in reported workplace incidents during the reporting period, which Mike Kumi, Head of the Safety, Health and Well-being service, attributed to a campaign to encourage reporting of near misses and verbal assaults. Mr Kumi stated:
There has been a slight increase in accidents reported, but we have actually run a campaign to encourage reporting of near misses and also verbal assaults, which are underreported nationally. And we've just been trying to get an increase in that. And we've actually seen an increase in those reports of around 15%, which then translates into an increase in reported incidents, but actually rather than it being a negative figure, it's actually positive in that we've got more people to report things. So we will monitor those, obviously, we'll continue to monitor those trends, and if we feel that the trends are going up, then we'll intervene to take some actions to reduce them.
Mr Kumi also highlighted an increase in the number of RIDDOR 3 reportable incidents from four in 2022/23 to nine in 2023/24. The most common types of reported workplace incidents were slips, trips and falls, verbal assaults, and handling and carrying injuries. The most common types of reported work-related ill health were stress-related and mental illness and musculoskeletal injuries. Mr Kumi stated that musculoskeletal injuries were most often reported in the Streetscene Directorate 4 and in Schools, and that stress-related illness is a national issue. The Committee agreed the following health, safety and wellbeing priorities for the period 2025 to 2027:
• Seek reductions of at least 10% in days lost due to stress-related and mental ill health. • Seek reductions of at least 10% in days lost due to work-related musculoskeletal injuries. • Review and improve statutory building compliance monitoring in community schools. • Implement the actions contained in the Workplace Wellbeing Action Plan.
A report 5 on the statutory review of polling districts and polling places for 2024 was noted by the committee. No changes to existing polling districts and polling places were proposed. Councillor Caroline Stock questioned the use of Millbrook Park Primary School as a polling station, citing a lack of parking and proposing the use of Frith Manor School instead. John Bailey, Head of Electoral Services, explained that Frith Manor School had been assessed and deemed suitable for use as a polling station, but that geographical data analysis had shown that 89% of electors live closer to Millbrook Park School, and that therefore moving the polling station would disadvantage more people than it would benefit.
The committee also noted a report 6 reviewing the GLA election in May 2024 and the UKPG election in July 2024. The report highlighted the challenges of delivering two major elections in quick succession against a backdrop of significant legislative changes brought about by the Elections Act 2022. John Bailey, the Head of Electoral Services, praised the resilience and adaptability of the Elections Project Team. The report included four recommendations to the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer:
• Conduct a review of postal and proxy vote operations. • Formally establish quarterly election preparation meetings. • Continue with annual 'interim' polling reviews. • Review mitigations for the Electoral Registration ‘Elections surge’.
The Licensing Act 2003 places a duty upon all licensing authorities to publish a statement of its Licensing Policy at least once every five years. ↩
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require employers to manage health and safety by identifying risks, controlling those risks, and monitoring to ensure those controls remain suitable. ↩
RIDDOR stands for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. It is a UK law that requires employers, the self-employed, and people in control of work premises to report certain work-related accidents, diseases, and dangerous occurrences. ↩
The Streetscene Directorate is a council department responsible for services such as waste collection, street cleaning, and parks and open spaces management. ↩
The Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended by section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013), requires councils to undertake a compulsory review of all polling districts and polling places in the 16-month period from 1 October 2013, and then within the same period every fifth year after that. ↩
The Elections Act 2022 introduced a number of changes to electoral law, including the requirement for voters to show photo ID at polling stations. ↩
- Alison Cornelius
- Andrea Bilbow OBE
- Caroline Stock
- Claire Farrier
- Danny Rich
- Emma Whysall
- Ernest Ambe Esq
- Eva Greenspan
- Kath McGuirk
- Richard Barnes
- Val Duschinsky
- Zakia Zubairi
- Andrew Charlwood
- Ash Shah
- Clair Green
- Declan Khan
- Emily Bowler
- John E Bailey
- Jon Bell
- Julie Carter
- Michael Koumi
- Michelle Rudland
- Pakeezah Rahman
- AppendixA_PDPP24_Final.docx other
- MDocPackPublic.version0001
- Agenda frontsheet 07th-Nov-2024 19.00 Licensing and General Purposes Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 07th-Nov-2024 19.00 Licensing and General Purposes Committee reports pack
- Licensing Policy Committee Report - Post Consultation pre clearance
- Appendix 1 - Proposed Revised Licensing Policy 2025-2030_
- Appendix 2 - Summary of Changes
- Appendix 3 - Summary of Consultation responses
- LGPC - Committee Work Programme 2024-2025 updated Oct 24 other
- LGPC 7.11.24 Annual report final other
- App A - LBB Annual Report 2023-2024 Final
- StatutoryPDPPreview_CoverReport_Oct24_FINALcleared_v1 other
- Barnet_Elections24Review_CoverReport_FINALcleared other
- BarnetElections24Review_Appendix1_Published other
- Licensing policy EIA 2024
- Printed minutes 07th-Nov-2024 19.00 Licensing and General Purposes Committee minutes