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Planning Committee - Tuesday, 14th May, 2024 10.00 am

May 14, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Teignbridge Planning Committee meeting on May 14th covered several key topics, including the approval of planning applications and the discussion of declarations of interest. The most significant discussions involved the Broadmeadow Sports Centre refurbishment and the Alexandra Cinema redevelopment.

The Broadmeadow Sports Centre in Teignmouth received approval for internal refurbishment and decarbonisation proposals, including replacement cladding, external insulation, and a relocated main entrance. The decision was made to delegate authority to approve the application, subject to a bat survey being completed and no bats being found on site. Planning Officer Darren Roberts presented the application, highlighting the external changes and the need for a flood risk assessment due to part of the site being within a flood zone.

The Alexandra Cinema redevelopment in Newton Abbot involved two applications: one for planning permission and one for listed building consent. The proposal included restoring the single theatre auditorium and constructing a glass-sided atrium extension. The atrium would serve as a concourse area with a new public entrance, box office, bar, and cafe. The Planning Officer, Jennifer Jewell, emphasized that the atrium extension would cause less than substantial harm to the listed building but was justified by the public benefits of the restoration. The committee approved both applications, with a condition ensuring the atrium extension would only be built after or concurrent with the theatre restoration.

Other topics included declarations of interest from Councillors Nutty, Hook, and Pailthorpe, and the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting. The committee also discussed the public participation process and introduced key officers present at the meeting.

The meeting concluded with the approval of a change of use for land in East Dun Lane to a secure dog walking field for private hire. Despite objections from local residents and the parish council, the committee approved the application, noting the need for such facilities and the minimal impact on traffic and the environment.