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Croydon & Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee - Tuesday, 10th December, 2024 6.30 pm
December 10, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Croydon & Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee met to consider the minutes from their previous meeting and to review the performance of the body contracted to maintain street lighting under the terms of the Croydon and Lewisham Street Lighting PFI.1
Joint Street Lighting PFI Update
The Committee were provided with an update on the performance of the PFI contractor between September 2023 - August 2024. The report notes that:
Croydon Councils corporate priorities of cleaning up Croydon, addressing planning and town centre regeneration, tackling violent crime, speeding up housing improvements and financial discipline and recovery.
The report also sets out Lewisham Council's corporate priorities:
Lewisham Council’s corporate priorities of making Lewisham greener and building safer communities.
The committee were asked to note the contractor's performance on a range of metrics, including:
- The number of street lights that were not lit.
- How long it took to fix faulty street lights.
- The number of complaints received from the public.
- The environmental impact of the street lighting.
The report notes that the contractor has generally performed well, but that there have been some areas where performance could be improved. For example, in March 2024 two emergency call outs were attended late.
The report asked the committee to:
- Note the performance of Service Provider in respect of the street lighting PFI for September 2023 - August 2024
- Approve the proposed unitary charges for 2024/5 of £2.905m for Croydon and £1.634m for Lewisham (based on a 64% to 36% split)
- Approve the forecasted contract management and monitoring costs for 2024/5 of £179,000 for Croydon and £101,000 for Lewisham (based on 64% to 36% split).
Minutes of the meeting of the Croydon and Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee held on 19 October 2023
The committee were asked to approve the minutes of their meeting on the 19 October 2023.
A Private Finance Initiative, or PFI, is a way of funding big, long-term projects using private sector money. ↩
- Public reports pack 05th-Nov-2024 18.30 Croydon Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee reports pack
- Election Chair and Vice Chair
- minutes 19102023 1830 Croydon Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee other
- Declarations of Interest other
- 2024 Croydon Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee Report
- Agenda frontsheet 05th-Nov-2024 18.30 Croydon Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee agenda
- Minutes other
- Public reports pack 10th-Dec-2024 18.30 Croydon Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee other
- Agenda frontsheet 10th-Dec-2024 18.30 Croydon Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee other