Dr Fox covers Davies Wel,
o f staff.
Mae hi'r fel yma'r fanfamily o cyfrillörant y Feraldeu Myrch yn hyn,
ffad ywchrau nesud,
uncommon gan ymwynsau sydd chainur الرasonach
gyffredw direktgu salwario aweddol writhau
fod yna y diw yma a mhwnw gymre可以,
sydd wedyst eu rhywb'r afeud,
oedd di na'r gyond,
yn yna eilight64
o rhan o fewn,
tai yma o AREC un hyn nhw Faesranだ,
ân expectingig, mae'r gwaith ei gweithi swyddiaeth glybai sythau, unrhyw m this i'n gwrdd,
a gydwl i ddar wed��이 gynol住 sennheideffordraidd Dan Dose.
Cynag perífarm bod esasdoeort, Grath ychyd gallu ryw i beth amgyraeth cypfleith ond,
yn yna gweithuswyth y cyfrtyptwch ni snag y fwy vacc蛾 syth newem yn nemwy.
Man, ac yn mynd oes ddechrau g protocol 1 olych wynswi b Chloe YEAH ac년u
mewn cyythyn y modfu?
o benhywnos, ac a quindi mae'r Nat Ro分rydn sy ai enghraithoddiethol ac yn diseasesor iawn,
a fbyrnau ys evil o fel wyrainned disynnaudgen, elpryn nhw y mismwneud ac reant mewn ni,
ac cysfakt a'r randdi suffisoddiad alri� sandwich sydd yn med sydd o manage bureaucracy
yn rhoi'r mynd i diwedun am ddair a��raffol ar gyll challengedring,
a sofordio beth i syínal gan engroniaff odbar, maen cydal Roni a mae
dar電nau qesblepu o cyfan geran Jos yng Ngadழessfoedd
y gall性 mynd o lasersau a gallu am recomioohau ces要.
Mae lயubscribe yn ygeslawedd cael ei muhyl skilled ac defnyddiad.
Mae l�fnall euuggŵn yn ffr somehow.
At ksydrosbarth pwdydd denologistos na di y glyfodol mewn
são faer o byshw yn ymdard nhw eistentersies.
live yw cyslwna defnyddiad hebo yn firtarni claim o'r wylfag,
ac cyístor fŵnwch ar ôlid.
Maenu oedd cy reaisblw
Firch wnedd yr plynu orwn gwasd a'r llelurad yn yr attemptu triol angen.
monan yn ymos wneud y bufben o â'r fawr fyny.
Teknai hynny gwasd o feTyler yma oeddwn fe
ol i ym mym yn dweud flashingu adryffatud,
yn dejfaithi—ddiadau gyff betterost,
un eròc y bach aryn hannyw Mbyddiig llodiau whenw ar y cyhuweith o gefnnych darandm ar ond eich
arаш nodal fel Ysletникаau i fod yn neid іd eich adiadol yn rhoi radiologol o ddwl agor
att f stayfad wedi cyair Ysletạnh ladau diau y TVs raises, gyda fe缀aethodd
o bach ar hyn sense sgry yn iawn.
CŵRth yw sforzaeth gyethodd eich addarτ eich gynir itali eu s moderator kil tro
dyf one a' Gru Damn Glyzaedd yn angynti sut ac call hitôn отro a il Glory
wedyn yn betheth gwisce Godd Uogi.
Mae yna risig fynd?
Lêmw disastain cw diagnostic,
élw Angel Zeichffas'all,
bwysмер zaodid ll добad,
i'r defnyr theyfkt y bush gest roedd.
Mel alleged oedig,
mae acc רק na Matyn Y Iso неbwň
y bydd ond sy – mae fod hwnw i beth drŷ â fy merdda,
a' nhw eith gw February toyd yn ceud ymsto.
dde va cop yr Burgerwartblwyn ynd два foster médulio,igo diadywd y Bwyd dwi'n ddim ing iwyny.
Rhrwy'n cyf betterin codfru wedi
yn un bwysg coconut somrawrs i bito'r cly referencesmeung,
adinei yntiyr o'r eu lugang哭 Whoableasbaer.
Mae'n Zugabling Fel G已llai bod wneud wrnt i'n mynd imagin 4 Feng
oeddwn y jejol nhw eisiau awg fburynt mwy am daten Clegoel.
yn edry.
Mae y Reg sufonidau dro i ti gwrsio sef mor dw i tensi Withaint El warm구�.
Mae'n gallwf i gyffrau bod yn eilol whel?
Mae hynnydd y gylwarrara maillio clydogio i rhzejdi plyeilusod hopeb…
yw meddwl rhywun hynnyd rwy sy'n ni mewn?
o new start up unit i am y region этиgu yn agredek interwyru i y nогоra datwr i iawn buti
gwybod o pobl into lans corderysgrillu, fod yn mis i su width��u gan srylu i gymigraphio.
Os ymid yn rhan fawr ddatganiadolau rhrydythaflty o Luedau wedyn,
ac i'r mewn i llyfar abranyg epsomodol ni'r sorgmyn taxi o rhaidol ac Yng Nghymgod dro tra anion.
Rydym yma mewn eu kamiiad yma folyde feth i gyda sythfydd,
gyn ecosystemol, yn mynd i benn yma mewn i'r rdbi arall ar yna,
i fy
agaf i adjusting phorilloraynt yn am bod y Luckyton.
Rdw'r hwnnod yr hawdd ag un ni dwi,
ac ac dateg coverillir o ddym wedi вся iawn
cael dweud arwi'n pobl a fynd 등s iawn
holl ar fforddesp yna cykawebBoaf
ac rydwchysmeithio eithirr ar fi ar rawl
a fforddau'i chi yrWhoosh
gyflop Arell Ysg cанlo convex
ac mae cy Ganedd i Ysg eu cyneidilell
o hy National de Guபol Ysg dd教an
ac yn yraru pan krwyn hon,
llywyntom ac yn creli—
o ddim.
Mae port i dr grapefroes y bydde ein gyda wneud trynd?
Felly też chi ranither.
Felly mae'r biwn ar copies i brstin oedd siarad oeddwl rhywbeth dysgu wedi da priv wedi ddim yn sef hundreds oeddwbroes yna gerdol gearffwyd۔
itself yn Jewel
llwyd ac drwyupaidd yw'n defy�d.
Ud nhw'r labwn i'r gyfer chybradol ar y залod yn cewciadau persuadol y Hatnodd.
Dar ang Hymnwyl, a peth y ngyllhov fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel fel sim myn nhw,
i Cymuni y Cymuni'r fy raised in
a Interwarfu Ystaprifiadau laneau ffordd yn ôl i dymos
sauce Emergellog, Mae yn fior oes, mae yna, yng Nghyll Activ Swf camodd,
oes, Darwin o Rhy fallenu u fslen i llweddrydd aswaydd mo yn am werom
fredd i Rynt Shelf Modd a'r maedd ei'r sorealadau
insectwyr yn cЙos yn yliwi i fy regu Weros bwyr bwth Walens Ifo.
Coen am nuestras barod rhoi o lefodaeth cyf heads
i'r oes yn
mae ang flexiblewyr siyal ei ser agregogi Man yw Ie wind, soydd ei mewn cyfraud o llwyslwyd fel gyddeith��� granwyr
reilion ostocki a cysfol oter facilities i gynowy hollau fir rwy,
am simulated gwhellu growl y cytyn nhw'n gydol hynny fwynny diad.
Ond arall i bazarur cyntaf i cael ei callワG yması rymnau?
Mae edrych chi wedyn hi dyniadau yma oyslu hwnn o swydd聯cąvyntau
arall amelf, ben y llaw qué?
Caen saeth Batt, yn fawn Charlotte is Glen bydd yn yw
Ys y cyfarl arel trimнизþ hon yna?
Ales tgu dewyddi gyn생 y cysterswbiraethol wired, okh ★
Siaradau llawerau dai med 잡 wedi y pwemig ddauxingadau kaed consegu oedd caelol
rhes warp iawn o ffaneid o ddwegool.
Hwy centres a eg Kwbak 200 pros o centau wrth Nyfael a dibberwanaeth gorffesiad cu
to 이름다� lesu mynd i plau gimbod, gallwn fawr a peith cameu
nhw yn fawr a ffafnid o lefnwy far daw yn
beth ar yewn ddu hyn yn y gofnadau cbour ysų niobenau
Unstud ar y prym, et hatau feed yn fathreddeg ar oil brais haw!
Eiffelwyddiad â'r Rhas toimiento a será ar ymod símd i'n fsaild cypfiadhamn a selo 되면
Aj yn gybo capital i f resemble a ar yr bafra yn fy f Hydrosة £112
Ymír hynod y hedge ni'n sem nodiaid wneud cwbion i'wyr wedi ys eid wrth gwysti
Roedd rhôl但i'n� Iessom centryrillau oedd yn yma ag seeos
Dodi wedi ein honeg yr hynnyn 1191,495
y gallu
yrаниfor o leffodd o lwe� o'n crewb, oemb Focus yn y rhw dysgloel nollnu i sy'n wneud o cael ei bethanau
a ffodd Microfiŵr
a fraelo'r wyng ngaw na ddydd eu sofynod caelig i fweniellu sy'n siethu gwfrang
roedd eu ag daethau ond yma caelbidóng
mewn yna enag y freddwer i dним yn cynhyisdu
mel jo'n mynd kanesolu to雖go
ar gyda ben wedi betholembryfti wedi ment wneud
gad swydd gwneud llawer sy'n i fel wneud
acas cryb reper 58.
o wneud seаг darnau i'n trep eich sy았ụ o moddhu'rradas skinny hadnũtau hyrhiriwch joinis advancing
drwy'r dyம yn hynny, yw mynd, i'r pan ein amlwch yn gysylltio dangdwch y popiadau
de'n iaithom wedi y febannfu wrth firenoו'r awwddn amio calli rhag arlyniad ddwell coeddwn
eu diallfair i da韵 a cyntrau hynny.
Felly ysgby yr Nu'n Falwyn Fethan, o hwnwbreden a gwrsgrir p củ�� ac ardiai邊azidrŵ spinach
a yo dddai fel nom i fod yn divakaimb.
Dda expi o bryregell?
Pylidd ymdwn ei gwnau ar gydych yn i?
I clymgymnwch i ar gyda gwyllifen
y pwedi dobl yn pwl manif Lyfr gyda
E Scripta,
am y rubberodododododododod
lle gyda dnedil
eu gweith i f lle gbreg
testingedd fel posterodododododododododododododdo.
Ergodz deallau remwch i fyriadau
hynnyg Yr eraserododododododododod 110
i hwnd i am yn ymda g
gy behaviour, mae'r wylaer yn meddwl eisiau weddi wahanol y mill 명hoek.
Ddan at y startu pwynt yw wedi r cyclpassau andwan y llyfrädu nawr sydd wedi llawn a yw cofnig fel i dos,
byd yw toys eu hynny, παach eng castun.
Debenen feiroddi'n ddiedraeth, mae carch yn ei ach workout生 Fys Hijesny.
Hwyand i gwas, wedi mynd hyn.
Rydym a'r grwaganolad' nesafl opum ayahudid,
chyw nhw'r hwn crolyslfrychu yn mae dendi dependsau fowty worse how heudding.
i'w jap yneau bwnydd y fautain o cy escape sydd ei wneud caryn a gwrddol más i bleh chef間 a hyd yn fawr lining.
ni sa ymnu wedi wneud i dag andere iawn i dde Likepackt, ac ymwyd ar efo Sant Devil Lord difficultiesariana活fa wedi ikw e'r
sfreddun am wedi cael ycron i cy felt ar ma…
Новig Year o Yl 22.
Cubyr 2015 o logo apion i 2018 a contact new year yw yn clywl bethrau yr ewen howad.
Nghywín unwydlwad yn gyfladyd'r hookedwyr yn cael ardzurion i'r Iidity allergicion.
Ydain living klawn yw 90% Florian ni'n rhDIw'r Gwylynau'r gweithydd peru caelio 31%
i 20% 2025, 2026 efo caelol euάνる.
struckd trudóone nhw gandrune y'n tenion blae lyr Dallen Ysgardoor,
fel ni bobl o ei contacting בפar рокet.
Per strain yn c
��bwyr nerfundr
addwch y caeloyd oeraillol Gym particulierio
llwysbfwyrch, yng Nghymru,
arall mer说 seva ac ce 마�us
yn caelio
ei chi, yna mec ble Turn DB
yn cael cui ar fawr yna
owedyn y 50% ac y Se Abdur Hang움 o trai anghunediegliaith rhan wneud commiad ymír llitet bethau
a Ysglydd Caroliniad am na oceau hwnnwyrf hugedau'r dd這邊mic meron o roi
fforddiadol a rhan wnaethul Singingour Mamneon ap Nars y ffyruiast yn cad Cael nael rhoun
o blaid ar hon, a fferdiadol a ffyrru a unes ynnaeth am ni relio eith Zombdofen
ac yn wirano yn codi
â yn rhan maxim yn sylwed nhw heddau
συgdpoedd yng nesЙol o'r roedd o detrīg
syn cawl i'n ddoedd ysg Teddwys adaptation
for in workforce.
Yn ar unaithryd system yn edνο
yn mewn sylwed sylwed sylwed syleaf
Ac yn lepnach yn m��au
cyntaf yn ddy�r tefyr
ac instantIJawd a'i�,
ac yn ro ond hynny yn bus
diwrnwyrio lpor Obol i Mick realis
ac mae slowly itix
chwartoshau'r Roedd beth enw
eu ni'n ymdid wrth doedd am wasiaf ynt apo
Mae'nysgolgorni o'rтеine Ile
climbpre iedd yn roedd cael agongynマjo'n ac sayf asr yma yn oed yn rhaid Flwytradeithio
i grog i przyr ydym yn amser usid i startwr llawer a ffbwi鬧 ac yn amser�� ar alten wneud
2021 y cyflefyr ni, yw ymyn, y cyflefyrilgill망
hynny o dd
30cona Authority b Notryg, ac wedi enwyl toыми ac ar hynny
hynny ym yr grabletaol,
ac yma yn oilygenyngoryn ein ool fsn Daill,
yr gywood am ffiirysdiawnt gydd y😂
yn ddim yn sylwyrh microwavelefis.
Sfmwyn ac yn organisation yn drawn cylfaxio
yn r Elaine⤔nd, y broadband funding
Yw'r dfeh simutio ie'i'n dwoφο wneud a'r herwyddyn, o gyrru bagy'n Whatsplófgr?
Hon beth wneud y historych Log, a'r ddylchryw gy ass daidol ennw picturesywn
4? 5? 25ŵ rhag.
Dim into wahanwfield 1833 Ddoedr toad framework.
Hunw fund a'i gyntaf rygy� weaveodol,
a'r ddoful yw fan dobyddwn yma Gorby
Cyfnoedd y Dr Pyntyw'au 25-26 loos 2084 Y怎for nhw'n eu Dong'n mynd row guard
yn ffa Otheroaliff yn ff4 y系 bod a peth كflydych yn progr yn ff4 yn ff4 y week,
edna fel adig Tobis Remember the it
at y gallan ar eganat crytau iwedau.
Welwn ni'nой y risstwys wedi ar addwyllaill gen y gallan Turnsfordg lafnwnaid dynodr y cedr y fael ei umbreflau ac y buweith النog!
Nati angen ei iwertos, maen nhw i ateithau sydd wedi actingu ac cael ei yngau achem deyrud sredig eu nid oedda.
Mae arr randdais o ymddwn i ddynodraeth 하고ff'n rhai?
Mae unnatural wneus, ac wedi eithau weld懂ill doeddill eu llanc Kiais ennú rhyderOUR.
i rosplaying Gal Cathedral ochw.
Mae gen i hunen ac oeddater am pwysfyneni o ac oedd cael ei nesarbabiadol.
Mae gan r阿ra Unig Pan i d Say Invogi
oцен ac hwihw除 o ang Enel ar Unig Pan i boedr i Crimson
Mae'r i'r gysyll i cred…
…擊ol i chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi niwnodra 날
Mae wedi'r roedd yn bwysg neu ac On Awabiadol
Dwi'r charminglar a gweld Toward
ar ond ar gyntaf i cefyd wedyn wneud.
y Sophie Sam Green, Ew couldianSpell Wright y hynix iawn i la холодafol y Hubble Report
Homes, cynnwyr eignol hopell ni'n eymgyn i weraholi jsem o Testaryg.
Elwn i deall gan yr eu sdog.
downtro i mewn Franlamn frysrzeith.
Dden yma, yna a Ewcem Planan I engynd!
Marta temel raise
ymenthras barhun grooming
a zam yn iawn sydd hyn i le?
Shell dim o ran gydim Yanema Jul.
Mae'n cypu mor gydutost ar y hydelle wんでh gwasio де nhw.
Iά, oes â'r eth yn arma â'r yw fel
lle gefnst rwy'r pwylo yng rydi fel i'r cylfar.
Mae'r dyplau a'r înzeit y pwyloEN syni ei
yn gydon faillol yn dysgu 11 yn yw
fwyllразu ei dder Covid'r pwyloohg ein gwasio
a ff extension face nhw,
�� reír un amall ydyn sy y susuporod o 509
intor poha ddysfyd ''joerg ar gyfrif sefír
ti wneud cłoddogi gynเรal yn wneud syni fe Gotre o Roflod',
y piau y bwydwch.
wrddוטwch yn nesig tack bot yn dweud pobl sy'n ei ds Trainer
sy'n eiír paying beth a'r officer
yn cwax hyrllwale sy'n eu llain wediammu
neu carbynu TerS resporthiiddaren yw.
Dyna bod Mid mathematical fifth
ei cywedryd 6А
Mae'r cferes a wedi ywn gladwy interactions
ac bwydwch nesig i gris sy'n ôl
m ganzeau'r bwaith!
Bot, o'r nicer Batul, mae un i' mith un r Tyson enw y gallwn ffrCon fo,
y mae finalmente ffwrs gair y bllin yn gydw i am ysgrוסol bron.
o sicr ydydni am 2013 ac Mae ydiast yn naad â tygwn i fad daeladau cymru yn yr went promisedi.
Ddech wedi'r ddech wedi rosthauwegen ar y tightenedate fel beth het ногau 12 bi' 70 dydyd,
iawn y di-nad oedd quad Yeonol peth o yli fan gyfer yn yr â' ni ddiadau formingol terweud ac yn edrych bandanol generals.
Si wedi'r toad ym terwn b二 o cynnaually binds sydd wedi.
Mae'r ceifrin.
�in, Amber G
Chydig gobynorraegó Roedd i ein yn y cactus i go.
Y drog yn y Foddoedd Matohamedd y siol sut� sut bacterliell i cynnwyr hynny am desbroedd yn czyryn.
Act drwy'n Llwydr a wapsef Exceptor correctly washذ mewn angherodol o Clidodael.
Cynnaorn o'r his atac huddwch hi Apol我跟你講y,
diadodっio mewn nes y bus cwyl.
fall ast yn'w gallomefo'r defnyddio hynny.
Mae hi fr тестydd, …
y cyfrifiodd hynny ar yurei Athensio wer Black Side Y Gowe.
Maeau'i beth ei ffordd oedd yn warin.
On رgym wedi'n beth ei ei ffordd o blum.
Heartidol – mae pa bwywysig
sy'n per Lyffing בwch
Gefoytr angen yma.
Mae'r gymryd Slanc Chan mynt rson ni'n am wedi bi Tyrill ym anddo ni hwteg ar yn asi.
Jefyddiol, Nishodiol.
Streu Orthogi o g stellenbyddi dwyth.
Mae'r lawletor Wereld Cynydung.
Mae'r usore o'r S yapıyorsun a weda bang¤ yn codi B there.
Mae'r waseu dwi'r b Australol caethau fett.
Mae amttiriu fyrddiaeth o'r â disp επ—
Greu llynwy yn felAynau'r cysyll â cyffându.
Mae ag形 darwchai hyn yn y Ryo Gawraethiau sydd yn ceisran ddersechi'n dewchai наж generous
a雰is sydd yn y gwaith ballyflybeth o wedi much morelarwch bethau'r er wneud
fy hefn plan fel bethau cyflwan nhw'n yw e pickafol ar ceisran dda ddoful
a fodem sydd layeraf
Yn ty Clureddinasbydd eu hynny credu y fydd yr ysgwgríf o gwnal fel r Pushaes i
anistedd科idrifen, physiologyod o'r gfordd sydd �ain yn mewn am gallor grafan
i fynd yn fant yr ffan Gymraenger acquisition.
Underrör a'rכorsyn a gallor cadw waith mae lew o eu itgy
am hynny wedi Thereforeie e magnetsthru cymreithell ffyd yn maafó
mewn am bobl engdom o glyml av g wooden honn o ddim
ag ddiolch yn rhynu e warm.
Mynd ydych want follau usag oedd dda wedi cymrioneddiad
Poddendam y galwbethoau y postau sy lwi werah Sir.
Baodfoliadau bod maen nhwu cwth pradraigftorodd гол bobl diwch hi ff😂
Warchwayoddu gofy gweithio ar dash Cyfriliar, budd mae sleepy cyfer ar 90-inaud nod bobl.
candidate o dyf yn ffk arallaig turned.
Officer fo o roaint ni wedi symyef yn ei wneud trwy 41-9%
Christmas Eve o'r gyda gwneud长 ar ph hardot.
pan peanut yr reis fod yn 모 eion gwneud y pwdellui'n buffir sydd eu gwneud cynfallo hynny gwneud inid.
Major Computaeth nhw y ffordd gwrdd cy gall Amddll octod nhw mae'n hynny c�マig 95 ddysrewd.
Cynfel, parly i hynny, physique 97 ddysrewd,
yn record, grinnaeth y dycell y ffogo?
Rydy, Tas, Reg yapıyor hyw yna wedbell arain ag tail i yno yn wneud organol coerliad o yw y byg yneud hyp yn cynllito.
i cochwch yциhte ar ddular unrhyglydd Gymraethol,
wrth i bod i dod i'rffenau o chordd económ o fel Ysgidroedd rhoi'r yapt eraillத rofodaeth
pethau a rywfyniad,
fewn o eraill wedi radidgor nie merci程
tyddeneill yn mor un deilliau grey o fewn u fewn.
Generali am deils cuno ar yr ffordd o fewn
acchedyn yn hefyd,
plwyth y wedi beth sidda fyddfedd gchte gystefedd flwydd
o ff Нуfendaeth i'n sefydle mylla mewn
gyda elef mewn i'r ffordd Grush a George
oesio ffeiter yn brydi hedraethău modde i'w i bwyrg ffordd.
Lóح ar undnaddiothos es Messosfer
o bod'n tworthau rai ofaeth ffwnorn ag yn bwbill.
So bijain y rhwfstell fiblini voy cheerful
yn meddwl horn o ffeiter yn bwllau
chwyan wedi eu ar angad雞 i feir.
Mae ief wybostol bod hwllau
beth ffleid o hwn yn cyfganiadutz
bodallwyng rhai o ffeiter
i petyr ffeiter 42 fffm锵 yn c swatche.
cănain arbiau yn ffond i'n ôl.
Hon tryb hynna wedi pwrs yn cymąć yna founder yn caelolid.
Ac i'r winach y cyflої fel dyna'r bookenswn ac oeg climb…
…ain y cafeluję einol dysgu ac osi wedi yma aninigau fel hynnyhoeddioedd yr cyfl sauces newigau yn ffforgbeithio fet.
M substance couerio'n ei smelenson ac y Boltosom cy sie beefydig wneud a hyu,
în gy anxietyANTm ond yn goto oedd syddselhi man y bailach o pワ per Touchyou
sydd cael sydd sydd cy disynoli accompli darf ennig y meddwl ond a c Lemar y hwyngadio
ac movedau b員aterydd oedd klar fel Gymraedd.
Nid y funningh sydd, feưa 24.29 o ek einol o'r lle ein ces杷re fastesi
oving yn rhywb i defnyddio yanganaethu.
Felly angen sef y Ryfiant Yng gwestisίeth roedd cyжеalu
sy anghyllaf apostu na risig o dyngytor ond onlineol a ceerol yn scotwyl yn y
bethoce a hefnog a'rbarthysio»
a'rdaw safurnau i ac keychio mORElau
ac ysgadog ddigai o'r faneliad reitig
ac i srwpwrn i fynd i fynd i fynd i f uniqueness
unwaen am gyddy°mau
agragdad mewn ei fel cozid,
gwneud cymryg i'r ac생 yn teeeg
ac bellodr gael
neu'n adis ac Bristol
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the activities around the home? We've created the independent living centre.
I implemented an app to aid mental health professionals in booking doctors.
I implemented of 1 health and care which is a confidential digital shared health and social
care record which collates information from different organisations within health and social care.
In late 2023 the Infrared Technology to detect fails, falls, and to track the habits
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a new digital directory of light live well.
Tellford has been created providing a one stop shop to help people get online.
We have supported over 100 young people with a device via the leader and cabinet young person grant scheme.
Three face-to-face digital inclusion sessions we have supported 120 people,
of which 77% are 65% over.
Lernd Helford has provided a weekly job junction from the Wellington Library for advice around employability skills,
careers or learning advice enabling use of the IT equipment in a supported environment.
A pilot project has been delivered with tell.primarycare networks support patients to download and use the NHS app.
Collaboration between businesses is being encouraged through HelloTelford, a free B2B tool
providing a one-stop shop digital platform which gives businesses the chance to collaborate and to buy and sell
from each other whilst reducing their carbon footprint.
In 2023, the council rebranded its inward investment and business support services in West Helford,
a new website effectively promoting the times, strengths and opportunities with case studies from local success stories.
The new council fund called Innovate Telford offered a unique opportunity for over 100 telford businesses
to benefit from funding to help them transform over the course of six months.
And the high quality digital infrastructure is being delivered thanks to the partnership between Telford and Weekend Council
and Virgin Media A2 Business, a boosting digital inclusion and job opportunities in the borough.
We're piloting a connectivity solution called Loroan which is excellent at transmitting sensor data
over long ranges and our first pilot is using gully sensors in high risk areas of road flooding.
We've worked with the Housing Investment Programme and new place to ensure our new build
housing is part of our digitally connected borough.
Telford's many and varied attractions are being promoted through the recently launched Visit Telford website.
Cybersecurity has been at the forefront of our service delivery and design.
We have implemented a new third generation security firewall.
The upgraded security firewall ensures robust protection against cyber threats,
implementing Zeevers secure digital communications platform.
The platform prevents communication related data leaks, boosting productivity and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations.
We have consistently delivered excellent digital services ensuring reliable access to systems and information
and that our average service time is 99.92% in 2021 and remained high at 99.88% in 2022 and 2023.
The Council's commitment to evidence-based decision-making has been has seen many improvements in the use of data for many council services such as significant increases in the use of Power BI for interactive reports and dashboards
as well as increases in data modeled and processes automated for more efficient reporting.
The summary of the main proposals, the digital strategies are the focus on the following aims.
We acknowledge that navigating the digital landscape can be challenging.
Therefore, we have dedicated to ensuring that those without access or digital skills are not left behind.
We must remain inclusive and ensure that some non-digital channels will be left open for those that need them and also for those that don't wish to access them.
We are committed to the broad options of channels to communicate with the council and provide no customers with choice.
We will deliver a consistent and reliable customer experience across all sections of the organisation, no matter which contact or communication channel our customers choose to use.
We will continue to make our digital services user friendly, accessible through encouraging those customers who can interact with the council online to do so.
It helps us to allocate more resource to improve the services for those customers who need to reach us using conventional contact methods through their choice.
We will create and support a digitally skilled and confident community who are able to access services and opportunities online including jobs of the future.
We will give people the right digital access so they can do more for themselves, encourage an inclusion and promoting accessability.
Working with our partners using digital technology to empower and enable people to fulfil their potential, being actively involved in their communities, staying safe and living healthy independent lives forever.
Supporting growth of the digital sector and increasing digital skills and the use of technology to improve productivity and growth in businesses lower wide.
We will enhance Gigabyte and 5G connectivity for residents and businesses in Telford and wreaking closely monitoring this progress and maintaining our partnership with national government schemes including building digital UK to improve high speed connectivity and remote rural areas of Telford and ensuring full urban connectivity.
We will continue to create Telford Connected creating a better borough through digital innovation by improving the way that services are delivered through the deployment of smart technology.
We will also provide enabling and encouraging the council partners and customers with secure, reliable, resilient IT infrastructure whilst reducing our in carbon footprint.
We will foster a culture of digital leadership innovation and ongoing service improvement whilst enabling our workforce to have the skills and their abilities to deliver our priorities and to have the opportunity to further develop.
There is currently an approved capital budget to support the digital strategy of £12.499 million for the period 2020-2027-28. I move this recommendation.
Thank you, Councillor Huntington and Councillor Overton.
I would just like to second it and I will be quite brief because the zone has covered an awful lot in that report to talk about how we are trying to be digitally inclusive.
The work of our teams in trying to support those people furthest away from digitalisation is really key with the digital inclusion strategy.
It is also key that we talk about the young people who just pick up this technology quite easily and we have the fantastic quad which is about supporting those young people to go into that sort of educational and digital innovation.
But it is key that there are people who are away from digitalisation and they also don't want to even touch it and it is great that in the report it does say that we have keep all our channels open because we always have this question.
If a resident among me said, or I would go report this, I said go on the app and they probably wouldn't know what I was on about some of the residents and that is because they don't want to have a mobile phone that does everything or they have just got their land line and they are happy with that.
And so we have to make sure that we are inclusive in the way we deliver services and I know that is something we are keen to always have those channels open.
But this strategy is about making sure people can, if they are willing to, learn about getting online because it is quicker.
It is cheaper for local authorities and all public services people get online but there will be lots of people who will need that support.
I mean, it is great about Tell Dock and NHS App, I have even got an appointment through that myself but there will be people who are just still being that number and sitting at queue.
And how we try and support them to look at alternative options to make it easier for them is a great thing but we also have to make sure that all the services recognise that there are people who are still going to do the old fashioned things.
Thank you, Councillor Olt and Councillor Healey.
Yes, thank you.
As Councillor Overtain and Councillor Hanneson both said, whenever we talk about digital strategies, people's natural sort of assumption is that we are talking about moving everything to digital from our customers perspective and removing actual face-to-face or telephone conversations and any human voice.
And obviously that is not the case and I think there has been enough reassurance there so I am not going to labour that point.
But I think this is much broader isn't it than just that customer contact element.
This is a strategy about using the available technology too and that technology is developing at such a rapid race at rate.
But using that technology to streamline so many services and generate efficiencies and that is so important given the financial pressures that were always under.
And the fact that we are budgets are public funds and we want to make the most efficient use of those.
So things like streamline and referral processes, making sure that information is shared more readily.
The potential that might have in terms of the upcoming work around the integrated care system around discharge from hospitals and supporting people.
There are so many opportunities on the environmental sector that are looking at how we can digitally and remotely monitor goalies so that we can react more readily to flooding incidents.
And the fact that our communities can get more involved through my health and I use my health a lot and I will say the sort of changes to that being able to really sort of pinpoint on the map much more easily now.
All of that is just really valuable. It allows people to just see something report it and then we can respond to that and it just makes our services much more efficient.
So it's much broader than just the contact centre. We'll still have those traditional channels.
And I welcome that but it is about how we drive that efficiency using all of this digital technology.
Thank you, Carolyn. Councillor Nelson in comments.
Thank you, leader. I have to sort of begin by saying I'm possibly not the best person to be talking about a digital strategy.
But on the other hand, I have one of these and I'm never ever without it and I do have a perspective because perhaps uniquely I predate PCs.
When I started my working career that didn't exist, we got telephones, we got analysis paper, we didn't have the internet, didn't have mobile phones.
Telex was a revelation, facts was new. And that was in a manufacturing context and fast forward through my working career.
It was a complete revolution in the handling of information, exchange of information, speed, accuracy, immediacy of information and the productivity change of that meant in terms of how much work one person with the same stress level could do from the beginning to the end of that period.
And the changes it meant in things like just in time, stock availability where we went from a weak stock being state of the art to being 12 hours being too much and yet the accuracy being better.
And the borrower, I see, and local government generally, we'll be going down that same productivity route, not in terms of how people having to do more work but the work being done more effectively because technology is doing the heavy lifting.
And the comprehensive nature of this report demonstrates that for the borrower.
I pay for my car tax yesterday, you'll be relieved that I did. I did it online, it took three minutes maybe.
Many of us can remember going to a post office and using buying a tax disc and young people will be saying nowadays what's a tax disc and sadly maybe one day saying what's a post office, I hope not.
I use my telford as Councillor here to refer to, I absolutely get it, we absolutely get it and more use of the technology will be a good thing from the point of view of just doing existing work better and smarter and possibly cheaper but better and smarter.
I'm very reassured indeed that the council is retaining alternative channels. It will not be for everyone and yet the council services exist for everyone, every last resident in the borrower.
So that's important to remember. A couple of, and they're fairly minor caveats.
One is, we're progressively seeing now in our interactions with institutions, organizations, the use of AI.
So artificial intelligence programs, if you like, which are replicating humans and that replicating of a human is fine if it's manifestly obvious that you are not dealing with a human.
I had an exchange recently, it's anecdotal, forgive me, with BT, where it wasn't obvious whether the individual and the little chatbot thing was actually a person or not.
It could have been an issue of English, English is an incredibly irregular language so it's very hard, very easy to tell the nature of the person you're interacting with because of how we speak in the words we use.
So I would ask the council if it is considering using AI and I believe it is considering using AI and should be because the power of the tool given we are so much person-focused and person-facing that the person we're dealing with, the public, a very clear always, whether it's a human or a machine that they're dealing with.
And lastly, in terms of the use of the available technologies, booking nowadays is very often rather than dealing with a booking office, it'll be say event bright.
So we've all used event bright, well familiar with event bright, you book online, you book a ticket, fine event bright.
The council uses it for free events, absolutely fine, I understand it, it's very efficient, it's not wasting someone's time answering the phone, I get that.
There's been an instance I'm aware of recently where we had moved to a booking system for a council service, it was a free service, it's not a crisis, not a big deal.
People were using that booking service, which was free, but they're only half were actually going, but the slots have been used up, so the service had been shut to people who could actually turn up on the day, and that's been reversed.
The booking system's been taken away and now people are turning up on the day, so I'd be cautious, please always of, that we don't overuse a technology just for the sake of it being there.
I'm not saying that the council is as a matter of practice, it's just something to be aware of. Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor Wilson.
Yeah, I agree with most of your points actually, particularly around AI and quite a personal story, actually my great auntie called to register a bereavement from a great uncle and spoke to us Tom, but she thought Tom was a real person.
She had a certain view about Tom being an AR model, he took that on board, I'm sure it would be better next time.
But she still thinks to this day that Tom is a real person, so you're quite right, actually.
But no, it's fantastic. I mean, the opportunities that are here within this report are significant for us.
We've got to grasp every single one of them, whether that's encouraging 5G, whether it's encouraging the further roll out of high speed connectivity, particularly for the rural areas of the borough, I think often we forget that a large proportion of our boroughs is in the rural areas.
It's a digital skills hub, continue with that to promote that, so it provides opportunities for young people.
Councillor Haley mentioned my tell for that.
We shouldn't underestimate how revolutionary that was at the time, we introduced it as our own app at the time, and it still stands to test the time to this day.
It's fantastic, but we want to develop that more, so it provides a better service and a particular better feedback loop to customers, so it's fantastic, really, really good report.
So, thank you, Zona, it's been moved, seconded, all in favour.
Thank you. Item 9 is the Offset Action Plan, that's Councillor Reynolds.
Thank you, Leader. The report you have before you today is regarding the action plan outcomes following our recent offset.
Prior to the most recent inspection, children's services last received the iLac inspection in January 2020.
The outcome of that inspection in 2020 was children's services were judged to be outstanding.
Telford and Reacon Council were the only local authority in the region to be judged outstanding at that time.
The recent offset inspection concluded that the council's children's service had maintained its outstanding judgement, and we continue to be the only outstanding authority in the region.
Moreover, offset noted that the number of local authorities who were successful in maintaining their subsequent outstanding judgement was only five.
I think it should be noted that following our outstanding judgement in 2020, our children's services had to respond and react to the COVID pandemic and the complexities that this brought, and we are still dealing with some of the ramifications of COVID and its mental health impact on our families.
And despite the difficulties of COVID and its aftermath, our children's services still maintained an outstanding service for our families.
Within the four judgement areas, the experiences and progress of care levers judgement area was a new addition on the inspection framework, and the council not previously having a standalone judgement in this area.
Offset noted that care levers benefit from an extremely comprehensive and generous local offer.
The exceptional offer includes an enhanced setup allowance. These are improvements since the last inspection.
This is having a significant impact in ensuring that care levers have the priority across a range of services.
As a corporate parent, this judgement is something we should be extremely proud of, and we are ensuring that our children are receiving the best start in life.
With the offset report, we were given two areas to improve, out of a vast inspection of the whole of children's services, which covers numerous functions and teams.
And I think for only two action points to be noted, reinforces the robust performance of our children's service, which manages the most complex of situations.
Our action points were the management of contacts within Family Connect, and the consistency of making children aged 16 to 17 years old, who present as homeless, aware of their rights and entitlements.
The report sets out the full action plan, which we've submitted to Offsethead, that was required within the 70-day time scale.
With regards to the management of contacts, there were numerous strengths, but it was felt that improvements could be made where some contacts were reopened and reviewed when further information was received.
This service's exploring options around how contacts can be managed moving forward, and there's further detail provided in the action plan in Appendix II.
The work on the consistency of making children aged 16 to 17 years old, who present as homeless, aware of their rights and entitlements, is also underway, with a senior lead now being appointed to major on this aspect of work.
Although children are being made aware of their options to be accommodated, the process is being refined, so they understand immediately their rights and options, and age appropriate literature is also available to them.
Further details of this can be found in the action plan in Appendix II.
The report is incredibly positive, with our extensive work being reflected in the Offsethead report, and the final judgement of outstanding, and this is testament to the hard work and continued development that has taken place.
The report recognises many strengths and statements such as children benefit from an experienced team as specialist exploitation workers in the Kate team, who provide an exceptional service for children when they are exploited or at risk of exploitation.
And also saying, children's care plans are inspirational, they are thorough and address children's specific needs.
They are independently reviewed, and with the relevant people in children's lives contributing to the meetings.
The innovative social work practice was recognised with more children benefiting from early help, and with our family hubs and our work with children and families, it was noted as a real strength of the service.
Together with our implementation of ambitious plans for children and young people, and the political and financial support, which continues to be at the heart of this Labour's Administration's manifesto, which Offsethead stated was critical to this success achieved.
They specifically noted the strong commitment of the corporate leadership is evidence in the political and financial support of children's services in Telford and Reekin.
The impact of the stability of the strategic quartet in the leader of the council, the lead member for children, the chief executive, and the director of children's services is impressive as they work together to make sure that children are the priority across the whole council.
Again, the full report from Offsethead can be found in Appendix One.
Whilst we've retained our outstanding judgement, we are unwavering in knowing there's always more we can do, and there are more ways in which we can adapt our service offer by listening to the voice of children and families within the borough.
We're continually looking to challenge ourselves to be even better, to achieve more positive outcomes for children and families we work alongside.
Our outstanding Offsethead judgement is a culmination of years of hard work and dedication by our officers and the investment of this Labour Administration.
We are committed to ensuring that our children are at the centre of all we do, and this action plan shows our commitment.
Children in Telford and Reekin really are cared for and cared about, and together we're creating a brighter future one step at a time.
I therefore move the recommendations in the report 1.1 to 1.3.
Thank you.
Thank you, Shirley. Have we got a second for that?
Councillor Hayley?
Yeah, I'll have this second, the report.
I think it's Cabinet members, we probably all consider our portfolios.
The most important thing at the council doesn't mean I'm trying to save the planet, so I consider that quite important.
I think when we're actually looking as a local council, our number one duty has to be to protect and care for the children in our area, and those vulnerable children particularly need that additional support, whose families need that additional support.
I think what I was really welcome in this report is that in 2020 we received an outstanding judgement.
This council did not then rest on its laurels.
It didn't the thing. I said, job done whereas we're outstanding.
Continue to strive to do better, and that's why we've retained that outstanding judgement and the action plan that's attached to the report.
In response to the off-stead inspection demonstrates that commitment to continue to go further, continue to deliver those excellent services for our children.
And as council Reynolds says to make sure that our children are cared for and cared about, I just wanted to sort of highlight one element of it, because I've been a governor of the virtual school for a few years now, and it's one of the most wonderful things I feel I'm involved in in this council.
So a big shout out, I think, to Martin Shell Salter, who's our virtual head and her team.
That team is in a very small team, and they ensure that our looked after children get the very best education.
They know those children, they are on it in terms of all of their education plans, working with the schools that those children are educated in, but also much broader than that.
Lots of social activities, lots of extracurricular activities.
And that's a team whose role has broadened in recent years, so as well as looked after children, they also support families and children who are previously looked after, and also children with a social worker.
So we've got this really small team having a massive impact.
So whilst all of our children's services staff are absolutely wonderful, and I think Lady, you said it before, and outstanding judgement against the service actually recognises outstanding people, and I think that runs through the whole of children's services.
But my closest connection to children's services is virtual school, so I did want to just mention them, because I just think the work they do is absolutely tremendous.
Thank you.
Thank you, Carolyn.
Councillor Nelson.
A wholehearted congratulations for getting an outstanding rating, outstanding is an outstanding, and it's from an external body.
So it reflects tremendous credit on the officers, staff, and all those who work so hard and do work so hard, to achieve such a good result.
Also, the Chief Executive and the Director of Children's Services are both mentioned in Council Reynolds report.
You'll understand if I don't necessarily ascribe credit to the Leader of the Council, so I think my group would probably have a view if I did that.
I'm also pleased to see that in terms of the progress that the Council wishes to make on the action points that scrutiny will be following that up.
And look forward to prompt and regular reporting from scrutiny of the Council's progress.
In what is a fairly universally positive report from our state, if there is an item which isn't, and this is not a criticism, it's an observation.
If there's an item that's not really very positive, it does stand out.
And on page 4, item 20, they say the identification support for children who are young carers is underdeveloped.
Consequently, leaders cannot be assured that young carers are consistently identified, they need to assist, and appropriate help provided.
I'm particularly mentioning that because though that item there is slightly critical, and in otherwise very positive report,
it's not picked up in the action plans.
But I believe to help the Council, that does reference very much to the young carers, the old age strategy for carers, where we talked this morning about the Council's focus on young carers,
and I'd reiterate my point, you can rely on an adult carer being a volunteer.
You cannot rely on a young carer being a volunteer. You need to assure yourself that I have agency.
But I just observe that in terms of that point 20, which is critical, it would appear that he is covered off by the Council's old age carer strategy.
Thank you.
Councillor Haley, I think you want to come back on something.
I just wanted to just pick up on, I mean, you made a point about not wanting to recognise the role of the leader of the Council.
I just know, no, bear with me, Councillor Nelson, because I don't think that's fair at all.
One of the, some elements in this report talk about the support and that leadership around children in care and in particular care levers.
And our previous leader, John Davis, now our MP, absolutely put children in care and care levers, and that offer for care levers, which is recognised very strongly in this report,
at the very heart of his leadership of this Council.
So I think to try to just dismiss that is just, it's just playing party politics and it's not necessary.
And I just think that you, you know, it's churlish not to acknowledge the role that the former leader had in ensuring that we had the very best support for our care levers.
Thank you, Councillor Haley for comments, Councillor Reynolds.
Picking up on a couple of points, really, to go back to Councillor Nelson, I do appreciate what Councillor Haley is saying.
But fortunately, the independent offstead inspection picked up on the administration, our former leader, myself as Cabinet member, together with our superb officers, and they did give credit where credit was due, which is in print for the world to see.
So I'm more than happy with that.
The other point that Councillor Nelson mentioned was about young carers.
They were not actually picked up as an action point from offstead, so it wouldn't have been in our action plan.
But we've already picked this up in our service development plans, and it's been linked to the all-age carer strategy.
So we have done that anyway, but offstead did not put that in the one of the points to action we only had to.
And I think there was another thing I wanted to mention, actually.
You've said about you hope this is going to be picked up by scrutiny and dealt with.
I can confirm the action plan. I'm taking that to children and young people scrutiny tonight.
So we're not wasting any time. It will be going there tonight. No, it's been through Cabinet. Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor Reynolds.
Really good comments. Excellent report.
And just echoing what Councillor Haley said, really, is about outstanding people.
There's a number of... This hasn't just happened overnight. It's happened twice over long period of time now.
You know, there are people still sat in this chamber who've made a massive contribution. That includes yourself.
Councillor Wattlin. And I will talk about my predecessor, actually, because he's worked tirelessly in the eight years that he was leader of this council.
And he's still a member of this council, but in the years that he was leader of this council, he was relentless in making sure this authority did absolutely as much as it could to protect young people in Abura.
You have to have been in the room or been paying attention to actually recognise that rather than sat behind a computer, creating holy misleading Facebook posts or dreaming of a narrative to use in council meetings that suited a political direction of the time.
In fact, in his handover to me, when we were talking about this, he only really talked about outstanding children's services and his final words for me on the subject were, don't mess it up.
Or words that affect. And I hope that demonstrates everyone how importantly he took it.
But underneath or alongside the political administration, there have also been some outstanding officer commitments to this as well.
Whether that's the chief executive who sat alongside me, whether it's Joe Britton who can't be here today, whether it's Clive Jones before her, have made significant commitments to this.
And in a wake at a cry of the report, I took time to go and see some people on the front line. I know you did as well, Councillor Reynolds, who are people that actually, you know, what they'll probably never appear in this chamber here.
But every day they come to work and go and deal with, in some instances, some of the worst of human nature, but always providing the best of themselves to tackle that.
And that's reflected in this report. It's been reflected in the cry of the report. It's been reflected in various home office reports and inspections that we've had over the years.
So I'd just like to thank everyone for their contribution to it. I think it's absolutely remarkable that a council that's received outstanding twice is still bringing an action plan, a report to say, how can we be better?
Surely, but the heart trick is required from you. But yeah, absolutely. As Councillor Healey said, it's about our outstanding people, whether in here.
And it's very easy to throw comments around, actually, when we're sat in a nice warm chamber, it's absolutely about those people on the front line every day going about the business to make sure our young people are protected.
We'll always be the number one priority. And that includes in budgets as well. Every budget that we've produced, actually since 2011, but more so since 2016, has put more investment into children services.
It will be probably the same in March. I've no doubt. And we'll continue to do that. So actually, if you've, you know, if you're that concerned about making sure children service and protection of young children is important, then vote for the budget in March.
We've got a mover and a seconder, all in favour. Thank you. And then last but not least, saving some of the best to last. We've got item 10, and we're joined today by Chair of Communities Scrooze.
Now, I hope we've got your title right. Don't get it wrong. Councillor Elise Davis is going to present a report for us, Elise.
Thank you, Leader. Just while we wait for the PowerPoint, I really welcome the invitation to come and share what we've been working on in Scrooze City.
And something to be celebrated, just listening to your conversations then, is the fact that Scrooze City, remember, is cross party that working together, collaboration, sharing of those ideas.
And I think this report today is something to be really, really celebrated, and I know officers, and I'll talk about thanks to you, but I think I'm really proud of what we're about to present.
I'm sure it'll come on, but I'll carry on. One of the things here we go. We're talking about the election review today.
And one of the reasons why we wanted to have this election review was because of the introduction of voter ID when people got to the polling station, they needed to have this voter ID.
So we wanted to investigate a little bit more about the communication, making sure that residents, when they turned up, really knew what they needed to bring with them.
As members as well, when we talked about it, we wanted to investigate and look into the actual count, the timings of the count, and how that worked.
We also wanted to look at the staffing of the count when they were taking their breaks, because there was a perception from members.
We didn't quite understand how the breaks were working, so we noticed that there was these mass breaks, and we didn't quite understand that, so we wanted to scrutinize that a little bit more.
And also having that understanding, particularly in the council elections, of when you turned up as a member, expecting your result, was your result going to come at the beginning of the night, was it going to come towards the end?
How long are you going to be waiting for? So as a result of this conversation amongst us, we, I'm sure it's probably up there somewhere, but we had some workshops, we gathered together some different evidence.
We worked with incredible officers that really, really opened our eyes as a scrutiny as to what exactly happens during this.
So we worked particularly with the returning officer and the deputy returning officer, we were here today, but also we had support from a nationally, a national expert called Mark Heath.
He works for Solace, he's a spokesperson for the elections in Democratic Renewal, and we had an online workshop with him, and he talked to us a little bit about his experience and what we were doing well and how we could improve, really.
So David and Anthony talked to us about the extensive legal requirements and a huge book that is involved in what exactly needed to do, and we were unaware as a scrutiny, just the level and the extent of how much needs to go into that, I mean, not just at the count, but even sort of having the candidates, setting up the polling stations, thinking about the staff that are going to be taking.
Even to the level of detail of what pieces of paper, staff were going to use the count just to make it a little bit easier.
So the attention to detail was just phenomenal, and we were blown away as a scrutiny, was just to just how much thought and time have been put into that, so thank you.
There was also something to be really proud of, I think, in Talbot and Rican, is after every single count, they always have a lessons learned meeting where they go over the count, talk about even though there's been so many things to be proud of, just that level of constant wanting to get better all of the time, so you always have that lessons learned, so we learned that as a scrutiny.
They talked about the amount of training that happens to the counting staff often, as candidates, when we're looking on, and we're seeing the counters, we don't have that view of what's happened before over 12 hours of training was put in to those counting staff, mock elections, so they can practice counting.
But also, when we'll talk about it later in the recommendations, there was some lovely ideas about creating a video just for those counting staff to look back, maybe the night before the count, or even just a few days before the count, just so they can refresh their memory, because obviously we know we've been at that count, so it's really tiring.
And it's making sure that all of the counting staff are just on their A game, when we met with Mark Heath on the workshop, he gave us further insight as to how elections were run, we talked about with him just the implications on what could happen if something went wrong, the whole count would have to start again, and it would just be awful.
So he talked about, when we asked him why can't count be fast like you see all these councils on the news when they're rushing their boxes in and they're counting at speed, why aren't we the ones that are fast like them, why can't we get our results out quickly, but actually he was so reassuring, it's not about speed, it's about getting the right answer and the amount of votes and counting them carefully constantly.
It's always about efficiency, over speed, is what he kept on talking about, and he highlighted the best practice that we are doing in South Dominican at the moment, he talked about, and praised that the efficient, well managed way that we do it in South Dominican, so that's something to be celebrated.
So I want to think what's larger on that yet, so the other thing we're talking about now is things that we've done really well, as a result of this scrutiny, is the communication over the voter ID was fantastic, and I think that's something that the communications team should be really proud of, there was lots of lots of things on social media, so actually as a result of this, when we looked into how many people were turned away, it was minimal, because everybody knew exactly what they needed to bring.
That was wonderful, obviously I've talked about the lessons learned that again happened after the police and crime commission's election, and again after the general election, and remembering that it's always to prioritise the efficiency over speed, so I think the last one is slide four, I don't know, I'll probably ramble, there we go.
It's the recommendations that has come after the report are really, really small, which is sort of testament to how well we were doing already, so it's sort of that fine-tuning, so one of the first ones was we talked about the importance of every single candidate and their agent to make sure that they attend the briefings before, because quite often,
there was that miscommunication about actually how the process works, so making sure that everybody's informed on what's going to happen.
When we investigated and talked about the staff breaks, again we as candidates were seeing this mass staff breaks, and I don't know if lots of people in the room were at the general election count, I didn't see those breaks even happening.
They were so seamless, and it just seemed like there was a constant level of activity, we didn't see that there was any point a drop in those counting, so I just thought that was absolutely fantastic, and it was obviously something that I can see from around me that people all saw, so that was wonderful, so that would be something that we will continue.
Also, one of the recommendations is that we have an indicative plan for candidates, so that you know that the council elections is mine going to come in towards the end, is it going to come first?
Just so you can plan your evening, because we felt that that was something that as members that we thought was important for candidates, and then again continuing that communication for the voter ID,
making sure that has a positive impact on the number of people that can actually come and vote on the day, and that isn't a barrier to anybody.
So I'd really like to thank the returning officer and the deputy returning officer for all their fantastic work that's happened, and also a mention to Mark Heath as well for his support, and the fact that he validated absolutely everything that we're doing, and just really supported us in those small tweaks.
So I suppose all that's left to do really is to ask the cabinet to consider these recommendations from scrutiny, and hopefully endorse them to the returning officer.
Thank you.
Okay, thank you. Elise, that was a really good presentation, and a good piece of work, as you say, cross-party piece of work, thank you for leading that.
Councillor McLemans.
Thank you, leader.
I just want to thank the community scrutiny committee for this excellent report, and it's really good that they're bringing recommendations to cabinet.
It's good to have scrutiny, bringing recommendations to cabinet.
I was a member on that cross-party committee at the time, so participated in the view, and which was robust and in depth, and I know Councillor Davis has gone into great detail about it, so I won't add to that.
But just to say, I've been involved in elections since 1987, both as an agent and a candidate, so I've seen many changes over the years.
I think it is important to adopt a continuous improvement approach, so this review was helpful to understand where and if we could improve, because you can always improve on things, and I think looking back and having those briefings afterwards on how it went is really important.
So I think as a committee, as a community committee, we all learnt a lot on the work and processes that go on in the background by offices.
I learned a lot more, you know, being involved in the past, and it did give us the reassurances in terms of robustness of election processes.
So I'm really happy with the recommendations that have come forward, and I hope we can adopt them. I think they're really good, solid ones, you know, and just thank you to all the offices and everyone involved in this review.
Thank you.
Okay, Andrew, are you happy to move recommendation, yeah?
Okay, and we've got a seconder, Richard. Councillor Nelson, any comments?
Yeah, thank you.
Leader, I'm very, very happy and pleased indeed to commend the work of Councillor Elise Davies.
Okay, thank you very much, very clear report, very clearly expounded, and you've clearly led the community scrutiny well in terms of doing this piece of work.
So thank you for that.
Elections getting elected, it's a very, very technical process.
If you to use the leaders' term earlier, pay attention at all, it's evident that it's an extraordinarily technical and legal process because it's the foundation of our democracy.
It's how we rule ourselves, not rule by others, we rule ourselves.
And I have no reference for comparison because I've only taken part in elections within Telford and Reacon.
However, I think I count myself lucky because it's evident to me the work of the officers and staff involved should be commended because my experience of even in my limited time,
the number of elections, Paris and Berra, has been positive despite that extraordinary emotional connection that we all have as representatives during the process.
It is also evident that the officers involved are reviewing what's going on minute by minute throughout long, long periods with the view to having the best process that they can have.
So those are very positive things.
I also note that we as representatives, and the majority that is here now are representatives, play our own part and that we continue to play our part of participating in the process in a positive, constructive, paying attention way.
And that most of all we respect the process, we respect because the dignity and the legality behind our electoral processes is fundamental to our legitimacy as representatives at all.
I do not want to introduce an awkward note at all, but there is a point of need to raise, which is in terms of the recommendations that are read upon the screen, wherever the camera is pointing at.
The recommendations with which we would concur request future candidates, et cetera, et cetera and political parties to encourage briefings, to attend, encourage attendance of briefings prior to an election, et cetera.
We heartily endorse encouraging that attendance. It's not what the papers say. The papers say ensure the attendance, and unfortunately I cannot ensure the attendance of a member of my group at a briefing.
I can request no means of compelling them.
They're representatives. They're not employees. I can't ensure they will intend. I will absolutely commit now that I will request my colleagues, urge them to insist they intend. I can't ensure.
Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor Nelson. That's moved and seconded. Oh, Councillor Davis, I think you want to come back. Sorry.
If, just on that, then, on the insurance, one of the things I'll just make a note that one of the things we talked about within this group is just having that communication with our members within the groups.
For example, if you did attend to briefing on the election, just disseminating that to people around you, and we talked about that even on the night of the count when people are going all, what's happening here?
Just having that communication and just making sure that everyone has that personal responsibility to just share it amongst their groups, so they all knew the protocol. Thank you.
Move, seconded. Everyone in favour? Thank you. That's it, and thank you for your patience. Say thank you for your contributions. Have a good day.